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Charles Fischer

Important and Urgent for OBD Members

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My Duck-Buddies, you may notice at times of how your post has been changed.  We are not everyone's editing maids, and we ask you to observe these requests below to help everyone here, and to help this forum flourish.


Most new people find this forum by searching for an Oregon message board/forum on a search engine, mostly Google. So we need to make Google happy to suggest this forum when people are searching for forums, or for a particular topic.


1. Capitalize every letter in the title of a new thread please, except for the inconsequential words such as, " the, and, as, or, etc."  Google will suggest one article over another simply due to looking more professional with the capitalization.


2. Tell the readers in your title what the thread is about, please.  Don't give us a three word title, and make us figure it out.  People won't open a thread unless they know what is in it, and Google won't suggest a nebulous title either.  Everyone wants certainty, so please tell us in the title what your thread/post is about, please.


3. After every three sentences, or maximum four sentences....hit the "Enter" key twice on PC, or "Return" key twice on Mac.  Reading continuous text is hard on all the old eyes on this site, and people see continuous text and ignore it.  If you want your post read--give us spaces after every three or four sentences please.


4. Please don't have a massive space at the bottom of your post.  After your post goes up--go check it.  If there is a big space on the bottom, click the three dots in upper right, click on "Edit" and then put your cursor at the bottom of the post and backspace it up, pleaseEasy-peasy, and takes 20 seconds, if that. This will reduce the time spent for everyone in scrolling...


We all have up to an hour after we put our post up to go back and edit it. So check it, and edit it!


Why am I asking for all of this?  These are courtesies that your fellow OBD members are already doing for you--so please extend the courtesy back in return.  If we do things the way Google wants for their search engine--then more good people like you will find us, and join our community.



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Mr. FishDuck

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