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Everything posted by 30Duck

  1. Ah, Washington, Oregon has a Heisman winner, Washington? No. Oregon beat Washington 12 years in a row, 3 graduating classes in a row, at their stellar hall of Academia Never experienced beating Oregon,,, and most important. Ducks can fly And Huskies can't
  2. And then...it's unlikely that Franklin would go to Michigan State, but would the Spartans be more attractive than the Trojans now?
  3. Great analysis, Hayward Duck, I'm sure that Joey had his own style in mind, he certainly wasn't downplaying the success of Kelly's teams, Oregon has a lot of styles to choose from, Brooks, Belloti, Kelly, now Cristobal have all created an identity, Cristobal's is still formulating, unique to them. And we've loved them all.
  4. And all this success going on at State amidst Tucker being the No.1 candidate at LSU.
  5. It flat out can't be a Playoff when the teams are chosen. ESPN wants viewers, for the games and for their weekly "Reveal" The Committee has its Protocols, right. In 2016. Penn State beat tOSU head to head, and won the Big !0. tOSU was picked for the Playoff. Paul Finebaum was on ESPN earlier today. about Oregon/Ohio State: he personally thought that tOSU was trending better now, but, that Oregon did beat tOSU, should be considered by the Committee.
  6. Yep, Joey Billboard, Captain Comeback said that a while back on "Talkin' Ducks", which can now be seen every Tuesday at 5:00 om the CW. Is that the most ridiculous thing you ever heard? Or does Joey have a point, about so many points? Imagine you're reading a book, the first 200 pages have you riveted, the characters are exciting, the dialogue pops off the page, you can't put it down! Then the Whodunnit is solved, but there's still 200 pages left, which are filled with passages of pedestrian prose. What would you think of that book?
  7. The Colorado game did seem to be just what Mario wants. The Ducks controlled the LOS on both sides for the entire game. The offense wasn't what we were doing just with bigger players, but it was dynamic, in rhythm, a mix of run and pass, and the defense wasn't Georgia, but it stifled the Buffs( remember Allioti & WSU) Is Cristobal pulling an Altman? Are the Ducks gathering steam at the end of the season?
  8. You know, we joke about Washington being delusional, and then they prove it with something like that.
  9. You know, every day there's more exciting recruiting news for the Ducks. Altman, Graves, Cristobal are a recruiting trifecta!
  10. Dr. Jack. The '77 Blazers were a joy to watch, and even better in 78 before injuries derailed the dynasty that was coming. Dr. Jack's Blazers were playing a style of basketball that no other team could copy, much less defend.
  11. There were indications of that, so if that was the case, good job, Coach Moorhead.
  12. Right now UCLA's football future is better than USC's and Bruins basketball is in the top 5
  13. ESPN is all about the show! They didn't get the first game, but they would love The Rematch!
  14. Maybe sanity prevails, but we are talking about The Committee here, and I'm not sure they will have Oregon above Ohio State.
  15. One game, one win, it was a Big win, have the Ducks ranked where they are now, That game aside, I don't see a midseason top 10, nor a final ranking of No.5 I remember Brady Breeze often, he's definitely my favorite One Season Wonder Duck. By the end of the season 2019 was really good. In a Duck Bowl at the end of the season, I'd take 2019.
  16. Great question! It was interesting when on "Talkin' Ducks" a while back Joey Harrington asserted that the "Kelly- Mariota games were boring" They were done by halftime, no suspense. He's right. Those were great teams, but the second halves did not have us on the edges of our seats. Georgia is winning the other way this season. Their games are over at halftime too, usually because the other team hasn't scored a point yet. Somewhere in the middle would be great. When you have a really good defense, punting is not a negative end to a possession. It allows you to put the opponent in bad field position, and your defense can punish them. My preferred score would be 35-14. This would indicate an offense that was efficient and productive; and a defense that controlled the game. Didn't shut the other team out, but the outcome was certain from start to finish.
  17. That game was fun, as was reading the article. If that is what Mario has in mind, The Ducks are in great shape. There was no Prevent Offense being run out there, early on I realized that my passing yards prediction was going to be way off! Brown and the offense were in rhythm from the start, the TD pass to Franklin was a thing of beauty. Cardwell and Dye were an irresistible force that moved through the Buffs defense, and Oregon's D didn't come close to breaking. That press conference of NA's was indeed uncomfortable, for him and for us watching. The coaches and players are all doing their best. as we do here at OBD. We all want the Ducks to win, and while Mario probably isn't scanning the pages, we all are benefitting from the wisdom and insights of each other, Go Ducks!
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