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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. I’m unable to respond much, as I am out of town and only on my cell. The fact that it was immediate adjustments on defense—is a massive improvement over what we saw in the UW and OSU games. We have had great progress in this defense from the beginning of last year. There was a perfect “Simulated Pressure” in this last game that was so well executed and timed. More to come!
  2. I believe there may be a mistaken notion embedded from my article, and that I am a Tosh Lupoi advocate. Tosh is a proven commodity as one of the nations, best recruiters, and we benefit enormously from that. I also believe, and what I said many times, in that “greatness and weakness, emerge early.” Tosh has shown greatness in recruiting from the beginning, and weakness as a defensive coordinator, calling, defensive plays. No denying that from me! However, he acknowledged his weaknesses upfront, when he was first hired, and between him and Hampton in Lanning—I believe it is the consensus of the brain trust that is calling, and monitoring the defensive plays. In the end, Lanning is responsible for the entire team, and this is HIS defense, and he knows it. I believe the defense of play-calling will be least above average this year. There was a “Simulated Pressure,” applied in this last game, that was absolutely perfect. I have seen tremendous improvement in the execution of the defense from the beginning of last year to where we are now. I believe it will continue.
  3. And they really weren’t pushups, but more then I can do!
  4. That makes complete sense to me too, but you can imagine how my jaw dropped watching the game on Sunday and seeing five surprise starters. I am also trying to raise attention to important points the rest of the media is not. If I can add some additional ponder points for us all to consider through the season to enjoy the entertainment that much more, that I’m on the lookout for it. With all of the tons of websites writing about the Ducks, how could they NOT write about this and make a big deal of it as I am? Or at minimum simply raise the question? I do not believe I am that insightful, but I do not have an explanation for the absence on their part.
  5. When Bryce hit his first home run as a Duck on the Diamond last spring, Coach Lanning was up in the suite watching. Very cool!
  6. David Marsh has written over 100 articles for FishDuck, and our audience. He has done it for free as a selfless volunteer, and the least I could do is pony up a hotdog and a drink! Sorry to make you wait until Thursday and Friday, but since I was the one who set the schedule for the writers, and I don’t want to mess them up, and I’m simply filling in the open days when I have the time to write… It seemed like the right thing to do. Tomorrow is a dandy…
  7. In the past, we have had silver numbers to go with the helmet, or black numbers. I like the green numbers…
  8. I understand, trying to create a new tradition like other teams have for turnovers, but doesn’t this one seem kind of lame?
  9. I will publish an analysis tomorrow, that will address the reasons why Portland State scored in the drive, and why Oregon had no sacks in the game.
  10. Not starting Dorlus? Is this a statement to the team that NOBODY is secure due to depth. Is this how SEC teams with real depth operate, and I have seen this because we have never had such depth? Or was this a one-off game?
  11. Search Mike Leach and this comes up the most often... (when he was at Texas Tech) When he was at Mississippi State....
  12. Hello My OBD FishDuck Forum Friends! I am putting this up early this week due to other time constraints, so let's get it going early! What is your prediction versus Texas Tech? Take your shot and let's have fun with it... Lets get these predictions started, and remember I look for the differential between your predicted points with both teams from the actual points. I will use the tiebreaker information when needed, so provide all the data below! Entries without ALL the information are invalid, and predictions on other threads don't count. Please follow directions, as I need all that is below for tiebreakers: --the winner --the score --the amount of turnovers Oregon creates --the number of sacks Oregon records on the opposing team --the number of passing yards by the Ducks. My prediction is: Oregon, 52-23, 2, 3, 308
  13. Alex! Great to have you writing every week for football season! I believe the tight pass coverage we saw in the Spring Game will show again versus the Red Raiders. They like to throw quickly, which prevents sacks, but if Oregon can cover well early in the play-the turnovers you wrote about can happen. Like you, I want to see a dominant running game, and I would like to think that the 2023 offensive line is now going to turn heads.
  14. What I love about your explanation of Bucky's long run against North Carolina is--how hard it is to see the cut-back lanes before they materialize...and how he is doing that in milliseconds. Hard to teach! His jump-cut (Saturday) away from hole after he sucked in the PSU linebacker and then exploded outside was epic stuff. So fast! Thanks David!
  15. My Duck-Buddies, you may notice at times of how your post has been changed. We are not everyone's editing maids, and we ask you to observe these requests below to help everyone here, and to help this forum flourish. Most new people find this forum by searching for an Oregon message board/forum on a search engine, mostly Google. So we need to make Google happy to suggest this forum when people are searching for forums, or for a particular topic. 1. Capitalize every letter in the title of a new thread please, except for the inconsequential words such as, " the, and, as, or, etc." Google will suggest one article over another simply due to looking more professional with the capitalization. 2. Tell the readers in your title what the thread is about, please. Don't give us a three word title, and make us figure it out. People won't open a thread unless they know what is in it, and Google won't suggest a nebulous title either. Everyone wants certainty, so please tell us in the title what your thread/post is about, please. 3. After every three sentences, or maximum four sentences....hit the "Enter" key twice on PC, or "Return" key twice on Mac. Reading continuous text is hard on all the old eyes on this site, and people see continuous text and ignore it. If you want your post read--give us spaces after every three or four sentences please. 4. Please don't have a massive space at the bottom of your post. After your post goes up--go check it. If there is a big space on the bottom, click the three dots in upper right, click on "Edit" and then put your cursor at the bottom of the post and backspace it up, please. Easy-peasy, and takes 20 seconds, if that. This will reduce the time spent for everyone in scrolling... We all have up to an hour after we put our post up to go back and edit it. So check it, and edit it! Why am I asking for all of this? These are courtesies that your fellow OBD members are already doing for you--so please extend the courtesy back in return. If we do things the way Google wants for their search engine--then more good people like you will find us, and join our community.
  16. I know a couple of Red Raider fans, and they taught me to, 'Get your Guns Up." Passionate fans, and good people....just like the community here on the OBD forum.
  17. Ty could not hit a slant pattern for two years if his life depended upon it. Now he hits WRs in stride? Will Stein....
  18. Everything Dan Lanning said Monday of Texas Tech week 247SPORTS.COM Below is a complete transcript of everything Dan Lanning said from his Monday press conference.
  19. This is the 23rd verbal for the 2024 class which is now the 3rd best ever class at Oregon. (Lanning had the No. 2 class last year with 16 of the 4/5-Star players on Rivals) Platt makes the 15th player who is 4 or 5-Stars on Rivals, with a long ways to go before December signing date. Will Lanning pass the all-time record of 19? This moves the Ducks up to No. 7 in the nation at Rivals. Whew! 2024 Oregon Ducks football commitment list OREGON.RIVALS.COM The definitive source for all Oregon news.
  20. What is amazing is that we had a real idiot, a bonehead of a writer at FishDuck who actually interviewed Ken Goe in the past! So What HAPPENED to Oregon Track? FISHDUCK.COM Charles Fischer of FishDuck.com interviews Ken Goe of OregonLive to discuss what happened to Oregon Track and Field this past year and what the future holds.
  21. Right. I'm up in the stands watching a game, and yet I'm supposed to keep track of where the offensive coordinator is? I stated in the top post that I learned this from watching the game replay, and no--they did not show him on the sideline after that...so how would I know?
  22. Good gosh, I forgot all about it! Sorry for the delay as LB48 wins with his 70-10 prediction that was much closer than than most of us! Congrats, and let's have fun with this again on Saturday morning!
  23. Thank you. It is not foolproof, but it is telling the vast majority of the time when applied to players, coaches, and my experiences in the work-world. The other part of it that is equally crucial to me? When Weakness Emerges Early--it never turns into Greatness. You put a ton of time into this person to elevate this person to just average, or below average. Better to put the time into finding a winner who performs out of the gate.
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