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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. Good for the past Pac, but even more so for the B1G. With Washington...it is always "good-or-good." Good for past and future conferences if they win, and if they lose?
  2. Isn't that sweet? We can share our Sloppy-Seconds with little brother... I hear he is available too?
  3. I see Joel Klatt declaring that Washington is not a good matchup for Texas, because the Longhorns have the No. 96th ranked pass defense. Hmmmm.
  4. Keep in mind my Duck-Buddies....that I am already working on my mental spin. What if Washington should win? How can I spin good out of it?
  5. I know. Just the thought of it makes me turn and spit. But what if....Washington wins both their games by more than three points each? Suddenly the two three point losses by Oregon look much more respectable, that maybe hints that we would have beaten some of the top-five teams?
  6. Just the title gave me "the feels." Good article! Thanks to Steven A., NJDuck, and Pennsylvania Duck and ALL of you who post articles...
  7. Getting 12 wins at Oregon has not happened very often, so let's get it done!
  8. Damn right David. This is a New Year's Day Six Bowl....a Fiesta Bowl, for crying out loud. It does not matter who the opponent is--we MUST win it! Liberty was required to be part of a NYD-6 bowl, and we got the draw. That is the way it works sometimes. But we must win this! I am going to have an analysis of Liberty up later this week.... (Saturday)
  9. OMIGOSH! "Hawaii’s media rights were worth just $2.3 million in 2021, according to a report filed with the NCAA." Wow. That is Mountain West pull is all...whew!
  10. Amen Duck-Brother. We can all have strong opinions and share them! It makes for great discussion.... I am grateful that I can voice a strong opinion, and have people oppose it and we do not get personal with each other as they do on the other Oregon sites. Debate is GREAT this way!
  11. I admit is was personal to me, as I grew up in Corvallis, and have been to MANY OSU games over the years. To hear and read of their fans blaming Oregon for their troubles was a bit too much for me. Now, after realizing it is a good business move of trading 3.5 million for 10 years for 27 million more per year, and fantastic exposure and much more gate revenues--I am much better now. "Calm down, Charles."
  12. Oh wait...there is more! "What isn't understood is why the head coach of a very privileged winning program that owes it's existence to a corporate empire built on promoting superficial flash and sizzle has such a problem with another coach, much less well funded, doing a great job promoting his own team. It's just the hubris and hypocrisy of this childish, insecure fcktard. I have no problem with UO's athletes." "It's Phil Knight's ungracious, mercenary moron I have a problem with. And by extension, the idiot who employees him. Phil Knight started as a sleezy win at all costs businessman and is returning to his roots in his old age. The man has a monstrous ego. Coach Prime doesn't have half the arrogance and narcissism on display every day from Dim Lemming." "We have more wins, more Nattys, more conference championships (by 2x), more consensus all Americans (by 3x), more first round NFL draft picks, and more NFL draft picks. And that’s after sucking for 20 years. Pick your heads up Buff fans. Greener pastures ahead." (Right...with a ton of Buffalo Chips)
  13. I am curious as to what others think about this, as I cannot help but wonder HOW the Cougars and Beavers can add six Mountain West teams, and call it anything but a MW+2? You have read it in articles, that they actually think they have a shot at becoming a "Power-Six" conference, and a place at the upcoming Playoff as an equal? Do you think that is plausible? What about their upcoming media contract? Do you really think it would be anymore than what it would have been as WSU/OSU+MW? I mean, Oregon State playing San Diego State on TV only moved the needle as a respectable OOC opponent for a Pac-12 team. Not now... (In fact, I did not watch it when OSU was in the Pac-12) This feels like a classic, "whistling past the graveyard" by the Beavers, as I cannot imagine a media contract in excess of 10 million per year....do you? (Yes, I got over their theft of Pac-12 assets when I realized that our departure fee of 3.5 million per year for 10 years is well worth it to receive 27 million more per year than if we had remained in the Pac-12. It is a good business move, and I am mostly over-it) You know, Beaver...it isn't going to get any better...
  14. "We will win our second natty before they win their first." "Their coach and fans act like they’re Bama when in fact we have more wins, more 'Nattys, and more of just about everything else than they do. We comin." "The outcome has changed. Look at the quality of the players in our recruiting class. Show me another team that went 4-8 that is getting the type of players CU is. The quality of players matters - players like we're getting now will lead to wins. The flash worked." "Lanning literally called his shot during his halftime interview and told the whole world to stay tuned in the second half because they were going to turn it on. Who does that? An insecure dork. That’s who. Regarding the flash…most of the bothered folks say they are “old school”. But usually they are just old and grumpy." (Mr. FishDuck Note: Old and grumpy? I take offense, as I am not....grumpy!) My far-side best impression...
  15. Look...I have a sense of humor, and even I have to laugh... (From the Colorado forum)
  16. OK, this is not as high on the "crazy" scale as Oregon State raking in millions they did not earn, but it is pretty amusing to have four-win team talk trash Oregon and our coach, Dan Lanning. BTW...as you have obviously picked up how I am highly entertained by what other fan bases say--thus why I post them here. To me, there are SO MANY different forms of entertainment for us to read, marvel and hoot at. Well, that and "I never said I was noble." "Have yourself a very pleasant stay in the BIG while you make less in distribution per year than our Buffs for the next few years until College Football conferences collapse. The reason why we hate Dan Lanning is because he is an insecure little man child that throws a fit when another program is getting shine. “Substance” to him is paying for kids to transfer when they realize that your city and academic status sucks." (Mr. FishDuck Note: No, you are butt-hurt because he called you out on national television, and his locker room speech has called attention to Oregon and Dan Lanning, and it sucks for you) "The absolute stupidity of you idiots is astounding. I’ve lived in Eugene (unlike some of your “fans.”) It’s a hell-hole. It’s Springfield west with meth, and nothing notable to do." I want to make this as clear as possible, you will fail in the B1G. You will continue to fail when it matters most. You are a feeder school to Florida State and Miami because no coach in his right mind would stay in EUGENE of all places." "Humbly, I can’t wait to see you continue to be the ugly step sister to Washington."
  17. How many captions can you come up with for the picture provided by Dr Hilarius? (I love this stuff) "And WHO owns the sofa?"
  18. Jon...another great article! I agree with both your conclusion, and the suggestion to get to 16 teams right away. It is the same number of weeks to set aside, thus extra revenue for all! BTW...FishDuck Photographer Craig Strobeck provided all the pictures in this article, and he has had some pretty big organizations hire him for games besides FD.com. Lately he has been the photographer for USA Today at many Oregon games, and has been shooting picture at Autzen longer than the dozen years of FishDuck.com's presence. That photo in the article from the 2015 Rose Bowl...whew! My thanks to all who are a part of the FishDuck family such as Craig and Jon. Such high quality from such superb individuals! Another epic picture by Craig...
  19. Injured by WHO? They desperately wanted to join a Power-5 conference, and were ignored. They were not even given a token "Stanford-Cal" offer. Thus, given the opportunity....they would have left the Pac-12 as Oregon did. They were not abandoned, as they were trying to do what everyone else was....get a better deal and place to land. But nobody wanted them; why? Back in the 1970s....Oregon and Oregon State were in the same bad condition. So what changed since then? Was it Oregon putting down Oregon State? No, Oregon invested in it's brand, and built a following by hiring good football coaches. Phil did not join us until AFTER we went to the Rose Bowl on our own. Winners want to work with winners. If the Beavers have almost no brand, and a small following...which generates no interest from P-5 conferences...whose fault is THAT? Who injured the Beavers over the decades? Answer: their own inept administration; they refuse to look inward at the real reason for this final result and like you--wish to claim injury and declare Oregon as the oppressor.
  20. Please....read this article. It is quite evident that THEY have been given hundreds of millions beyond their value for decades. Beavers are Over-Valued, Over-Paid, Ungrateful and Unaccountable |... FISHDUCK.COM I am sick of the pretentious articles by John Canzano and other writers who portray the Beavers as the aggrieved party in the Pac-12 dissolution…
  21. Yes, we have heard from John Canzano of how the new Pac-2 will receive an whopping 255 million of current and future payments coming from the old Pac-12...without the upcoming legal liabilities. It is an amazing theft the incompetent administrations of the ten universities approved of, and one that from any definition of "fair" is clearly not. Oregon State and Washington State did not earn that revenue. The free market has shown that they have the pulling power of what they will be assembling, a Mountain West+ conference, yet they are taking proceeds as if they won multiple national championships in football and earned it all. Astounding. Stupid-as-Hell. The height of athletic thievery. Never will I feel sorry for them again. We also learned from Jon Wilner that the amount each of the departing Pac-12 teams will lose from this year's 35 million estimated revenue is somewhere between five and ten million for each team? Whew! So here is the spin I give myself concerning all this; the theft of 255 million or for Oregon it would be 25 million over 10 years, and I will average it out over 10 years at 2.5 million exit cost per year. Add to that the 10 million dollar cost (taking worst case) for this year? That averages out to a million a year over the next 10 years + the 2.5 million theft per year for 10 years by Oregon State over time = $3.5 million a year cost over the next ten years to leave the Pac-12. So we will go from an estimated 22 million per year (Apple offer) if everything worked out, along with poor visibility, (if not being nearly invisible) to an average of 49 million a year of revenues over the next 10 years from the B1G with fantastic coverage and visibility. This multi-million dollar theft is not right, but even the orange bean-counters can see that it is a good cost of doing business, as our audience and revenues will shoot through the roof. So we give up 3.5 million per year to get 27 million MORE per year, and be on FIVE television stations? Sign me up. What they are doing to us is wrong, but they going to be dropping down so far in the sport food-chain, as we ascend further up on it--that I will just think of them as the road-kill they are becoming. And I'll try not to remind them of the final time we met before their MW+ fate. (Note the jersey numbers...)
  22. You are killing me! I need to plan a visit to Santa Rosa, Montana,....
  23. I personally am not ready to ponder next year until I see what happens in the portal for Oregon. There are lots of rumors, and many more great prospects will enter the portal AFTER the bowl games. It is also possible that the Ducks will LOSE a few players to the portal after the bowl game. From a coaching standpoint...I believe Lanning will get better, and I believe Tosh has a much better idea of what he can do at Oregon now. The amount of blitzes this season went WAY up and were instrumental in many games. On offense--I believe Stein is going to improve, and that small upside may offset the loss of Bucky and Franklin. But let's see what the portal brings!
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