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OC Stein’s Oregon Offense: Capitalizing on a Strength

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The 2024 Oregon Spring Game did not show much of the offense anticipated this fall, it did give me many clues that got me excited, and made me do some research about two plays along with a strategy by Oregon Offensive Coordinator Will Stein that was intriguing. Imagine my surprise to realize to find one of these plays within my ...


The 2024 Oregon Spring Game did not show much of the offense anticipated this fall, it did give me many clues that got me excited, and...
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Two Sites: FishDuck and the Our Beloved Ducks forum, The only "Forum with Decorum!" And All-Volunteer? What a wonderful community of Duck fans!

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Great analysis Mr. FishDuck!  So much to look at and study.  Slow down the playback speed to .5 and zero in on different players.  Running it over several times makes it easy to see the genius of the play design.


You said, "I love this play, as B1G linebackers are going to be a tough bunch..." Our running backs are taught not only the correct foot path, but to read where the linebacker chooses to attack.  


Watch the play again and see what that linebacker chose.  No matter what he chooses he's wrong because of the vision of the running back.  He goes to the right and the RB reads it and goes to the left of Conerly.


Yes indeed it will be fun to watch our offense this fall!


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Your play analysis and insight is one of the reasons I Love participating in this forum.  Always feel I could take these observations and become a darn good football coach myself.  (Of course, successful coaching is Sooooo much more than just play calling).  But, WATCH OUT, NCAA 2024 I have a plethora of "Duck" plays I will be unleashing on my digital opponents!


Thanks Mr. FishDuck for exposing more of the nuances of OBD's offensive prowess and how it can give "fits" to opposing defensive coordinators.  Keep up the good work!


Go Mr. fishDuck and OBD's.



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Thank you, Charles. Perhaps one day both Puddles and I will both Get Smart. 

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