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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. Amen Duck-Buddy. And because we are now in a "Big-Boy" conference--the typical disrespect or diminishing of the Ducks' accomplishments will no longer happen. Success cannot be ignored... I think NJDuck made a fantastic point in another thread...of how TONS more great football players in the Midwest and east will seriously consider Oregon further because now their parents can easily travel to a B1G game versus Eugene, and how our games will be on NBC, CBS, Fox and the B1G channel. It just removes another mental barrier and makes it easy for the top 200 players to choose Oregon! I think in the end...Oregon is going to benefit more from the new B1G connection than the B1G will from Oregon joining them. Yes, our presence will add another B1G team in the top 10, and more glory for their conference, but I believe Oregon is poised to EXPLODE as the last elements that held the Ducks back are being removed. Charles....
  2. As we have learned more after the disaster, which element surprised you the most? For me--quite a few items....ESPN giving one bid and walking....Pac-12 blowing it off....Apple trying to get it all on the cheap...and now today I learn from Canzano that Amazon never even submitted a bid? All our excitement--and Amazon was not interested at all? Whew.
  3. We gotta have a little bit of humor....remember the video of this Beaver fan taunting Oregon players before the 2012 Civil War with, "No Natty for You!"...?? Well... Ouch!
  4. Yet I understand...any idea how it took me to compile all the helmets over the years--for our avatars? It is quite the brand!
  5. I've seen quite a bit written about our uniforms from, and it just keeps coming...
  6. I understand that, and really felt bad when all of this came down. I did not want this for Oregon State at all. Then I read what those dim-wits wrote, and you have to remember....I did not include all of them, or the worst because our "bad-word" filter would not have allowed the posts to publish. After reading that so many of the OSU fans actually were angry at Oregon...it was pretty hard to fathom. Some Beaver fans did take accountability and directed their anger at the Beaver athletic administration over the years, but so many just wanted to blame Oregon and Phil Knight. We gotta save little brothers from themselves?
  7. Like you, I felt bad about how things shook out. I wanted the Pac-12 to survive, but had to accept the B1G decision, and now am pleased with it. But to blame Oregon or Phil Knight? That is beyond wacko...how about blaming the right people? You know...the tons of incompetent ADs in Corvallis who hired one loser coach after another for umpteen years? Think of it...in 1979 the Beavers had to choose between--the ultimately most winning coach at UCLA, Terry Donahue, or Rich Brooks, or Craig Fertig. Good call, BONEHEADS. All of the history of the Ducks could have been Oregon State's had they hired Brooks...the gradual growth of the program...bring Mike Bellotti to Corvallis, who then would have brought Chip Kelly to Corvallis? Geez...orange would have been a fashionable color with all that happening! Don't have much of a brand or fan base? Whose fault is that? The lack of clear thinking really is Mountain West logic...which is where they belong.
  8. It is a slow time and entertainment comes in many forms. Fortunately, the fans of Oregon State have given us some dandies that would snap anyone's head around. They really need to chew on a tree to let go of their frustration... I would have thought that offering an olive branch of future Civil War contests would create some goodwill? Think again... About Future Civil War Clashes... "Tell them to go fricken themselves." "Nothing less than a total break from $UO." "Unless uo is planning on splitting their B1G revenue with OSU, they can move completely on. Thanks to the ducks, we’re in different leagues. They will have superior athletes and coaches and facilities. Would be like OSU playing Portland State." "Saying "we will prioritize the long-held traditions", right after bolting the conference you've been in for over 100 years, leaving behind an historic rivalry.....is pretty tone deaf. Especially after they were the ones that ultimately drove the final nail in the coffin." "No way should we ever play the Ducks in any sport ever again. Phil Knight single handily destroyed our conference." "Agree, it is clear traditions, rivalry and the state of Oregon football don't mean anything to them." "I didn’t think I could dis-like UO any more than I do…but now I have found even more reasons to hate that athletic department. Really, really despicable." "We must not play them ever, in any sport." "Spare me. The rivalry means jack squat. They took the money. Good for them. Don't call me. Don't text me. Don't think of me." "Rob Mullins can die in a fire." "You would have to be completely brain dead to think this is a good idea." "Oregon destroyed what was left of the Pac-12 for the big time $. Good for you, but don't pretend that little brother needs you to throw us a pity bone. 1. We've always been the big brother, you know established first (More national championships) and 2, we are no longer brothers. We're not even cousins." "Screw Mullens and all things duck, the only way we ever play them again after this season is in a playoff situation." "Yes the ucks weren’t alone destroying it but they could have saved it. But decided to turn their backs and give all us the finger." "Call me an idiot then, at least I'm not an *uck. NEVER SCHEDULE THE *UCKS." "The arrogance of *uskies and *ucks on social media is just astounding. They seem shocked that Beavs and Cougs do not want to continue rivalry games with them (especially if not in another Power 5 conference). Who do they think they are that they get to pick and choose which CFB traditions they'll keep, and which they'll destroy? They can rip apart a conference over 100 years old, but still decide for us they want to play certain rivalry games. Pound sand, *ucks and *uskies. Sure, OSU would have jumped to the B1G if the situation were reversed. That's not the point. The point is OSU and WSU have a full say in which traditions they want to maintain going forward."
  9. Isn't this when the B1G shows up and offers 10 million a year each to Cal and 'Furd? Better than "Broke Pac Mountain," and fitting academically?
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