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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. Yes, but I think Khyree would embrace the challenge...
  2. I'd love to see what Stein can do in his second year at Oregon, as I think he will be even better next year as he's learned the lay of the land. He will have a tougher road with a new QB, but I do think he is a great QB coach...
  3. Good point on both offense and defense. If the starters on both sides of the ball were playing all four quarters of all the games--our averages would be even more eye-popping!
  4. Their answer is to steal Oregon's 35 million of media revenue this year, and every penny of the future income streams from this year and prior ones.
  5. Grandpa Duck...I don't which is better; your wit, your humor or your prose. You just also won the "post of the week" as well! What a fun read...
  6. These are incredible, and I've never seen at Oregon before. Have you?
  7. Make that THREE major predictions for Oregon to sign this recruit. He has not announced, and won't for nearly a month, (December 21st) and I cannot convey how important he is to the future Oregon defense. Not to mention that there none like him on the west coast next year, thus even more crucial!
  8. Oh Ryan...you so wrote it well. Holding Martinez to 39 yards is crazy good, and this was a defensive effort for the ages.
  9. As you know, the final score was 31-7, which was a jaw-dropper. Who would have thought that Oregon would hold the Beavers to only SEVEN points and 53 yards rushing? But Grandpa Duck was only thirteen points off with a 38-13 prediction, and this is the first time he has entered the contest this year! Congrats to him, and thanks to all that entered. Fun!
  10. I know so many of you have said that if Oregon wins out...we're in the Playoff. Just because you or I wrote it, or Kirk Herbstreit said it--doesn't mean it will happen. If Oregon State drops out of the top-25, (and they could now with four losses) then Oregon has NO victories over ranked teams. We've already heard that on the ESPN Playoff show, and it could end up being true until we beat Washington. But today I heard an analyst say after the Michigan win that, "Ohio State is now the best one-loss team, as their one loss is to a higher ranked Michigan--as opposed to Oregon's against Washington." I could just HEAR the screw-job beginning. One last year of the Pac-12? One last opportunity to hose you again!
  11. I am a little ashamed, but not enough to change the path! I am referring to how I grew up a Beaver fan, went to Oregon and then cheered for both except for Civil War. Now, with the Grand Theft that Oregon State is trying to pull-off, (see article below from Monday) I will admit to becoming a pretty ugly fan over it. They want our 35 million for this year that WE EARNED in media revenues. Let me guess...if we get into the Playoff--they will want ALL THAT money too? They have been massively overpaid for decades relative to their value to the conference, and they want to steal us blind? You know, I could see them taking future revenues since they are still in the conference. But this year's payouts? Yesterday was beyond joyous for me. We beat them soundly like the Mountain-West team that they are, and if they succeed in stealing a year of media revenue from Oregon? I never want any Oregon sport to play them again as stealing should not be rewarded. As you can tell, my feelings for the Beavers have moved into the "Husky" zone, as this travesty should not be allowed to occur. Beavers are Over-Valued, Over-Paid, Ungrateful and Unaccountable FISHDUCK.COM I am sick of the pretentious articles by John Canzano and other writers who portray the Beavers as the aggrieved party in the Pac-12 dissolution…
  12. I think you guys make some GREAT points, and while we disagree, I love how we can have this discussion without disparaging each other as they do on the boards. To me, he doesn’t have the “it” factor, but I will humbly admit my error if he becomes a winner. You know the truth about my opinions… “Frequently wrong, but never in doubt!”
  13. Trust me...the "bad word software" in this forum does not allow what it really means. We all can figure it out...
  14. Holding the Beavers to seven? Are you fricken kidding me? Wow, I NEVER would have seen that coming... And that brought our season average of giving up points from 16.7 points per game to now 15.9, so instead of rounding up to 17 points per game given up...it is now 16 points per game! But, we dropped from scoring 46.3 points per game to a lowly 45.3 points per game. You know...that doesn't suck!
  15. I am not real impressed with what I see of the B1G, as they are top-heavy with two good teams, and a pronounced lack of depth beyond there. What Coach Smith has done at Oregon State with few blue-chippers is amazing. If he did that at Michigan State--they would immediately jump to the top five in that huge conference. And we would have to play him AGAIN. C'mon Oregon State...pony up what is needed to retain him, because you KNOW you will look like the Trailer-Trash that you are, without him. Your only chance at the Playoff later is with him, and yes--your budget is toast, but it will be worse without him. And I don't want that smart SOB in the B1G.
  16. You are an enigma to us. This forum is the nicest group of people you will ever meet online, and we know that every fan base has terrible fans and classy fans. Yet so many of us hate the Huskies beyond normal human interaction rational limits, and unfortunately as the owner-manager of the forum I am one of the very worst. I wrote an article years back titled, "My Hatred of the Huskies is Irrational...is Yours?" Yet the bottom line is that if YOU are "polite and respectful," then so will we be. We have fans from tons of schools that come here, and we have great conversations. I expect a ton more next year with joining the B1G, thus, I will welcome you if both sides can keep it civil. Please read our rules at the top of the site, as I do have a trigger-finger for banning people who denigrate others. We can talk-trash about the Ducks. Other team fans cannot. We are ruthless toward the Huskies, and that is the home-field advantage you will have to endure. But we do love to converse with opposing fans. Utah has kicked our butt many times in the past--yet we love their fans who post here. Ditto for the wonderful Georgia fans. Hence, I will welcome you, but boy am I conflicted! Let's make the most of the next week, and may your team suffer no injuries, and both sides play their best.
  17. I just got the official stats as a media credentialed source for Oregon Football. I don't know if it is my shock, or prolonged buzz from my new favorite Oregon Craft Beer IPA? Good gosh you could have won so much money gambling on that! And I would have NEVER predicted that, and frankly am a little speechless as I mentally process the game. Did any of YOU see that coming?
  18. Dan Lanning in Pregame: “These guys are hungry for a physical game, and they like physical football.”
  19. Here we are my Duck-Buddies, the thread for pondering the actual game as it happens. Let's discuss before, and during the game! The vast majority of you are GREAT in this thread, but you must remember that this forum is different, as we require civilized discourse. Discussion of negative is fine, but don't vent on us! Rule No. 31d covers GameDay Thread Conduct, and it is not hard for the vast majority of us--just a tiny few who need to reign it in when things don't go well for Our Beloved Ducks. Let's Have Fun Posting During the Game!
  20. I like your score Alex, but I thinking/hoping for even more. This team has a lot to show the nation, and to those Bastard Beavers. Not letting up will not only give the Ducks the style points they need for the Playoff, but to establish once and for all--the dominance that is Oregon football. Playing Oregon sucks...just ask Dilly.
  21. Do you agree with his assessment? Oregon Ducks Football: Score Predictions vs OSU FISHDUCK.COM It's game day, Duck fans, and that means it's time to make your gameday prediction. Our Oregon Ducks football program kicks off rivalry week to face the Beavs…
  22. If those Bastard-Beavers insist on stealing the 35 million in revenue that Our Beloved Ducks earned this year....we should NEVER play them again in any sport. I don't care how it makes it easier for coaches on either side; Oregon State has been massively overpaid for decades relative to their value to the conference. Steal from us again, and there must be a price to pay.
  23. It used to be that with a trick question that only a true Oregon fan would know--would prevent the 'bots and spammers. Now, with AI, they can easily answer the questions in registration. Since 11:30 PM last night we have had 29 Spammers penetrate and register, and consequently write dozens of spam posts that fortunately, our fantastic moderators have deleted. Then they marked the spammer to prevent future posts. Hug a moderator! I just spent time brainstorming with the web developer in England about this, and the result is going to be a new registration process beginning Monday. There will no longer be a short-form signup, but a long form where they have to tell me their story as an Oregon fan, details about their past, etc. I would also now personally have to approve every new membership. Since we grow slowly--I have resigned myself to this extra hassle-option to stop the spammers with AI. They can still fool me, but I will catch most. As if there was not enough time and work associated with this hobby....sheesh. And thank goodness we have Moderators who shut off the Spammers when I am not around! Thanks to Moderators!
  24. No. At crunch time, he will Shough it. (Shuck) Greatness and Weakness Emerge Early. Weakness never turns into Greatness, you simply put a ton of time into a QB/employee/volunteer who is below average, just to make them average. You cannot send chickens to Eagle school; if you want Eagles, you have to go find them. (Recruit them) And they will save you a ton of time. (This is an old manager expression) And you do not want an average QB running the Oregon offense; you want a GREAT one.
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