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Log Haulin

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Everything posted by Log Haulin

  1. On the flip side. When things get tough. When your backs against the wall and you are facing adversity. It's easy to lash out at the guy next to you. That didn't happen. The players remained calm and just focused on what is imediatly in front of them. Bad play happens for whatever reason. I don't think lack of respect was one of the reasons. These players and coaches hung together under duress. Thats respect. Trust grew under these conditions. Ducks weren't tested last week. Pretty easy win could have resulted in their lack of focus. They got humbled this week and still got the W. What a great opportunity to coach each other up. I think the Ducks learn from this and fix it.
  2. Here is a great example of how inconsistent the play was last night. This is back to back coments I made in live game feed. Looks like it was early in the 2nd Q maybe. Too funny not to share this bi polar moment. Both coming 1 min apart
  3. This is a difficult game to wrap your head around. It's going to be interesting to see how folks try to make sense of it all in the coming days. That's going to be a huge challenge. My initial response is beyond X's and O's, game plan, game management and play calling. Lubbock is a tough environment and Tech played hard. But Oregon came out unfocused and lost the mental game. Right out of the gate, penalty for equipment violation. Conerly with 3 false starts. 3 PI's, not hustling off the field and getting caught. Formation penalties, late hit. 14 penalties for 124 yards... wow! Thats on Coach. Thats lands squarely on Lanning. We will call out Stein and Lupoi. They hold some responsibility as part of the staff but Its hard to execute when mental preparation and focus is nonexistent. Hats off to TT and their fan base. They played determined and angry. But Lanning has to get this team better prepaired in the mental focus department. I found it interesting that Burch had zero tackles and Dorlus had one. Those are supposed to be the DUDES up front defensively. Ducks got man handled often in the trenches. Burch and Dorlus have got to be better than that. As bad as the D played at times. As much as they extended TT drives with bad penalties. The D came up with some huge plays. 4 sacks, 3 int and 2 forced fumbles. One being a strip sack and one a pick 6 to seal the victory. The O line has some work to do. Ducks bread and butter is the run game. O line struggled to open running lanes. I saw a couple cut back lanes but the backs failed to see them. TT had something to do with that and game planned taking Ducks rush attack away. On the bright side this was one of those games that sharpen teams. Develops grit. Shows teams what they are made of. Adversities can be a huge asset. Also will show us what kind of coach we have beyond X's and O's. Many said Tech could be a dark horse to win the Big12. They have some really good players. To go into a hostile environment and win ugly on the road is a huge accomplishment. From what I understand, it's especially difficult to do in Lubbock Texas. First things first. Get your head right Ducks. The performance mentally was atrocious. Thats on you Lanning, so fix it. Two 0's on the field for opening the game... sheesh. Went down hill from there. C'mon coach!
  4. Mad respect for that environment in Lubbock. That is a great place to play. Rabid fan base. Think I heard TT had a 23 game winning streak in home openers. Now they have 0.
  5. There isn't a player alive that turns down that pick 6. Love the points and the W
  6. Shough took some big hits. Ran over 20 times. Dudes gonna feel this game
  7. This is a game that needed to be played. Lots to fix with Hawaii next up. But this game did something else. Show grit, no quit. That was a hard faught game. Loved it. We all saw the ugly and won on the road. D came up with huge plays. O did what it needed to do. Glad this game happened.
  8. The D made some huge plays, strip sack, 4 sacks ,2 int. 1 pic6
  9. This isn't the same team that lost to Wy. This also isn't the same team that dropped 81 on PSU.
  10. This is a mental focus problem. Penalties penalties penalties
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