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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. I am SO GLAD I don't go to these any longer. C'mon....did he really tell us anything? If DZC and I were there...you would know a whole-lot more! He gave us a bunch of classic "blah-blah," although that is what all coaches do. And then...when you do ask a great question that gets answered? All the other journalists are right there recording it, and everyone reports the same "scoop" you had. No, I am quite satisfied to let all the other outlets report the news and then we discuss it or do our own analysis of it after the games. Yes, I have a pet-peeve with Coachspeak. Now this was a scoop... Fish Report: Oregon's New 3-4 Defense FISHDUCK.COM (Please note that this white paper was written and distributed onto a number of Oregon forums in June of 2010, but this article of the White Paper was not...
  2. The written transcript, (second post) was excellent. While the format was written well...in the end the coach didn't tell us much. Gosh I am glad I no longer waste my time going to those when I can let the 15 outlets all report the same thing and I can read. And thanks to Pennsylvania Duck for posting this and so many others...."killing-it!"
  3. There is a particular position in the Mint defense that Lanning uses, and this hybrid LB/Safety is called a "Money" linebacker. More information about it all in FishDuck articles (from yours-truly) coming soon!
  4. Trust me, I was getting pretty impatient too. But because I am media credentialed, I got the email today about it and wanted to get it up there for everybody.
  5. He had two guys crossing with a small window open, but he wasn't great at throwing those! Great to see him at Baltimore, as he would fit that offense...
  6. You can print off the new fall player roster with Heights and Weights right here.
  7. He is an unrated "no-stars" with Rivals as of this date. However seven Pac-12 schools offered including UCLA and Washington, so that is nice.
  8. The Arizona fan on the left, and Oregon fan on the right at hearing the news...
  9. Next week we are covering a "Delayed Inside Linebacker Blitz" that was in the Spring Game and that Flowe would be perfect for. I thought Flowe was faster than Sewell, and the speed times posted recently confirm that.
  10. What is funny is that I posted this article on a Husky forum--as it is respectful of their coach. Yet they would not clear it to show on their forum...because it came from a Duck!
  11. Agreed. As someone is known in the Oregon football community for having issues with Cristobal...his win in the 'Shoe was pretty important for the program and an incredible victory.
  12. Perfectly stated. It is not hard, but a small number make it that way. And to think when I began...we had no rules. "We are all adults...right?" The "no rules" lasted about a month, until people started doing stuff.
  13. In the rules.... No. 13: Trying to Sidestep the Rules with Sarcasm? Sarcasm is a subtle form of belittling, of making fun of an individual or a group for their view on a topic. It inhibits people from posting their opinion in the future, and thus is forbidden on FishDuck; we do not want any form of maligning behaviors, (no matter how minor) on FishDuck because of differences of opinion. No. 14: No SNARKY posts or responses, as this can be a variation of sarcasm, but also can be flippantly insulting and/or a derivative of one of the violations above. It is not polite and respectful as we require on this site, thus it will be deleted.
  14. Q: Charles, what I wrote was pretty benign...barely anything, and yet you deleted it and sent me a violation email. Isn't that over-the-top? A: What you wrote was fairly tame, but I look at..."will it start something?" In the early years of moderating...I would agonize and decide to not do anything about a denigration or a political post that was minor in nature, as I did not want to haggle with the OBD member about it. But posts that are even barely offensive/political will generate a response from someone, and that receives another response and the result is a terrible fight. Threads of insults, name-calling, people leaving the site for good...these were ghastly events that I resolved to never allow to occur again. And they could have all been prevented by removing the first post that went over the line. So yes, I stomp on posts that stray over-the-line. Not only does it Prevent Forest Fires, but "anything you allow...you will see again--soon." We do not want to set a new low bar for posting. This is not about your opinion on a topic, as I want to see all of those. Disagreement is not only allowed but encouraged; it is when people start to get personal or political that the line is crossed. Q: Fine, then I'm out. A: Yep, we have many people who upon seeing a violation email declare that they are not posting anymore. My attitude is, "if you are tough enough to violate our rules...you are tough enough to receive a violation email." Besides, the email tells people that, "you are not banned, or even warned. I am simply notifying you of the violation, and then we forget about it and move on." And 99% of you do, as we all make a mistake on occasion, (me too!) and we need some slack for the majority here who are good people. But some OBD members are very sensitive, and even though he told me often how he appreciates our rules? "I love the rules until they are applied to me!"
  15. Like many of you...this is an article I did not like, but needed to see. I am grateful to DZC for doing the homework, and presenting it in a way that I don't think is offensive to either side. DeBoer will bring them back to respectability, IMHO, but whether he can make them elite will depend upon his recruiting skills. Not a good start thus far with only two 4-Star players on Rivals out of 19 committed? Whew! Let's assume he gets one more...a total of three 4-Stars out of 23 signed would place you about No. 34 in the standings last year. Yes I understand his record of doing-more-with-less, but that recruiting will not put you into the Playoffs. And if he does begin to recruit well, I think it will take a while as Oregon loads up further.
  16. So glad to read this in a practice report! Win or lose with class... "You got to learn how to be poised," Sam Taimani said. "We kind of learned our lesson today; we were a little aggressive today, so we ran a little. It's how we practice is how he wants us to play in the game. He doesn't want any of the smack talking, extra stuff; he wants us to have clean practices because how we practice will translate into the game."
  17. If Nick had been named as head coach, and Helf remained as OC....who knows where we would be?
  18. Perfectly stated, and I completely agree. We may even have to break some current agreements with verbals to make room for what may come our way... And we could be very hot in the portal.
  19. One thing I love about this article is how DZC is not afraid to stick his neck out and make a bold assertion about the upside of this defense. I agree with him, and we will be looking into the defense in the future as I begin to transition back from an opinion writer to analyst again. How about this for a tease? The origins of what Coach Lanning is doing now--has it's beginnings from the Oregon defense over ten years ago under Nick Aliotti!
  20. I don't think you understand... I am grateful to have writers put their pride and credibility on the line with their opinion articles. It is easy to wave the pom-poms all the time, but it is tougher to call it as you see it. I've done that a ton, and been quite right, and at times quite wrong. No sweat. That is what makes it all interesting to discuss and in those discussions we learn from each other and become more informed fans as a result. No downside.
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