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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. Wow...and the "de-recruiting" process has been happening! Lanning quote in this video... "You earn it. Those stars? You didn't bring them out on the field...line up every day and earn yours." Whew!
  2. It is back my friends, the thread for discussing the actual game as it happens. Now we can discuss the game here before and after, and of course have other threads about elements of the game, but the short reactions and thoughts while the game is in progress is meant for this thread. I have had to ban a few people in the past...simply because of this thread. They were fine during normal forum discussion, but turned into something ugly in this thread when things in the game did not go well. Posting negative is fine, but going dark on the entire program, the future of Oregon football, the IQ and tenure of Dan Lanning over one play, one decision or even one game is too far. No venting. Telling us you don't like the interception and adding some salt to it is fine, but hammering us 10 times in the thread about how stupid something is--will be deleted. This is a place to let go, but not vent. Can you tell the difference? Again....negative is fine! This is the hard part of moderating, and that is explaining how 95% of the negative written is just fine. We can be critical of player performance and coaching decisions, but we cannot get personal on them. I really do want you all to have fun with this, and sorry for having to delve into it, but I know I need to spell this out for a few people. Now let's have some fun discussing the first game of the Dan Lanning era!
  3. A'mauri Washington is already 6'5" and 295 lbs. and he is a 4-Star with Rivals. He went with Oregon over offers from 20 schools including, Auburn, LSU, Texas, Michigan, Ohio State and USC! Whew!
  4. To all…please read the red Pinned Topic concerning this article at the top of this front page.
  5. The FishDuck Feed is the third leg of the FishDuck Oregon Sports Community within two free websites. To learn more about all three parts, read right here about them and the story of this unique community of Oregon fans. About the FishDuck Feed: Look for the Green Pinned Topic at the top of the forum, as that will be the day's Oregon Sports News and Articles, the FishDuck Feed. Can you help? Join our team of Duck News Hunters as anyone who wants to post an article is welcome to, but please do it in the reply posts below this first post. Just pop the URL of the article in the reply post and the article box should appear; if it does not...make sure there is a space above the pasted URL in the post. Please everyone...do not post any thoughts or responses about the articles in this thread as they will be deleted. We do not have room in this thread for all the articles, and the discussion that would ensue for many of the articles. We want discussion, but copy the URL of the article you want to discuss and start a new thread in the main forum area below. It only takes a minute to copy the URL of the article and paste it into a new thread, place a good title on it and put your thoughts in your post. (I've been told that people won't take the time to do that, but this is a very special community; do your part!)
  6. Legion, the only downside to your plan is that it leaves the lower tier teams of those three conferences in the dung heap. They are resigned to the Mountain West or worse, thus we are doing to them what was done to us. But I see no way without someone being hurt in our pursuit of achieving what is best for the Ducks in all this. Fantastic first post and I hope you will post your thoughts more often. WELCOME!
  7. My FishDuck Friends, This week's Saturday Spoof of our opponent will publish on Friday instead of Saturday. With the game starting at 1:00 PM Saturday...I want everyone to have a full day to enjoy the whack at Washington State by Alan. Do look for the link in the forum, as all FishDuck articles are. Pass it along to your friends, but warn Cougar fans to avoid this article so they don't get their dander up! If they insist on reading it--tell them to have salve on hand for the 3rd degree burns that ensue. This is an astounding new feature for the two sites that will be universally loved by all Oregon fans, as we all want to have a laugh. Humor is the one more commonality we all share as devoted Ducks; we all love humor...especially when it is at the expense of our opponents. Many of you know of the extraordinary posts of Axel, the pseudonym of Alan, who writes our new Saturday Spoofs. It is incredibly hard to write something funny, and yet he makes it look almost routine. His takedown of USC and their fans was a form of artistry you rarely get to experience, and his skewering of Georgia and the SEC in this article will likely become legendary. BYU fans are still wincing at the spanking they received last week from Alan. What fun! And he will be doing that every Saturday during football season? Whew! We are all familiar with friendly trash-talking, but Alan takes the evisceration of an opponent to a level of quality and precision that you will not read anywhere else. Opponent fans? Steer clear of his Saturday article concerning your team for your own peace of mind. Oregon fans? Send his weekly Saturday Spoof article link to your Oregon friends and tell them to look for Alan's Saturday Spoofs on Game Day mornings. They are an epic treat to start the day involving Our Beloved Ducks, and can provide laughs at your tailgate. Do not drink coffee while reading his articles; we are not responsible for burned nasal cavities that come from the involuntary reactions to Alan's work. (Did he really just write that about Oregon's opponent? Yikes!) We all have our gifts, and we are fortunate to have Alan share his with our readership.
  8. Agreed. And if a conference wants to be in the Playoffs, then we all have to uniformly agree to the same number of conference games. We all have eight, or we all have nine, but the Pac-12 should not longer operate at a disadvantage, IMHO.
  9. You and so many of the Georgia fans have been a peach. (Sorry, I couldn't contain myself!) I will be posting this later, but we have a humor/roast article coming out tomorrow about Georgia, as this writer will do it for every opponent. (His article last week skewered USC and their fans) We like to have fun, and the objective of the site is not to please everyone, but to serve Oregon fans primarily. But I do welcome fans of all schools have been nice and reasonable as you have. With that...I suggest you NOT come and read it as I don't want to offend you, but I do want Duck fans to be entertained. I wish a great season for you, and for no injuries to either team tomorrow. I do hope for a great game with exciting plays, and while it is early--it is a good reality check for Lanning and our fans. Something Georgia fans have done here is set the bar...fans of other schools will always be compared to you. (Why can't you be like Bulldawg fans?) You have represented your school and state superbly, and I wish you well. Charles
  10. Fantastic first post Thud, and I would encourage you to post your thoughts often. Welcome!
  11. I would like to think that you are quite right, and great to have you join us. Do post your thoughts often Troy, and WELCOME!
  12. I think the punter was in on it, because he pretended to be jumping high for the snap and then he looked behind him...great video and replay.
  13. A big component in this is our defense....why? Because if nothing is open, then he can have the confidence to throw it away on 3rd down and not try to force something--when our defense is holding the Bulldogs. I sincerely believe that running the ball on the Ducks is going to be harder than Georgia thinks. If this comes down to a "who can pass the ball better" type of game...might that favor Our Beloved Ducks? A BIG stuff on 3rd down....
  14. While I agree with you Alex, that establishing the run is important....I really don't think we will be able to against Georgia. Not a slight on our offensive line, because the 'Dawgs did hold the 'Tide to 18 points recently.... Fun article--thanks!
  15. That is a GREAT flow chart....it nails us fans to a "T!"
  16. A feature I really do like is how the ads are placed in between posts, and not in them. As we scroll, we have a second or so before the ad loads, and we have the picture in the background and can see more of it. Very cool to me!
  17. Hello My FishDuck Friends, There has been a ton of change in this forum, and that always messes us all up to a degree. (It's natural) However, I would invite you to establish three new habits that will benefit you and this community: --Use the new FishDuck Feed at the top, as it is an incredible resource. I was waiting for a restaurant meal, and having it there 24/7 between today's and yesterday's listings to read Oregon Sports News and articles is so darn handy. Time to blow? It is always there, and today's articles will always be a Pinned Topic at the top. --Read an article out of the 'Feed that stimulates a thought from you? Be a sport and copy the URL of the article and start a new thread in this main forum area. Post the article and start the discussion with your opinion on it, as it would be fun to have more of that again. --Pass the FishDuck Feed onto other Duck fans; most people do not care for a forum like we do, but EVERY Duck fan needs the FishDuck Feed....right? A BIG thanks to Pennsylvania Duck, (She is killing-it!) NJDuck, HawaiiDuck, Tandaian,....and so many others. They are making the FishDuck Feed an important feature of the site, a tremendous benefit for us all. Over 100 articles curated one day recently, and while we don't need to read that many each day....it is cool to scroll through and see which ones are interesting to you. Establish new OBD habits! Gotta love this community, Charles Eleven years ago right now....my beloved Abbie and I were making Oregon Football Videos.
  18. Good gosh...l am amazed at how many people don't follow simple directions. Entries without all the information requested in the first post of this thread are invalid.
  19. If you go for it on the 40 and blow it, and then give a shorter field to the opponent, then, “the coach is a bum.” This comes down to the classic, “if the play works, then he’s brilliant.” Most coaches would punt and put them deep and make them work for it. Rich Brooks would say, “let’s win it with Defense!”
  20. That is the BEST compliment, and it is so appreciated. I love the community!
  21. The tweet was disappearing for many, so I added the whole article where Oregon looks impressive.
  22. Hello My OBD FishDuck Forum Friends! No prizes, but let's see who can be the closest! Take your shot and let's have fun with it... Lets get these predictions started and remember I look for the spread with then the closest score that has the spread correct. The data I need from you is: (entries without all the information are invalid, and predictions on other threads don't count as I am not going to hunt them all down) Please follow directions, as I need all that is below: --the winner --the score, and the tiebreaker information needed from each of you is... --the amount of turnovers Oregon creates --the number of sacks Oregon records on the opposing team --the number of passing yards by the Ducks. My guess is: Georgia 23-13, 2, 4, 221 I believe it will be low scoring and Oregon will be in it until late 4th quarter. Both defenses are superb, as the biggest surprise will come from the defense of the Ducks, and in the end the experience the Bulldogs have in running the Mint defense will be the difference. Tomorrow we will have an extraordinary humorous/skewering Saturday Spoof of the Bulldogs by Alan Lohner that you will want to get up early to read and pass along to your friends. We will also have a GameDay thread for those who want to discuss the game as it is happening.
  23. The FishDuck Feed is the third leg of the FishDuck Oregon Sports Community within two free websites. To learn more about all three parts, read right here about them and the story of this unique community of Oregon fans. About the FishDuck Feed: Look for the Green Pinned Topic at the top of the forum, as that will be the day's Oregon Sports News and Articles, the FishDuck Feed. Can you help? Join our team of Duck News Hunters as anyone who wants to post an article is welcome to, but please do it in the reply posts below this first post. Just pop the URL of the article in the reply post and the article box should appear; if it does not...make sure there is a space above the pasted URL in the post. Please everyone...do not post any thoughts or responses about the articles in this thread as they will be deleted. We do not have room in this thread for all the articles, and the discussion that would ensue for many of the articles. We want discussion, but copy the URL of the article you want to discuss and start a new thread in the main forum area below. It only takes a minute to copy the URL of the article and paste it into a new thread, place a good title on it and put your thoughts in your post. (I've been told that people won't take the time to do that, but this is a very special community; do your part!)
  24. This is not your father's Oregon football team...some blue-bloods below us in the rankings! (And yes, I thank Mario Cristobal for that) 2022 247Sports Talent Composite: Oregon has the top roster in the Pac-12 SATURDAYOUTWEST.COM Oregon has the most talented roster in the Pac-12 and a top-10 roster nationally. Three other Pac-12 teams land in the top 25 of the new Talent Composite.
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