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Log Haulin

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Everything posted by Log Haulin

  1. Lets move game comments here. So much to talk about. What an impressive victory
  2. I had Utes at 17 out of respect. I didn't have 6 anywhere on my radar. Thats impressive at Rice-Eccles
  3. As much as I would have loved to see TT air it out. Lanning has a ton of respect for KW. That was Dan showing that respect by 3 runs.
  4. Love fest by commentators on the Duck D. Bout time
  5. I don't disagree about Bridges. Been scratching my head all year about his lack of PT.
  6. Defense is winning this game. Just take care of the ball. Another 10 points and this one should be done
  7. Thats assuming Barns can score on a D thats playing lights out. Going into the half was Ducks keeping everything in front of them. Oregon plays better in second half so I don't see Utes having enough to be able to catch them. We will see
  8. I saw that, no way you call that forward progress without an opportunity for review. In the end Okie lost.
  9. Utes rushing for 1.6 yards a carry. Barnes is going to have to beat Oregon with his arm.
  10. He does have 8 tackles and Utes haven't found the endzone.
  11. Prevent D gives up fg's. I don't like it but it served a purpose on that last drive.
  12. Ducks D is playing a couple levels up. Dorlus is playing lights out. Offense doesn't need to get cute. Just do their thing and let the D carry them to victory. Okie lost so lets get closer to the magic 4.
  13. Utes are just getting beat up. I don't think USC has anything to do with it. As I said during the week, Utes aren't as good as their record indicates.
  14. 17 ots is a huge hole considering Utes offensive struggles.
  15. Utes at about 2 yrds per rush. 7ish yards per pass. Oregon D gets stronger as the game goes on.
  16. I don't buy the Utes are great D racket at this point. Ducks are doing what ever they want.
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