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Washington Waddler

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Posts posted by Washington Waddler

  1.      While I completely understand the armchair fun of this plug-and-play strategizing that dominates the conversation regarding which QB and what scenario will best serve the 2022 season, it troubles me a bit the way the focus has drifted further and further away from the older idea of developing quarterbacks in favor of this high stakes mentality where each QB seems to be nothing more than a disposable pawn in search of the ever elusive brass ring?

  2.      Grew up in the Coliseum (Dad USC class of 33) watching Trojans steamroll whoever - fun as a kid. Travels somehow brought me to Oregon in early 70’s, working my way as a picker and ranch-hand until I landed a job at SPRR in Eugene.


         Father sent me a ticket to 1974 game. Sitting among the Trojan faithful, as I so often had as a kid, it brought back a familiar, blasé feeling — an unconcerned, excessively indulged appetite for winning that was reflected in so many of those complacent, supremely confident faces I was sitting with.


         Remember it was a good game - close. Remember the Oregon fans living and dying with every play, the energy and noise ceaseless. Remember the USC fans sitting smugly expectant, erupting on occasion with polite clapping. Looking back and forth between the two, I vaguely remember yelling something like, “what the f**k is wrong with you people?” and moving to Autzen’s rim among the Ducks, and never looked back.


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  3. On 2/23/2022 at 8:29 AM, David Marsh said:

    What about club sports? You counted club sports right? RIGHT?! 

         Suppose if they could keep their noses out of one another’s rear ends, and their eyes on the trail, they’d do ok at the Iditarod. Nah

  4. On 2/22/2022 at 10:09 AM, Annie said:

    But I'll bet lots of Duck fans would drive/fly to Vegas. Not sure about Georgia fans

         Give the LV promotion machine a crack at them, and they’ll have those puppies believing the slots will come up triple peaches every time.

    • Haha 1
  5. On 2/22/2022 at 8:05 AM, Darren Perkins said:

    There's nothing wrong with Richardson, he's just not a goto guy.

         For me, the telling difference between Payton and Will is found not in the three ball, but  in the way they drive to the basket.  Payton lowered the shoulder, used his speed, and said here I come, try and stop me. Will - more often than not - will probe with hesitation, trying to finesse an opening that may or may not appear.


         It’s that try and stop me attitude that a go to guy just has to have.

    • Thumbs Up 3
  6. On 2/21/2022 at 9:06 AM, WiseKwacker said:

    Phil is helping engineer the Ducks' approach to NIL and NFT. So, in this case, I just fall back on a simple motto as a Duck fan: In Phil I Trust.  🤞

         In matters having to do with the on field product, Oregon has often had to be the first out of the gate - to be the innovator - in order to over come limitations created by both the perception and reality of the program on a national level. We had to create in order to both change minds and to change our own destiny.


         But when it comes to the business end (NILS/NFT) of football, no such limitation exists. It’s Nike. If Phil clears his throat, recruits and the rest of the NILS world will go quiet and listen.


         That’s why I’m not particularly worried about Oregon not jumping as fast as it can into the hog trough that spews dollars at every recruit with a pulse. Let the WSU’s and AT&M’s of the world go raging down that road; I’ll put my money on the wait and see attitude we’re utilizing. When we’re ready to jump, they’ll know it.


    • Thumbs Up 3
  7.      Think I’ll buy a hot plate and move to New Mexico. What a great view on life! Thanks


         That said, I can never resist playing devil’s advocate. For two reasons, if anyone can move the unmovable object, it might be Gattis.


         1) He has the experience of holding his own under two alpha HCs in Saban and Harbaugh, and apparently establishing his own vision, and 

         2) he’ll be installing an offensive vision with which MC is apparently in agreement with because of their similar experiences at Alabama.


         That said, it’s still Mario. He starts with the best of intentions before giving way to the irresistible urge to tinker and micromanage.


         Hope Gattis doesn’t miss any of  those counseling session.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  8.      Good take Darren. At some point, sleeping giants do  awake.  Riley, riding in like the cavalry to the rescue, undoubtedly has the full attention of those seeking to emerge from this slumber.


         With in those spheres he controls - recruiting, scheme, coaching - I don’t doubt his chance for success is as good as anyone out there, minus Saban.  But, it’s not what he can see, but what he can’t that could be his problem.


         Without any experience of west coast/California culture, It’ll be interesting to see how quickly he can recognize and respond to the the social layers that can and will affect his team.


         Imo, the most successful Trojan coaches over the past 60 years were either California natives, or had been immersed in west coast realities long enough to know the warning signs when someone or something was falling off the rails.


         Pete Carroll is a SF native, and John Robinson moved to the Bay Area at the age of nine. John McKay had 4 years as a player and 9 as an assistant coach at Oregon, and one as an assistant before taking over the reins at USC.


         No doubt Riley is savvy; you don’t achieve what he has without it. But Muleshoe, Lubbock,, Greenville, and Norman are not going to prepare you for what he’ll have to deal with in LA.



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  9.      This bringing back way too many good memories. Was at both Dixon’s Michigan and Washington 2007 games. Both fan bases delusional in there arrogance, just in different ways. Unforgettable to experience both groups go numb and dumb when Chip and Dennis hit the shock collar button. Wouldn’t mind seeing some off-shoot of that magic again!

  10.      At times, it seems like Dana’s offensive system is going through an identity crises as a result of his new-found attraction to bigs. His inner circle has traditionally been run by 6-8, 6-9 guys who could run, distribute and step outside to hit  FGs or 3s.  Swatting, running the floor, or poking and  probing to find the best shot has been the norm: transition and speed.

         His newer stable of talls can run and swat, but seem challenged to retain the tempo of previous occupants in the paint because the offense slows every time the ball is lobbed inside. Systems collide when that happens. 

         Previous inner occupants had multiple tools that kept the tempo fast and the rest of the team involved. They could pick and roll,  kick it out, take it to the hoop, or do turn around jumpers. Now those lobs seem to settle on the bigs alone to get the job done, and the tempo slows as everyone else becomes uninvolved.


         Is it a matter of size to speed ratio, hand/eye coordination, or skill development that hampers our bigs and slows the system?  What ever the issue is, it does seem to be a challenge for Dana on how best to integrate his new found riches into his older ways and get his team’s rhythm back.


  11.      What can you say? They played like a team motivated by their loss in Eugene, and wanting to prove in a high profile game that the returning players from last year’s championship game are ready to go again. Yes, give them credit for taking it to us.  

         Painful? Yes. It’s never a good feeling to get out-hustled. But, in-league elite competition is a gift that pays dividends further down the road. It’s the best thing you can ask for. Kelly and his team will learn from this game.





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  12. On 2/4/2022 at 10:19 AM, John Charles said:

    Calling it irresponsible journalism seems kind. Maybe we should borrow a tactic from the Wannabes up north and defuse the hostility with a little humor!



    Groucho Marks Mask.webp

         It might help defuse things a bit, but at the very least, it’d be hilarious if Kelly showed up at the game with a pair of those on. Don’t take it seriously! Don’t let a bulletin board media clown affect your focus.

    • Like 1
  13.      CalBear95, welcome back! Let me add that rowing is a sport I’ve come to really enjoy. Living up here in puppyland, I’ve attended a few races on the Montlake Cut, and it’s genuinely exciting and engaging.


         While it’s unknown for me to express anything positive about the hydrant wetters, I will say what there men’s eight did at the 1936 Olympic Games was as memorable as Jesse Owen’s Gold Medals.


         For anyone interested, Dan Brown’s ‘The Boys in the Boat’ is a worthwhile read on that historic event. It upset Hitler pretty good. Like Norm McDonald said, the more I learn about the guy, the less I care for him.



  14.      The last time the Troylets were flushed with success, Pete Carroll didn’t have to compete with the NFL for media attention or fans in the stands. Now LA’s pro teams have a Super Bowl contender, and the most popular young QB in town.  Don’t disappoint too much or too often Riley, or you’ll find that gushing press cadre eating you for lunch, and nobody but faithful frat boys in the stands.

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