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Everything posted by 30Duck

  1. That's a great comparison. Of course Cameron at its best isn't close to Autzen's counterpart, Mac Court, "The Pit". Autzen has had additional seating and cosmetic changes, most notably removing the hump in the field, over the years, and they haven't dampened the environment. Just ask Lloyd Carr. I don't think seating should increase too much, unless it was for added cheaper seats. MKA is great, but it's more of a Performing Arts Center than the intimidating arena Mac Court was.
  2. It's interesting that early in the season it seemed like Paopao was really working at being a pass first PG, often times I thought passing up a shot in favor of the "extra" pass. That could have been deferential, being a freshman, not really having the "Leader" gene. As the season moved on, she took more shots, and correspondingly, passing, team wide, became a problem, It was even worse because the competition got much tougher. A lot of improvement has come in the second season for players in every sport, so next season looks promising.
  3. It's definitely risk-reward, and so far Oregon has taken the risk but hasn't reaped the reward from, LSU, Auburn and tOSU twice. The games against tOSU at least was supposed to be a home and home. It could be said that with tOSU they have less to gain with a win than does Oregon.
  4. This WTE prediction has more rational thought involved than something usually based on feelings and hope. It is a prediction so nothing can be wrong, except you have to get Nov. 6 right. From 247sports.com
  5. . The biggest hang -up with Marcus now is his contract with the Raiders, not so much the basic salary, but apparently their are incentives included that could push his salary to about $20 million a year. If the Raiders cut him, he's free to negotiate a deal with a new team. But it seems the Raiders want to hold on to him, possibly through the draft as trade bait. I'm not sure Marcus will make it to the Hall Of Fame, but a number of "serviceable" quarterbacks have played in, and won Super Bowls, with the right team, I feel like Marcus could be one of them.
  6. Yes. I remember when Mario said that about not changing the offense, just doing it with bigger, better players. He has delivered. it can be said on the bigger & better, but the offense has changed. The one thing a coach has to do, IMO, is be himself, Helfrich just tried to be Chip. Mario has his vision of what will be successful, and back to back conference championships is. But it would be great if he took a look at the success that Alabama's offense is achieving. I feel that he's trying to get there with players like Thompson and the recently recruited receivers and McGee.
  7. I'll say it with you. Many consider "Godfather ll" superior to the original. But that is rare for sequels. I think not having Chip come back was a great move for all concerned. Chip had great success at Oregon, the expectation would have been, "alright. let's do it again!" But I believe all it would have done is tarnish the legend Chip created, and put Oregon in Coach seek mode again. Now, Oregon has won back to back conference championships, and Chip has UCLA headed in the right direction.
  8. The bats and balls Ducks are both off to great starts this season, a come from behind thriller for the win in the first game, and a beat down of No. 15 in the second.
  9. Two good wins. neither PSU or BSU are great competition, probably there with Utah, taking care of these games is important, as is getting the pitchers time in the circle.
  10. The No.7 Ducks softball team hasn't got to 9-1 by accident. It's been dominant pitching, strong fielding, except in the second game against UCLA, and, especially timely hitting.
  11. When coaches excoriated the Kamikaze Kids for their style of play. "that isn't basketball", they were reacting to Harter's break from the finesse style had become the norm. Taking charges, aggressively contesting shots at the rim. This is not what we saw in this game. The end result of the lax officiating we see far to often in the Pac-12 is arbitrary officiating. A player on one end gets smashed, no foul is called; at the other end, whistle, touch foul. It makes the game very hard to play as the players have no sense of what will result in a foul, the coaches can't explain it to the players, and it's certainly frustrating to watch, at the end of the game, the Ref's will see that the total number of fouls called on both teams is close and call it good.
  12. Great way to start the weekend, read all about it, from goducks.com
  13. Not only do they lack the strong personality, and without Paopao even more. They lack the players for a diverse offense. Ruthy Hebard is now really appreciated because she's gone. Sabally and Prince are not threats inside, defenses can guard the outside principally, and defend 6the shooters even more. The teams they lost to are very good teams, but past the first round is far as I'll predict.
  14. Respectfully, and of course, IMHO, the ""show me" would be back to back conference championships, and maybe a 3-peat. One can make the argument that what Chip lacked was recruiting and being tougher, just finish the tackle on Dyer, Eddie Pleasant!
  15. This of course is non-scientific to the max, but when it showed Washington coming up short, it made it worth something. In this survey, an All Decade Team, Offense, Defense, and Special Teams. 1st, 2nd & 3rd teams, was selected, designating the players to be the most talented. After the teams were assembled the number of players from each team was calculated and it came out : 1. Washington 18 2. Stanford 12 3. USC 9 4. Oregon 8 5. Utah 7 6. UCLA 6 7. Cal 3 OSU 3 ASU 3 10. WSU 2 Colorado 2 Arizona 2 But when you do a list of the most important accomplishment, wins during the decade, the results are different. 1. Oregon 101 2. Stanford 98 3. USC 86 4. Washington 85 5. Utah 83 6. ASU 73 7. UCLA 64 8. Arizona 63 9. WSU 61 10. Cal 54 11. Colorado 44 12. OSU 43 So, when it comes to getting the most out of the players, the Huskies are once again chasing their tails.
  16. Absolutely. In the latest Mock Draft, until the new one tomorrow, after the QB's go 1-4, up comes Penie Sewell OT, Oregon.
  17. You are right. It's hard to define what Altman does at Oregon, and that's a good thing as it would surely be copied if it could be. He has done it with a varied bunch of players,. The hardest stretch I think was immediately following the Final Four team. A part of the problem is I don't think that Payton Pritchard was fully equipped to go from a supporting player as a freshman the year before to be in charge, and out of all the players that have come through, neither Elijah Brown of Troy Brown, appeared to buy in to Altman's plan. The next year, injuries were huge, first, early to Bol Bol, and later to Louis King, really impacted that teams chances. I'd say that the "buying in" is the key component of why Altman is doing so well, and why it isn't easily replicated. The buy In" also explains why he is so successful at not only recruiting, but attracting transfers. Let's poke at Washington for a while. Lorenzo Romar did less with X's & O's at Washington than did Ernie Kent at Oregon. Unfortunately, Washington finally canned him and brought in Mike Hopkins from Syracuse. He did well early, but the Huskies are awful now.
  18. I'm with you here, 100% At best an NBA game is white noise while I fold laundry now, if i watch at all it is the last 4 minutes of the 4th quarter. I have come to actually dislike the 3 point shot. It was created in the ABA to be a novelty. Defense has been practically eliminated from the NBA, in today's game. Along with football, safety concerns must be taken in to consideration. But NBA games are now shooting 3's and uncontested lay-ins.
  19. Say what you will about the coaching staff at Oregon, I wouldn't trade it for any other in the Pac-12. Of course that doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement, which probably is part of being newest, in terms of continuity, in the conference. As far as the games go, I'd rather be facing Clay's Air Raid, then what Chip is putting together at UCLA. I'm sure that the Washington's have come up with some way to see that Oregon has received an advantage from when that game is scheduled, and games at Utah are usually interesting.
  20. Replacing Anthony Lynn, who at times made Mario look aggressive on offense, was a franchise, and Herbert in particular, saving move. Detroit, hoping to keep their streak of being one of four teams to never play in the Super Bowl alive, hired him as their new OC. Lynn on Herbert, "He's a back-up for a reason"
  21. That's a lot of Ducks this weekend, hopefully the baseball team will start it off with a win. I'm hopeful that the softball team will understand how important it is to take the games against Portland State and Boise State as seriously as they did the games against UCLA and Utah. It is the opening weekend at "The Jane", and I expect high level performances.
  22. I find it interesting so far as it determines where a particular player will play, I've become inured to the salaries themselves. The NBA in particular has so many rules, restrictions, conditions that must be followed, that trading a player (s) is incredibly complicated. We also have the relatively new concern of players creating "Super Teams". This originated when Lebron James made the "Decision" to "take his talents to South Beach". Ultimately, James, Wade and Bosch didn't win, "not 2, not 3, not, 4" championships, they only won two. Golden State put their dynasty together the old fashioned way, they drafted Curry, Thompson, Green, and appeared in 5 straight Finals, winning 3, they went 2-1 after Kevin Durant joined as a free agent. We'll see what Durant, Kyrie Irving and James Harden can do in Brooklyn.
  23. Not harsh at all, because of what you say about the admiration bestowed upon USC pretty much out of habit.
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