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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. Next time USC fans pop-off about going to the B1G? "Beat Tulane and get back to me..."
  2. Trust me...they will do just fine in the B1G.
  3. My FishDuck Friends, I notify a few of you when you violate the rules, (Only 3/10ths of 1% of all posts ever have a violation) and I often say that "none of us wear halos here, as I make mistakes too." Well, I had a couple of whoppers in December, where I violated my own rules. We will not have "rules for thee, but not for me" here, thus I have to fess up and take my public embarrassment. In November we had a whopping 36 violations, of which is over double the usual; I described the selfish culture we have these days and that I have to deal with in this article recently. The subsequent Pinned Topic thread about the article had over 8,500 reads, and over 60 comments in discussion...and so many of you were kind to me in your remarks. The November haggling and highly charged emotional exchanges with some of these people is not something I wish on anyone, but this is what I signed up for when I established this forum with all the rules. Yet our 33 rules at the free OBD Forum can be summarized to just three: 1) be polite and respectful, 2) do not tell anyone what to think, feel or write, and 3) no reference of any kind to politics. Easy-peasy! Easy in concept, but not in implementing. I Broke THE Major Rule for Maintaining Civility... I began the rules in the summer of 2017, and for two years--I had no clue how to do it. Only through countless hours of arguing by email and phone did I learn what works or not. One primary rule I established upon myself was to notify people in private about violations, not in public. The reasoning is focused upon keeping the ugly exchanges with those who fight the rules away from forum, thus it is not a buzz-kill for everyone else. I believe that by having the moderators hide offending posts immediately, and by my notifying violators in private--the forum pool remains clean for all Ducks to swim in. It is wonderful to read posts without having to sort out the nonsense, or feel the discomfort from reading an awkward, nasty exchange. It is different than everywhere else, and it works. But I violated this policy not once, but three times in December. Truly--I lost my head and I wish to apologize to all. Screw-Up No. 1 in December came from a fellow who was banned in the past, and he sweet-talked me by email into removing the ban. (I like to give people second chances, just as I ask others for second chances when I screw-up) His first post back was an awful over-the-top indictment of Dan Lanning, the program, the future, etc. He did not show up during the good times, he just wanted a place to dump his awful complaints when things did not go well. I have not been a good example for those of all ages... I blasted him in public with a forum reply, and then he countered back. I then deleted the thread and banned him again. I should have never responded in public, and I admit to losing my head because I felt so betrayed. That is my reason, but it is not a valid excuse; I broke my own rule and wish to apologize to you all for having to read that. Screw-Up No. 2 in December was the 83 year old I referenced in the article. He attacked me in public and broke our posting rules with no regard; I should have hidden the thread and dealt with him in private as I am supposed to do. I admit to being shocked at his behavior considering our history together, and I responded with an emotional reaction. Wrong. Again, that is a reason, but it is not a valid excuse. Screw-Up No. 3 in December was an OBD member who I believe has since left because of my exchange with him. I am an advocate of doing critical analysis of our coaches and players, and believe that discussing the negative is important, and a very valuable part of having a forum. The two games lost in November put everyone in a bad mood, and I understand/allow the responses to those negative events. This OBD member had a habit of taking many of the topics and finding the negative angle to each in his replies, and I became frustrated with him. Then, after signing one of the best recruiting classes ever of a first year coach at Oregon--this OBD member had to wallow in recruiting losses in many of his posts. He did it one-more-time and I responded with posts I am not proud of, done in the heat of emotion. Follow your own damn protocol that works, Charles. I apologize to you all for having to read those uncomfortable threads. As I stated before--none of us wear halos here. We acknowledge our mistakes, learn from them and go forward. I am doing what I tell others to do in acknowledging my mistakes, apologizing and moving forward. I will work harder at controlling my own emotions, and keeping issues in private. This is awkward to write and to read, but I won't have two sets of rules. And I invite you to email me when you have questions or notice yours-truly getting out of line again. It takes this extra effort to create and preserve this GREEN REFUGE we have in the Our Beloved Ducks Forum. Charles Fischer (Mr. FishDuck) Eugene, Oregon
  4. God loves Nerds, and Mr. FishDuck loves the Football Nerds in this community.
  5. It is astounding to think about....to paid so much and to do so poorly...wow.
  6. Ryan Day came out and stated that the hit changed the game...as his star receiver was in concussion protocol the rest of the game. So not targeting, but the player is injured trying to catch the ball? Don't get me wrong--I was pulling for the Bulldogs, but I wanted them to win against all of Ohio State's players.
  7. This is really sad, painful and funny as a prediction by Canzano.... "Big Ten Commissioner Kevin Warren leaves to be president of the Chicago Bears. The search firm hired by the conference identifies former Pac-12 Commissioner Larry Scott as a candidate. “He’s done a lot of good things for the Big Ten in recent years,” the firm explains."
  8. I was assuming that if he made that choice--he would focus on training for those ten events, attend school--all like Ashton Eaton, only with substantial NIL...unlike Ashton Eaton. The decathlon champion is the world's greatest athlete; could that be the road Harbor is on?
  9. Right. But I wanted others to chime in with their opinions too. Interesting that nobody commented on my suggestion for the track event I see him in...
  10. Remember...years ago we had the Far West Classic tournament at this time each year in Portland and routinely played each other in those tournaments--and I believe we had THREE total games during the season between the conference game and a non-conference game to award the Chancellor's Trophy. So we had the chance of playing them four times a year, (and often did) and I remember as a youth thinking how dumb that was. I mean...who can take that much orange?
  11. Things unraveled for him at Arizona when he had his young intern-girlfriend, and his wife on the sidelines for a game at the same time.
  12. Right. The Oregonian is great at reporting the news, not so at analysis... Green Blitzes: Lanning Begins the New Mint Defense at Oregon FISHDUCK.COM For the first time in nearly a decade–watching the defense at Oregon is going to be highly entertaining again due to the new Mint defense and pressure packages...
  13. I disagree. The Mac is the run-stuffer, and I believe Brown is in that position. The Money is fast, fluid LB who can run-stuff, pass-rush and provide coverage against passes. Bassa is a converted safety, hence why he is in the Money spot.
  14. Between his mother, this guy below and what position in football and even what to run in track....it is an intriguing episode!
  15. Woody's pick is important because the guy is right so often with where the recruits end up going...
  16. There are some on other sites who believe you get him here, let him flounder between two sports for a season, and then have Thibs explain to him that only quarterbacks get paid more in the NFL than pass rushers. Have him refine his skills, get to 260 pounds with that 6'6" and with his natural quickness--he dominates. Below has a lot of defensive highlights... End Of The Season Highlights WWW.HUDL.COM End Of The Season Highlights
  17. I said there were contradictory stories out there, and this is one of them. Before he gave an interview about the clean air of Oregon--he told a Michigan website something different.... And his mother is from Michigan, and by his own admission is pushing the Wolverines at every turn. Hard to beat the parent as the David Hicks situation revealed...
  18. It's good or good! UCLA wins and it is good for the current Pac-12. UCLA loses and we laugh our rear off, and wish them well in the B1G, when they can't beat a mid-lin ACC team.
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