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  1. Makes my heart go bitter patter...
  2. Wouldn't THAT be nice if Shelstad could produce similar numbers for the Ducks (Yeah, I know he's still maturing.)? Pritch is a joy to watch.
  3. This is a fun game! Ducks will win, 73-64, with some great defense, and clutch from multiple players.
  4. CMC's scheme seems to often begin and end with an ill-advised "time out"!
  5. 'PERFECT' is a mighty loose interpretation at this point...
  6. As long as Riley is coach at USC, I'm not too concerned, for some reason or other
  7. So by this reasoning, the fact my junior year chemistry prof couldn't decipher the code I used for my lab notes should be reviewed to see if my score should have been higher?
  8. Did you want to be 'Rusty' when you were a kid? I look more like Sergeant Biff O'Hara, these days!
  9. Yukon King or Rin-Tin-Tin... YK comes in second since seeing him ignites fuskie feelings. "Well, King, this case is closed."
  10. Probably thought the Barbary Pirates were attempting to board?
  11. Per maritime law, isn't the more maneuversble vessel expected to "make way"?
  12. Well said, Charles! If the OBD had performed on D at the same same or somewhat better level than the previous game vs OSU2, er, 1 (they did win the NC), I'm not convinced that would have been enough, given the offensive performance in the second game. Bucknut played arguably their best game of the season. Oregon didn't. I saw plenty this season to give me continued hope for next year, and beyond. I will now take my frustrations to the "Reading Room", and flush them with success (hopefully).
  13. Ronnie Lee used to cruise Eugene on sunny days, in a white convertible with a red interior... Of course the top was down. Lee was a premiere torture tester for the early Nike Basketball Sneakers.
  14. Paul Halupa had a few moments... Fred(die) Jones.
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