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Stock Report: Assessing the Oregon Ducks' Roster Midway Through the Season

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Bo Nix stock is at an all-time high. What about Jeffrey Bassa? How do we feel about Dont’e Thornton at the midway point?


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The play of Bassa and Williams has been elite. These two should play a key role in UCLA game. I think DL will task them with containing DTR. Use both alternately to spy DTR and make his afternoon miserable.

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Flowe and Manning have both been a bit of a disappointment  


Ferguson has been as well, the past two games (opponents are on to him and scheming defenses around him).  Watching Utah's monster TE (who almost single-handily undid the SC defense in the 2nd half last night) makes Fergie's contributions of late pale by comparison.


Thompson's stock down - but then it hasn't really been high this season with so few meaningful snaps.  Unless you consider where it was when he first showed up on campus.


Offensive Line:  It was already high before the season started,  It took a bit of a dip after Atlanta but went right back up immediately and has stayed there since.  Pretty hard to go up from where it was deservedly.


And Bucky Irving?  Way, way up, imo.  I don't remember anyone talking about Bucky being such a bright spot with other backs like Cardwell and Dollars getting most of the pre-season hype after Dye fled for the "Transfer Portal All-stars" (credit to Canzano for that gem!).

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