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It All Makes Sense

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With an OC with both feet out the door, and a head coach with one foot out the door it is no wonder we saw what we saw on Friday. Same game plan, not even executed well, right?


With Bellotti's staff they, pretty much, wanted to be here. With Mario and his staff they have one foot out the door at all times. It is time to get some coaches who want to be in Eugene. I realize PERS was a big draw, but most want to be close to home.


Hopefully Mario begins to look at that more than he has in the past, and Mullens does next time. We can't have another embarrassment like we did against Utah. I only hope we learned a lesson with that game.


As great as Mario's recruiting has been, his leaving now is much more damaging to the program. It is time for the Oregon football program to do some longterm planning, soul searching after this one, as it seems to be playing out.

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First, make sure the next guy has no ties to Florida.

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It is impossible to serve 2 masters.


I feel for the players.


Coaches looking out for their own personal interests. Yet asking the players to give their all. Baloney.


Can't serve the needs of the team with 100% focus when your agent keeps calling. At that point you are serving your personal needs.


This didn't just happen for MC and JM overnight. Been in the works for a few weeks.


It showed up in the first Utah game, then permeated for 2 more weeks. Leaving is fine....


But the game checks these guys receive demands 100% plus.


The players probably had an idea what was happening. Coaches quit on them so they quit on the coaches.


Haywarduck you nailed it.

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