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Charles Fischer

A Sweet New Feature, and a Tough Challenge for the OBD Forum...

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My many Duck-Buddies,


We have an incredible new feature available to our Duck News Hunters, and to all members and readers of the Our Beloved Ducks forum.


News Page.jpg


When you click on the new link on the menu bar at the top of the site where is says, News (see green arrow above) you will have a page open up with tons of links to the sites that our Duck News Hunters go to search for articles to bring to you. We also have links directly to the Topic Threads that you may want to check back, and read articles within that topic--and they are available to everyone, no membership required.


Those Topic Threads have been updated in order over time, thus you can spend your whole day reading and basking in Duck Glory. There is NO SITE anywhere that provides all the news articles that we do on the OBD forum, and I know this because I personally checked all of them. The subscription sites offer a few bits and pieces, but not they, not anyone offers the incredible volume of Oregon Sports News that the OBD forum does.


And we provide it for you for free?


The Challenge at the Forum...


We lost Kim (Pennsylvania Duck) earlier this year, and NJDuck is doing a Herculean job without her, but there are not enough hours in the day for him to continue to serve all of us. Could you volunteer to help our a half-hour to forty minutes a few times a week posting articles? It is actually fun to do, and we have figured out how to keep the commitment to the 30-40 minutes per shift, and not the couple of hours that Joe and Kim were doing.


Can you help us?


As you recall, the two FishDuck sites serve over a quarter-million people a year, thus your volunteer work will help thousands of fellow Duck fans stay updated, and it will be very satisfying for you as well. Email Charles Fischer at charles@fishduck.com and I'll give you more information. It is easy work, and yet impacts so many. Our shifts are early morning starting anytime between 6:00 AM and 8:00 AM PST, with the mid-day shift at 11:00 AM PST, and a final one at 2:30 PST.


At minimum, we need people who can fill in for when someone gets sick, goes on vacation, etc. Can you spare some time to benefit other readers of this wonderful forum?


I would like to continue providing all the news and articles, especially going into such a special season, but NJDuck cannot do it alone. Jump in, and be a part of the staff that serve so many!


My thanks,




The Duck at Utah_Kiffer Creveling.jpg


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Mr. FishDuck

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I could _maybe_ fill in for the 11am shift, but it would be a stretch.


I would be happy to do more news hunting after work, though.

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