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Charles Fischer

Behave or Be Banned

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I mean it.


I am a Duck-to-Death, and our best days are ahead of us with Dan Lanning.  If you choose to violate Rule 31a, 31b, and 31d then you will be banned, as a doctor was tonight.  Discussing negative is fine, but if you going over-the-top and venting on us?  


We are not your therapist's couch; go vent your toxic bile somewhere else.  We don't want to read it.


Last year when we lost to Washington--we lost some great OBD members because they lost their heads, and wrote crazy stuff. One was a GREAT writer for FishDuck and I banned him, and he is never to return.


When Are People Going to Learn?


I do not care how much you post, or how great your posts are....all I care about is..."is this person creating hassle for me?  Do he/she take some of my time with dealing with them?"  If you annoy me by breaking our rules--you are banned in a heartbeat like the Oncologist tonight.  Yes, he had to go through 14 years of school and is the ultimate professional, but if he becomes insane when Oregon loses? 


I don't want him here.


This is a free site.


These are great people here. 


We have a civilized forum unlike anywhere else, and we do not need ANY new members who wish to give us issues.  It is an honor to be among this incredible group of wonderful Duck fans, and everything here is geared to create a safe place for them to write and read posts. This site is not like the others who will put up with your crap for the hits.


We are the few left who want civilized discourse, who wish to be "polite and respectful" to each other.


Break our rules and you are gone.


Mr. FishDuck

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I have no clue who the Doc is or what he wrote, but we're all in a bad mood including yourself.


So please make sure you take deep breath and give us a little grace before swinging the ban hammer please.

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On 12/1/2023 at 9:41 PM, Solar said:


I have no clue who the Doc is or what he wrote, but we're all in a bad mood including yourself.


So please make sure you take deep breath and give us a little grace before swinging the ban hammer please.



You did not see what the doctor wrote because of the great Moderators we have here who quickly hid his two posts and banned him.  I checked and approved it because he violated 31a, 31b, and 31d.


If you have any doubt....READ THE DAMN RULES right here, you know, like nobody does?


Be "polite and respectful" and you'll be fine.


If you were in my position? You would bail out in three months; why would anyone do all this for NO MONEY?  


You have not dealt with thousands of people as I have.  I was chill...the FIRST HUNDRED TIMES.  Then, anyone would become a bit more strict.

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Mr. FishDuck

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The rules are specific and very clear.


No gray area.


Charles has been very consistent in enforcing them. 

That’s what makes this site so great.





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Thank you Charles.   There are plenty of other sites for those who wish to engage in  the behavior as described.  


I for one am proud of the team and coaches.   They took us on an amazing ride this year and I am immensely grateful Dan Lanning is at the helm.  


There's always lessons to be learned and as Dan says is you aren't winning you are learning. 


Appreciate the community here and the respect shown the majority of the time.



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Thanks for that, Charles. Too bad you have to keep writing similar things OVER and OVER.


A couple of thoughts this morning in the wake of a difficult Friday evening:

  1. I am like Ryan Robertson (see article) in that I watch Duck games on television in a room by myself. Similarly, I don't want to be around other people while watching the game. While being in a crowded stadium can certainly be electric at times, I find that being around fans--specifically some fellow Duck fans--can significantly detract from my enjoyment of the game. Among my chief complaints in that regard are the fans who angrily blame the refs for every thing that happens negatively for OBD.
  • In looking back at the three most recent games against the Huskies, I make the following assessment: 1) last year, despite the fact that the Duck defense seemed to have no answer for the Penix passing attack, the Ducks would've won if Bo hadn't become injured mid-game; 2) in Seattle, the Ducks should've won if they hadn't shot themselves in the foot; and 3) in Vegas last night, the Huskies deserved to win as they dominated the line of scrimmage on both offense and defense. 
  1. In looking at this season, sure, I'm disappointed it didn't end with an invitation to the CFP. But, I'm excited about the future. The defense made HUGE strides this year. And, despite my worries about a dropoff in offensive creativity with the departure of Kenny Dillingham, the offense actually improved this season. Recruiting is going very well. And, despite the naysayers, I think Dan Lanning is slowly but surely becoming a better game coach. 
  3. The only blame I will throw out there is in the direction of the d*mned oddsmakers who put the Ducks at 9.5-point favorites for last night's game. I have no doubt that college kids on both teams read that stuff. Kinda looked to me like OBD ran onto the field believing that while the Huskies did not.


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On 12/2/2023 at 11:14 AM, WiseKwacker said:

Too bad you have to keep writing similar things OVER and OVER.

Yep, and the worst part of it?


Most people don't read it, or think it applies to them!

Mr. FishDuck

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On 12/2/2023 at 11:16 AM, Charles Fischer said:

Yep, and the worst part of it?


Most people don't read it, or think it applies to them!

Frankly, I've come to the conclusion that it's basically a personality thing. When faced with an undesirable outcome, some respond by asking how they can learn from the failure; how they can change the outcome in a positive direction the next time. Others tend to respond with anger, blame and excuses.


Not sure you can change that in adults.

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On 12/2/2023 at 1:04 PM, WiseKwacker said:

Not sure you can change that in adults.

You are quite right, but I give people a chance, and use this to sort them out and leave us with just the nice people left for this forum!

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Mr. FishDuck

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