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Everything posted by GatOrlando

  1. Twenty Four to Three with a little over a minute to go in the first half. Second straight week they've gone down big early. I don't know if that'll make you guys feel any better.
  2. As your great game was going on, a former B1G quarterback leading the comeback from a former SEC quarterback. Iowa vs Wisconsin was setting college football back by 100 years. Iowa won with 37 passing yards. Meanwhile Ohio State, Michigan, and Penn State scored over 170 combined points. While giving up 14 between them. One of those three is gonna be facing Iowa in the conference title game. Penn State already blanked Iowa 33-0. Iowa had like 40 yards of total offense. That was with their starting QB. He's now out for the season. The B1G West has been MAC level for it's duration. Seriously it's ridiculous that the B1G considered Iowa, Nebraska, and Wisconsin comparable to Michigan, Ohio State, and Penn State. But now you can even things out.
  3. GameDay will be dull whenever Lee leaves the show. I'll miss him when he's gone. At 88 it's amazing how he still exudes that energy. Hopefully he's around for a while longer. Even if he is a graduate from that girls community college in Tallahassee. *As am I....shhhhhh
  4. What a heartbreak for those kids. I'm hoping for an encore in what will be the final PAC football game ever.. Just pull it out at the end next time.
  5. Game of the year so far. As an outsider, I'm just enjoying this on field greatness. But I hope you guys pull it out. Let's Go Bo!!
  6. I looked in after the first, saw a lot of Buff fans saying Deion was gonna put up 50. Little did they know, they needed that fifty. Congrats to Stanford for the comeback. But I really want to never see, hear, or even think about that creepy tree ever again. The angry trees in Wizard of Oz are preferable.
  7. You see , this is what I grew up with. It's okay to have a competitive fiery attitude to your foes. I haven't seen much of that coming from the West coast since moving to the region. It's good to want to crush your enemies on Friday, and Saturday. Come Sunday evening, you'll still be invited over for a good home cooked meal. What happens in between those lines, stays there. Maybe , just maybe, we may steal your mascot for the weekend. But we'll return it unharmed after the game. In Alabama there was that guy that poisoned that really old Auburn tree. I don't condone that, but if anybody ever wanted to eliminate that creepy Stanford tree, I would look the other way.
  8. Kind of like what FSU was doing this past Summer. Now Clemson is making waves apparently.
  9. I think their value isn't the same. It's like when the Big East was alive as a P6 league. They had more members in basketball than football. When the football side lost it's P6 status, the AAC was born for it's football members. The Big East became basketball only. What the Big 12 is doing is similar it appears. UCONN basketball has been rumored as a candidate, but for basketball only.
  10. From what I read, Washington was doing this on behalf of all ten programs, the two are trying to freeze out. Had it been Oregon State filing it in an Oregon court, the ten would be represented by Oregon. Has there been a released figure of the conference's assets opposed to it's debts?
  11. I had 5 ducks for laying eggs, much better than chicken eggs btw. Two of them were white Pekins. My niece had a Husky who would not leave them alone in their pool area. One day , one of the ducks was brooding. Which means she became very protective of her egg, she thought there was a duckling inside. The Husky tried going after her like usual, but on this 110 degree August day (in Arizona), the duck snapped back at her. Causing the husky to retreat. On that day, the husky got punked by the duck.
  12. I think the argument from the ten departing programs is that they didn't break any contract, they just didn't resign that grant of rights deal. Mostly due to the leagues incompetence ,and that they didn't want to dissolve the conference after USC, UCLA, and later Colorado left. They wanted to make it work, but the league just didn't give them a deal even close to what they could call competitive. The two orphans are stating irreparable damages, and stating how USC, and UCLA were stripped of having any future say when they announced they were leaving. So why now, does that not apply to the ten who all left after that? I don't care to get too involved with this, as it's just going to result in a settlement of some sort. The orphans just want a little bigger piece of the going away cake. They're never going to have the spotlight they do now. Those checks are gonna shrink, and they are gonna be sitting at the kiddie table. If they can clip the "traitors" just a bit. It feels like a little retribution. I still think the Big 12 should just take them in at a reduced rate. Gonzaga is in talks to join as a basketball only member. Oregon State would bring a great baseball tradition.
  13. Washington AD Takes Unprovoked Shot At Ohio State And Texas – OutKick WWW.OUTKICK.COM New Washington Huskies AD Troy Dannen took an unprovoked shot at Ohio State and Texas... Well the Huskies have not been quiet leading up to their top ten matchup with Oregon. First things, they are hosting GameDay. They are in a potential eliminator on Saturday. Second is the filing to join the lawsuit on behalf the ten departing members, since the injunction was filed by Washington State. Lastly, their new A.D was announced. He sure wasn't being paper dull. Calling out Texas and Ohio State. Saying if money indicated success, Ohio State and Texas would be winning everything. Except they suck!!!!! Bold Huskies. Let's see if their bite matches their bark. Starting Saturday.
  14. USC and UCLA were never going to schedule Oregon once they left the conference. They were very upset the B1G decided to extend that invitation. They would have preferred Cal and Stanford. So I get the complaints toward the B1G schedule makers, but it's pretty hard integrating four new members. While trying to keep every existing rivalry within the now 18 programs. Oregon vs Washington was preserved, as was USC vs UCLA. Iowa has like five rivalries, they are complaining about not facing Ohio State or Michigan every year. Penn State vs Ohio State had been a compelling game, that's gone. Nebraska was trying to get Oklahoma an invite, not because they are a fit. They aren't AAU, never have been. But Nebraska just wanted to play them every year. They even contemplated asking for Texas, even though they left the Big 12 because of the backstage politics, and that Horn Network. Now when I say Nebraska, I mean their fanbases, and media members. The people in charge aren't that stupid(hopefully). But leaving the Big 12 hurt their recruiting base. They haven't adapted. Ironically they tried something called Cali-Braska under Mike Riley. Wonder if they'll try to revive that. Ask yourself what would be better, not ideal. Would you prefer to never play USC again, or this twice in five years thing? If this was a Trojan board, the answer would be obvious.
  15. Well the B1G Network alone is offered on most packages, coast to coast. They decided to pair with cable networks to help launch it. Larry thought he was smarter than "The Room" when he launched the PAC Twelve Network four years later. Recently Mark Helfrich caught up with Larry in his posh San Francisco pad. That the PAC paid for. He was asked if he felt any remorse for helping destroy the 108 year old conference.
  16. There's mistakes, like not realizing the offensive formation. Then there's embarrassing mistakes like Notre Dame only having ten defensive players on the last couple plays, while defending their goal line in the final seconds to blow a four point lead. Then there is losing your undefeated season against a terrible Georgia Tech team, because you don't know how to call the easiest play in football. Homer Simpson could call that play, twenty five cases of beer to the wind "D'OH!!!!".
  17. It didn't hurt Tebow, or Manziel in their Heisman winning years either. Once you win it, the pressure cranks up. Look at Manziel's statistics. 2012- Heisman winner 295-434 68.0% 3706 yards 8.5Y/A 26 TD 9 Int. 155.3 Rating 2013- 300-429 69.9% 4114 Yards 9.6 Y/A 37 TD 13 Int. 172.9 Rating Texas A@M won 11 games, lost 2 in 2012. They won 9, lost 4 in 2013. BTW Jameis Winston won the Heisman as a freshman in 2013. He did actually deserve it, leading his team to an undefeated season, and the National Title. He threw for forty touchdowns, 4,100 yards, and ten interceptions. Any guess as to who kept Mr. Winston from winning it the next year, prolonging the Archie Curse?
  18. The Archie curse looms over Caleb. He is marvelous, his defense isn't. Fair or not, a loss will greatly damage his chances.
  19. Is it written in the ABC contract to talk up the favorite? I thought it was Leinart at first, but it's the tall guy who played in Tempe. He doesn't need that Trojan money. The Houston Texans overpaid him when they thought he was the next Peyton Manning.
  20. Williams is having a better start than last year. I don't doubt him, but have a little awareness about what Arizona was doing in the first quarter. Give that defense a little credit. Especially the way they played Washington the second half last week.
  21. The Dodgers could use him tonight. They're down ten runs to the Diamondbacks, ironically enough.
  22. Arizona is up 10-0, but the color commentator is calling the Heisman race over. Pointing out how explosive the offense is, despite two three and outs. Fifteen total yards, pressure on Caleb. Caleb missing throws as he's completing twenty percent right now. Am I watching a USC fan broadcast? Only thing worse is Gary Danielson swooning over Alabama or Georgia.
  23. The fault still lies with Larry , and George. A PAC with USC, still isn't going to get what the B1G got. The SEC, and B1G commissioners listen to their members. But they eventually do what they feel is in the best interest of the conference. Not one president who thinks they understand the worth of the collective conferences tv value. The presidents job is to police their school academically. They have athletic directors to oversee athletics. The athletic directors oversee their program. The conference commissioner is meant to oversee the entire conference.
  24. You think Michigan, Ohio State, or Penn State would fear their futures, if it was them coming into the Pac-16? In an alternate reality where the Big 10 collapsed, it would be Wisconsin, Michigan State, or Iowa that might have those concerns. Especially Iowa , who never challenges themselves. The other two at least make an effort. It's just their recruiting that makes them a bit less talented. Truth is that every conference consist of 3-4 elite teams that expect to win the conference every year. Then there are about 4-5 second tier teams that wait for that perfect once in a four year period, where they have everything go right. Experience, QB play, and the right schedule. Then there are the 3-5 bottom feeders. Not much needs to be worried about from them. They're just happy to be in a relevant conference. So yeah, I don't buy the "fear" aspect. Oregon has sought out road games against Ohio State, and Michigan in the past. Likewise, those programs have scheduled tough games they didn't need to. Texas and Alabama just played. Clemson and Georgia have played. Florida and Utah just completed a home and home. LSU and Florida State. Top teams seek each other out. Second tier teams seek each other out. Washington just went to East Lansing. You know who doesn't play big boy schedules? Bottom feeders. Rutgers, Oregon State, Vanderbilt, Wake Forest, Boston College, Indiana etc.. USC , Oregon, Washington, even UCLA want that challenge. Washington State may have been more attractive, had they scheduled more high profile games like Wisconsin, or Ohio State many years ago.Iron sharpens iron. The CFP, and NCAA tournament reward teams for challenging themselves. If you are scared to see how you stack up, you should stick to the kiddie pool.
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