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  1. Oregon or Washington could be joinng the Big 12 if not both
  2. This sounds sketchy as hell and he is hoping for a good pay day from the playoffs how does that work with unequal revenue in football
  3. Canzano with a misleading report https://twitter.com/jasonscheer/status/1666490150338301952?s=20
  4. Its been reported by multiple sources
  5. ESPN and FOX will pay full shares for P5 schools added
  6. https://twitter.com/wingoz/status/1551681041303224327?s=20&t=VgOExY-omRoxV3X4ywvXFA
  7. Also reports Arizona is scheduled to have a meeting Wednesday July 27th things are about to get interesting
  8. Pendulum swings back toward Big 12 in the race to an uncertain future with the Pac-12 | Tale of the Tait | KUsports.com Mobile M.KUSPORTS.COM After a relatively quiet couple of weeks on the conference realignment stage...
  9. If the money wasn't there for a full merger with the Big 12 it certainly wont be for a partnership with the ACC
  10. Really only 2 options in this the Pac 12 stay together for a mediocre TV Deal or the certain schools being discussed join the Big 12
  11. I think only certain teams from the Pac 12 join the Big 12 now they tried a partnership and it fell through the Pac 12 is in trouble
  12. Sources - Big 12, Pac-12 won't partner as talks officially end WWW.ESPN.COM Officials from the Big 12 told Pac-12 officials on Monday that they're no...
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