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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. ...because, "I never said I was noble." Caleb's every night between now and Saturday...
  2. I'll pass. He has no experience. I'll take TVD from Miami, or Cam Ward of WSU as a one-year band-aid until our other QBs are ready IMHO. Manning should go to Ole Miss...
  3. Perfect commercial, as it so exemplifies us fans at times. I have had so many emails from fans declaring their end of Oregon fandom, and thus this site so many times over the years...
  4. Big difference, IMHO. The Miami fans wanted Mario, but Oregon fans did not want Wilcox. Former Oregon Players Are NOT on the Fans' Team FISHDUCK.COM I have been pretty disappointed recently with the decisions and intentions of former Oregon football players, and their disproportionate impact on the Oregon…
  5. That is not updated. From the media packet sent late last night with the updated numbers through the Cal game....Oregon is averaging 47.4 points per game on offense and only giving up 16 points per game on defense. Dream numbers.
  6. As you know, the final score was 63-19, a very odd score and one that nobody saw coming. Everybody except JB89 who predicted a 63-18 score! Good gosh, only one point off with such a surprising game? Super congrats to JB89, and thanks to all for playing. Even with the dominance Our Beloved Ducks are showing....it is still so hard to predict the game scores!
  7. It seems that the Pac-12 officials favor the highly ranked team...unless it is Oregon. Who dropped something in their punchbowl? Thanks Ryan, for confirming that the game was even more strange than I thought, and it is fun to have one and not only do we bypass the loss--we win big. I am still astounded at how much difference a great QB makes, as there will be no replacement for Bo. We simply have to savor what he is doing during the short time left...
  8. No, they did not all know this in advance. When you consider what was posted here, and the emails I received from 'Cane fans--it was evident that, "recruiting is what matters, and we just took your lunch." At least that is what I they tried to tell me/us. Fact is, I would not even hire Mario as an offensive line coach, because we ran the ball better before he came here, and since he left. This trade of coaches was a 180 degree difference in football future for Oregon, and I am very, very grateful that 1) these 'Cane fans were so convinced and wanted Mario so badly, and 2) Rob Mullens hired Dan Lanning, and 3) that 'Cane fans are tasting the bitter bile of their own nastiness urping up their throat. With Oregon's track record of propelling transfer QBs to new heights, and Bo Nix as the example....Tyler Van Dyke could rescue his career at Oregon next year quite nicely. Come to Oregon!
  9. I am still blown away by the Duck defense. Cal scored a TD on defense, thus their high scoring offense is held to a measly 12 points? I didn’t see that coming!
  10. Can't have it all. Can't have the Huskies highly rated when we play them AND have the afternoon slot. Truly a black-out....it'll be fun.
  11. On the first quarter and the impact that it had: “Disappointing, it was a disappointing first quarter for me. I’ve got a standard that I think we should play at, and it really doesn’t matter who we’re playing, and we didn’t play well enough there to start. It’s hard when you play good teams and put yourself in that hole, I think we have to learn from that. You have to learn from wins as you do from losses, we won the game today but there's a lot we can learn, especially earlier in that game we can execute better.” On the annoyance of penalties on Oregon players: “That annoyed me.” On players adjusting after a rough start: “It was similar to what Trevor brought up earlier about the next play. You can’t live in the past but that means you can learn from your mistakes, so when we make a mistake let's not make the same mistake. Good teams don’t make the same mistake, and we looked like we made a lot of different mistakes today. We have to eliminate that we have to get to the next play and make sure we don’t shoot ourselves in the foot. That happened too much today.” On the defense limiting Cal’s run game and offensive strengths: “I thought we should have held them to less. Again, our standard isn’t based on everybody else. I thought our coaches had a good plan, I thought we didn’t execute it as well as we could have. Some of the tempo can create that for them when they go fast. We had moments where we had great knockbacks at the line of scrimmage, we had guys separating from blocks and we had moments when we didn’t, so we’re going to coach those. I’m not a stats guy, I don’t really get hung up on that. Some great plays can happen, and I want to see us tackle well, I want to see us get off of blocks, that’s our standard.” On Camden Lewis’s range and decision to put him out there: “I’d say that’s probably the edge. I just want to take a chance, you're kind of in no-man's land. You could go for it on fourth, it’s a longer fourth where you're probably not going to have a ton of success. You could potentially do a pooch punt or do a punt with Bo like we’ve done in the past. But that was a moment where it was like, ‘let's see what we can do.’ There's a lot of wind at moments in the stadium today, I think it flipped directions but wanted to give him an opportunity to put points on the board.” On Tez’s potential while recruiting him: “I probably recognized it more so in practice. We knew he was a talented player, definitely knew he was a talented returner, that’s something that showed up on his film before. Was glad to see that show up today, and he executed a high-level day. He’s got speed and he’s got talent, it shows up in practice and shows up in games.” Addressing and limiting the mistakes made in the first quarter: “It only matters when it matters. We don’t want it to be the reason it hurts us so it's really important we fix those quickly. We’ve done a good job of addressing issues throughout the season where we say, ‘hey we need to fix this,’ so were going to do the same thing this week.” On overcoming self-inflicted mistakes: “It speaks to what kind of team we are capable of being. Even though there were some things that were really positive, there are some things we can certainly get better at. We aren’t going to rest on the results. We aren’t a result-oriented team, we are a process-oriented team. I’m going to continue to focus on the process. Did a good job on third down, but doing a better job at third down is preventing third down. There are some things we can really improve on, and we will continue to focus on.” On if anything Bo does surprises him anymore: “The throw he had to Tez Johnson, my heart stopped for a little bit. That was an interesting one where he was able to adlib and create something out of nothing. I thought that was a big-time play by him. I don’t know what he had today, six touchdowns, I mean that’s pretty impressive. Anybody who is watching Bo right now knows he is playing at a high level. He’s a competitor. He makes us different and certainly makes this team better.” On creating the Dave Willcox postseason award: “He was an exceptional player and the more I learn about Dave the more you learn about an exceptional human. It means a lot to this program. His son has played here, and family means a lot to them. What he has given to the name of football and to the University of Oregon is something we really cherish, and we want to honor in the future.”
  12. Thoughts on Oregon... "They’re very talented teams, the level of speed and size and explosiveness is pretty evident. I said a couple years ago, we’re up here playing until the last play of the game. The last couple of years its looked different. We had a harder time so I have to do a better job with the team, continue to develop the players on the team and recruit talented guys that can help us contend. We were far away today, and it showed up..." Mr. FishDuck Note: Remember under Cristobal...we lost at Cal when we should not have, and then when they came to Autzen--we played down to their level, and the game went to the final play, where we won. (It was the game people booed Mario) On Jaivian Thomas’ injury… “Very scary. He’s at the hospital undergoing tests. He’s alert, interacting with the doctors. He does have movement, feeling in his extremities which is good news, but there’s still a lot of testing that he needs to undergo, so we’re all praying for him.”
  13. It was well done, but I personally have a Ty Thompson problem, in that I am too biased against him. If a RS freshman did what he did today...I'd be declaring that, "he is the next Bo." But since it is Ty...I still do not have confidence that he can do that through the grind of a game and the tough moments.
  14. The word "fan" comes from the word fanatic, and at times--we all exemplify that. We react without waiting to see the final result before giving our over-the-top opinion. We score 63 points, and now average 47 points per game, but some think Stein isn't very smart. After Portland State scored a touchdown on their first possession....the Dark-Ducks were calling for Lupoi to be fired. The DC of one of Oregon's best defenses ever? Now, keep in mind...none of us wear halos here, as I've been guilty of some extreme reactions in the past. I just get a kick at how silly the recent ones look in the daylight after the games. Don't Worry. Be Happy....
  15. I was concerned about odd stuff that could happen, but this team is mentally tough and fought to overcome the errors. In the end...it looks like a routine Duck win, but was anything but--considering the final margin. More post-game thoughts? You Should Be Dancing...Yeah!
  16. OK...let's shut this down and start new threads!
  17. Let's continue it beyond the first 50 posts in the thread begun by our friend, Log Haulin to this one. Boy...Utah is getting style points back with their game today--and it helps Oregon!
  18. Happy...you stated it perfectly. It works for best if the Huskies win--even if we have a late-night slot next week. The Playoff spot is more important, so cheer for the Dogs? If if I have to hold my nose...
  19. Something that would nice is, if someone would give us scores once in a while. Some of us get involved in other stuff, and would love to check it here. Texas 17 K-State 7 at Half Clemson 24 Notre Dame 9 at Half Rutgers 9 Ohio State 7 at Half Ole Miss 20 TAMU 14 second qtr. Gotta run.
  20. It is incredible to consider the stations we will be on next year....every week! So many more people will see us, and this year will raise their curiosity for 2024, thus a much larger audience. And if I never have to listen to some of the lame announcers on the Pac-12 Network again--that is a plus. All these years we've been on the Pac-12 Network, and they still pronounce Eugene wrong. It is not YEW-gene, with the accent on the first syllable, but you-GENE instead. Sounds weird...and they still mess it up.
  21. I have inserted the directions for posting an article, via a link in a post in the original post above. They are also in the Directions at the top of the forum. (I spent 14 hours one weekend making directions for the benefit of everyone....and nobody reads them!)
  22. Hello My OBD FishDuck Forum Friends! What is your prediction versus Cal? Take your shot and let's have fun with it... Lets get these predictions started, and remember I look for the differential between your predicted points with both teams from the actual points. I will use the tiebreaker information when needed, so provide all the data below! Entries without ALL the information are invalid, and predictions on other threads don't count. Please follow directions, as I need all that is below for tiebreakers: --the winner --the score --the amount of turnovers Oregon creates --the number of sacks Oregon records on the opposing team --the number of passing yards by the Ducks. My prediction is: Oregon, 41-24, 2, 4, 282 A pleasant memory in this uniform...
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