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Everything posted by 30Duck

  1. Remember who decided that Ty didn't beat out Brown,
  2. And there is where we differ. I don't feel better at all knowing about this letter which was intended to be read only by Mullens. I also would think that as a journalist, Canzano has a responsibility to measure the upside/downside of making it public. He chose to publish it. and it generated a big response. Crepea's article presented context and hopefully closure.
  3. I hope if one of them does it's Rattler.
  4. Thanks for posting this Annie, it certainly helps us understand the motives of the players to write the letter, and that it was solely intended to be read only by AD Rob Mullens.
  5. How Does Urban Meyer Still Have a Job? MSN Sports Andy Nesbit
  6. Herbert did stay to play in the Rose Bowl, not the Alamo Bowl.
  7. Oh man, Charles, are you telling me that the "Prevent Offense" is gone? That alone makes Lanning an upgrade over Cristobal. Not only was Mario's offense, boring and predictable he was determined to keep it that way. At best, offensive excesses such at Ohio State and UCLA seemed to happen by accident, not via any coaching strategy. Mark Helfrich always looked like he'd rather be undergoing a root canal than answering questions. Mario answered the questions, but the answers were as predictable as his offense. Rote answers about "working harder." Cristobal seemed to be coaching from a manual written 40 years ago. An upgrade in any of your area's by Lanning will be a positive sign of him taking the team up with him
  8. Buzby, thanks for expressing your view on this. You articulated a look at the letter that I didn't account for in mine.
  9. New England drafted this QB named Brady in the 6th round. He'd had a nondescript 4 years at Michigan, but the Patriots had to make a pick, so they decided, "what the heck". Lanning was very impressive in those 3 years. He was going to be a head Coach somewhere, I'm glad it's at Oregon.
  10. Oh this team is hard to watch, Stanford is not good, neither was AU. For the second game in a row, both of them beat the Ducks with last second 3's.
  11. More evidence of Canzano's culpability in this. By publishing this letter, he turned it into a modern version of the " Telephone Game" where context is impossible.
  12. This is what I was hoping. Complete irresponsibility by Canzano.
  13. I really liked the first "Dexter". Unfortunately, my favorite character was Rita, and it's very unlikely she'll show up in Iron Lake.
  14. I'm sorry, 'This is not a blue blood program" The letter lost me right there. What is the tradition these players want to perpetuate? Celebrating "The Pick" is great. But that isn't the mountain top for Oregon football. At least I don't want it to be. The past years of Oregon football, full of continuity, was largely full of teams in the Bottom 20. Phi Knight asked Mike Bellotti what was needed to make Oregon a winning program. Bellotti didn't tell him, "Continuity". The players don't have to worry. Oregon is not like the Blue Bloods. Oregon is a Brand unto its own. .
  15. Justin went 23-31 275 yards, 3 TD's 0 INT's including this one. The Chiefs beat the Raiders, setting up the battle for 1st Place in the AFC West: KC at Chargers on Thursday Night Football
  16. I'm glad that I'm still able to say that I've never agreed with anything Leach has said Mike Leach Blasts 'Selfish' players who sit out Bowl Games Larry Brown Sports Steve DelVechio
  17. Absolutely, I usually cheer for UM, but not this time. You're Goin' Down, Harbaugh!!
  18. Good, let us know who we get as OC.
  19. The game against UGA is going to be tough, but I am expecting it to show us a great contrast from what we saw too often from Cristobal's teams. The Ducks aren't coming out flat for this one. Lanning is fired up for it now!
  20. What's great about this Forum is that we all have our thoughts and opions on all things Ducks, and express them here. I disagree completely with your 3 year forecast of Lanning as head coach. With what was available I think Lanning gives Oregon the best coach possible for next season and on from there.
  21. Dante and Kepnang are getting it done! All the Ducks need is for the backcourt to finally find their game or maybe Altman goes Max Big and starts Dante, Kepnang, Bittle, Johnson, and Soares, at 6'6 who's actually been impressive.
  22. Would you rather have Brian Harsin instead of Dan Lanning?
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