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Everything posted by Duckman

  1. Very interesting analysis. Would be great to hear/see his thoughts on some of the earlier games. He makes the point that Shough was treated unfairly in the Fiesta Bowl. Perhaps, but that is an incomplete take if there is no consideration of Shough's performance in the OSU and Cal games. And, a lot of iffy throws that were not exploited by the opposition in earlier games. In the end, I think he is correct in that Shough was not recruited by Moorhead and is not a perfect fit for Moorhead's offensive vision. Could be writing on the wall for Butterfield as well.
  2. Arroyo arguably tried this a bit in 2018. If I recall correctly, it resulted in a lot of WR drops and a boom/bust offense in too many games. Seemed evident in 2019 that the coaches decided to minimize risk taking in order for more offensive efficiency. Aesthetics aside, it is hard to argue with the results given that we were 10-11 points away from an undefeated season with mostly 3* talent. That said, I would like to see better offensive efficiency in 2021 given the upgrade in talent and a normal year of preparation. No excuses.
  3. Good point. I've seen that as well. Obviously lots of blame to go around...lol.
  4. This is a fair criticism. And, the downturn in offensive output beginning in 2018 is noticeable and fits snugly with with MC's tenure. However, I wonder about extenuating circumstances. WR and RB talent was a multi-season low point in 2018 and 2019. For context, the 2017 team had Charles Nelson at WR and Royce Freeman at RB, both superior to the starters in the following two seasons. We saw glimpses of improvement in 2020 but I do not think it is fair to pass judgment on a historically weird season. For that reason, I look at 2021 as a critical year in terms of demonstrating consistent offensive efficiency. We should have a normal spring/fall camp to determine a legitimate QB depth chart. And, based on the past several recruiting classes, roster talent is at an all-time high. Finally, OC Joe Moorhead is experienced and has demonstrated success in multiple stops. So, no excuses. Will be interesting to revisit this conversation at this time next year.
  5. This is a good point and Dennis Dixon is an example of a QB that struggled with consistency one year (2006) before making a massive leap the following year. However, I would argue the trajectories between Herbert and Shough are different. Herbert was a true freshman in 2016 and improved as the season progressed. In contrast, Shough was a redshirt sophomore in 2020 and noticeably regressed. Not necessarily counting Shough out but I do not have the optimism post year one with Shough that I did with Herbert.
  6. This is a great point. And, one reason I'm leery of wholly jumping on the Ty Thompson hype train for the 2021 season. Mariota was a 3* recruit in 2012. Vernon Adams was a 0* recruit in 2011. For context, the top-rated QB recruits in 2011 and 2012 were Jeff Driskel (UF) and Jameis Winston (FSU), respectively. The #2 QB in 2012 was Cyler Miles (UW). We could go on with examples but I believe it is appropriate to take high school recruiting rankings for QBs with somewhat of a grain of salt.
  7. This makes sense to me. Brown is the most experienced QB and, based on what we saw towards the end of 2020, gives us the best chance of winning early in the season. All the better if Thompson or another QB beats him out as the season progresses.
  8. This would be my preference as well. Brown may not be the perfect QB although I would argue any evaluation was held back by a limited practice time and a very small sample size in the 2020 season. Looking forward, I believe his experience, poise, and running ability give the Ducks the best chance at winning in 2021. And, sets up for a massive QB battle heading into 2022, at which point I would expect to see some transfers.
  9. Wish I could say the same! Very difficult to read much into the bowl game, IMO, aside from the massive TO disparity.
  10. Ouch...I was not aware of that. However, it does not come as much of a surprise. With the exception of Sewell, I did not see a lot of evidence of OL run-blocking development with the last year's OL relative to the previous coaching staff.
  11. Interesting thought. I was also very impressed with Iowa State in terms discipline and time of possession. They averaged 195 yards/game in 2020.
  12. No kidding. Not surprising to see the drop off in OL play in 2020 given five new bodies but something is clearly missing in terms of a consistent rushing offense.
  13. I agree. Find backs with the patience and vision and the speed/athleticism to take advantage of it. I liked what we saw from Dollars in limited carries in that regard. And, Benson would appear to possess all the attributes that you mention. Makes me cautiously optimistic for next season but we'll see.
  14. Quick look at statistics reveals some concerning trends in terms of rushing offense. 2020: 166.7 rushing yards/game. Compares to 226 yards average since 2005. Worst since 2005 (139 yards/game, first year with Crowton at OC, Whitehead lead RB). 2018-2020 (MC's tenure): 171 average rushing yards/game. Sharp decline from 243 yards/game average over previous five years. Some thoughts...1) most troubling is the steep decline in rushing offense since MC took over as coach. Could be offensive philosophy - emphasis on overpowering OL play, resulting in runs into crowded boxes. Could be the steep drop-off in RB talent, 2017 was Freeman's last year. In any case, the decline is not consistent with a coach that presumably wants to have a run-first mindset. 2) This decline spans two separate OCs, suggesting that problem lies with either the HC or drop-off in RB talent. My guess is that there is a bit of both. MC wants physical OL play - beat the guy in front of you. And, OL play was highly inconsistent in 2020. However, I wonder if a bigger issue is the decline in talent at RB. Looking into 2021, I would really like to a see a legit RB competition where the most talented players receive the most carries. I'm not convinced that happened in 2020.
  15. Impressive tape. Certainly looks the part...notably patience/poise, athleticism, and arm strength.
  16. First post on the new forum... RB personnel is the biggest headscratcher to me. Big upgrade in talent across most position groups in the past couple years. However, we continue to feature 3* RBs into years 3-4 into MC's tenure despite an apparent preference for power running and a ball control offense. Hope to see changes there in the fall.
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