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Everything posted by GODUCKS15

  1. Lets see, the last UT/UO game was 38-7 UT. MC is rumored for the Miami job, Mooreheads all but on a plane to Akron. Gee I wonder why the lackluster fan support.
  2. I remember way back when the Ducks would barely crack the top 25 only to lose the following weekend and never be back in for the remainder of the season. How times have changed.
  3. Experienced players are only beneficial if the game plan works. AB was pretty inconsistent throughout the season. AB was a 6 year senior with lots of playing experience. I'm just not sure that no matter how good they players are that they'll get to shine in under MC. Would the Ducks have lost to Stanford or UT if Herbert were playing? Maybe not but Justin's not the norm.
  4. MC will hire a 'Yes sir' OC and nothings going to change.
  5. “We're systematic. And we're systematic from a cultural standpoint as well.” Cristobal said. “We do things a certain way. And when you come here to Oregon, you have to do things our way. We tweak schemes. We make adjustments, we make advances, we progress. But we do things a certain way. So for us and our players, they know us. We’re honest with them. There are no concerns.” Next OC up.
  6. If MC leaves then so be it. The only drop off Oregon had in the last 12 years was in Helfrich's final year. Taggert turned it around and now we have MC. There will be another good coach at Oregon if MC leaves. Oregons not AZ or some other school without the means to hire a good coach. I just don't get all the worry.
  7. I hope they don't get egg on their face. Did that last time they played UT.
  8. Could be he wants back in coaching and this would be a great way to improve your resume'. Take a team in the dumpster and bring them back to prominence would possibly open more doors for a better HC job.
  9. If the Ducks lose to UT this Friday why would MC deserve a pay raise? I think it should be earned. So far MC's only equaled his best year. I get the pay to stay thing but except for speculation there's no indication he's on any schools short list.
  10. This will have a feeling of a game at UT IMO. Ute's are jacked about this game. So are the Ducks but inside the stadium it may not look or sound that way.
  11. He's been there for 17 years. He could've left anytime. Guessing people are figuring that if a HC stays that long they're not leaving. I don't think Kyle needs any attention for motivation. Winning the P12 Conference game is his motivation.
  12. In the meantime he's raking in the $$$$$$$$$$$$$. He won't be hurting for money and if he fails he can always get another HC job somewhere less glamorous. Everyone knows USC is where coaches go to die so the expectations are lower and it's not like he's taking over for Saban. Looks like a win win to me.
  13. The Ducks have had poor 3rd qtrs all year. Fresno St=0 tOSU=14 St Brook=14 AZ=0 Stanford=10 Cal=0 UCLA=13 CO=14 WA=7 UT=7 Ost=0 4 blanks and two 7 pointers. Something that needs addressed IMO.
  14. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/report-pair-4-star-oregon-194636072.html No doubt recruiting will change.
  15. Outside of the tOSU game it was the best game of the season for me.
  16. Ducks miss USC for 2022 so maybe a match in the P12 Conf game? USC at Ore in 2023. Tough road ahead for the Ducks. Tough enough without a Riley coached USC on the agenda. If JM does leave the OC hire to replace him needs to be top notch.
  17. Who would be on your list if in fact JM does leave? Tedford?
  18. I like to focus on the 10-2 record. Theyve only lost one close game and it had outlying circumstances.
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