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Everything posted by Jemangi

  1. Is this game on Pac 12 network only? Oregon fan in Hawaii has asked it it is on anywhere other than pay per view. thank you.
  2. I used to go to SC games regularly when you could actually park in the nearby neighborhoods and walk to the game without fear of mugging or finding your car gone after the game. It was a great venue. My neighborhoods in Bend and up river are full of people trying to get away from there now. These unfortunate people, so much toxicity in the air now that they can not see beyond their own their own sad thoughts. You could not pay me enough to live anywhere near University of Spoiled Children. What a horrible place to go to school or raise a family. Cheaters lol.. I'd suggest those who post these pitiful comments check who has been busted by the NCAA so far. My kids could have gone to school anywhere and they chose U of O and Oregon St. Go Ducks and wishing good luck to Beavers.
  3. I also often get Duck news first on Fish Duck.
  4. I was at Autzen for the Nebraska game. Easily ran over them as I remember. Nebraska obviously has more to worry about than Oregon LOL
  5. May I politely say, Screw Bill Oram and the Oregonian and their negative BS!
  6. I will respectfully disagree with Cacker guy. I do not really think we had a choice after the University of Spoiled Children and UCLA left and then Colorado and AZ. Although nothing is substantiated that I know of, I believe the difference will be much more than 10 million over the next few yrs and longer. I am not down on the idea of streaming at all, but the PAC really blew it to be in this position. I do not really care nor believe that we deserve to be reviled by anyone over the other schools bailing and creating this problem along with the failure of Pac itself in its business model and managing of the conference. Oregon waited until the last moment for the long expected paltry media agreement. Most all of us would have preferred the pac 12 stay intact and run like a good business. Tradition and history were already kicked to the curb and Im glad Oregon has the courage (not cowardliness) to do what it and Phil Knight think is best for the future. Personally I hate that we were put in this position but happy we have an option which leaves of financially viable and in the power 5 to compete for play offs. Time will tell and it's always ok to have a different of opinion. It does suck that money is the all and all in this world. Too bad college sports are not still regional in a lot of ways, but it is what it is. At 74 years old, I do know what I do not really know but only that which my experiences lead me to believe. Go Ducks!!
  7. I am afraid Bill did not offer much constructive suggestion as how to do or pay for this. If 4 corners leave, crap has done more than hit the fan. I'd like to see the Pac stay relevant, but University of Spoiled Children obfuscated and bailed, opening the pac coffin. 4 corners would/will nail it shut. We will/would be far better off in Big, than Pac 6 plus in my reluctant opinion also. Up to Phil really, he pays the bills.
  8. I'm staying out of politics other than to say, Sandy Rocks, you get it. Please post more often when you wish too.
  9. I have no subscriptions, at this time, at all. I consider them all mega overpriced. I will be delighted to sign up for Apple TV if they show the ducks! This is not the past, this is the future. Most young people and many of other ages have I phones and I pads and mac computers already. Cable tv is a thing of the past imo. Like I said, I'm dinosaur what do I know.. We shall see.
  10. I am a dinosaur lol All for Apple!! We, in my opinion, are entering a new paradigm. Linear tv will be a thing of the past sooner or later. Let our Ducks always be in the front not the rear of innovation and change. Can't wait for season to start and we certainly do not need Colorado or AZ. SMU and SD ST are preferable to me than either of them.
  11. I personally think that Apple is a great idea. But not an expert, just seems like the present and future to me. But, I must admit, I don't even have a tv and manage to watch most duck games. Go Ducks one way or the other! All things in their own time and we will be fine!
  12. I agree with Jon. Merger with ACC is likely the best choice going forward!
  13. I have streamed almost all games for quite a few years now.. Just saying!
  14. I am happy to see our women defeat Washington today and hope they win the tournament. But, my goodness, what has taken place in the last few years? We have gone from one of 5 best teams in the country to a mid grade pac 12 team with one player scoring 12 of our 20 baskets today. Why did so many leave? I have no answers, just questions myself.
  15. Steven A. Thanks for the political reminder! I shall keep my opinion re that to myself for sure and support whatever decision Dan makes regarding his team. Totally agreed, no political opinion needed on this site. Let's keep it to football and always try to traverse the high road. Go Ducks!
  16. Oregon Recruiting @duckscrootin Traeshon adding Oregon pics back to his profiles For ours and this young man benefit. I hope this info is a fact. I support Dan Lannings decisions, an even more so if he reverses due to further information.
  17. I am 73 years old, not particularly interested in tech and never watch tv shows. I stream almost all sporting events with little effort and most often the picture is clear with no buffering. All internet companies that I know of provide enough bandwidth to stream. I can stream onto laptop, any size monitor and almost any tv. Looking forward to this new age myself!! Go Ducks, I will watch them however I can and streaming service is most likely to make this most possible it seems. Pac 12 Network was a joke in my opinion.
  18. Wow! I thought the same thing when I read this. Who cares what 15 or 10 or 7 schools 16 or 17 yr olds are thinking he or she might like to visit? In "most" case this is really stretching for news. Let me know when they sign....
  19. I can't wait to see the University of Spoiled Children freeze in Big weather !!! UCLA.. who cares anyways?
  20. What else is new? Once a jerk, usually still a jerk.
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