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Everything posted by GODUCKS15

  1. I'm not feeling very confident about this game. Lots of pundits thought Oregon would handle UT too. That didn't work out well. I know teams rebound from bad losses but this team seems to struggle early on in games even after a win. Helps that its played at Autzen. If this game were at Reser I'd 100% give the win to the beavs.
  2. Without spending hours doing research cause thats not in my wheelhouse I wonder how teams stack up against each other when you have injuries' and multiple players starting at one position and rotating in and out of other positions as far as player rankings goes. (4*-5*) Lots of poster are ranting about all this elite talent on the team and can't figure out why a FR can't just enter the game and be great since they were either 4* or 5*. Let say that that 4-5* FR has only played on the scout team up until the UT game. Now they're put in the game expecting to replace a 9 game starter or even backup the backup because the starter went out 2 games prior. Now we have a 3rd string 4-5* FR trying to make plays when he previously was watching the scout team or getting a few reps with the scout team. Take all the inexperienced 4-5* players that have had to fill in, sometimes in different positions and ask them to play against a 2-3 year 3-4* player. My guess is that the 3-4* player will be better against the 4-5+ player at their position simply because they've had several years playing that position. Point I'm getting at is players aren't elite until they become elite. Last I saw the Ducks were 9-2 and could be 12-2 after a bowl game. If that's not coaching up a team I'm not sure what is.
  3. I read the same thing about Chips team in his 1st year as an HC at Oregon. He had that deer in the headlights look in the Boise St game, then after a few more games the team took off. I wonder if MC is having the same issues. The problem with starting slow is getting seeded low in the NCAA tourney. Be nice to have a bye early on.
  4. Being afraid of the unknown is never being able to try new things. It's easy to get complacent, just ask Beaver fans about Riley. I'm not advocating firing MC as I think that's totally the wrong move at this time. My question though is being happy with 10-2, 9-3 every year okay? Is that being complacent? Whats the difference between 7-5 or 10-2 every year if your goals are the same? If you never win the CFP and only make it but don't win every 4-5 years is that okay? Or is the program culture just as important? Thats one thing that nice guy 7-5 Riley had going for him. His program was good and wins/losses mattered but could be ignored as long as the program culture got respect. Is that the way fans want to view the Ducks? A good program with great recruiting but will more often than not, not make the CFP because that's the way it'll be for the foreseeable future.
  5. Next year will be the SOS. Ducks will lose to GA, maybe BYU next year and another loss in conference. So kiss the CFP goodbye again. Hey it was fun while it lasted. I think you're on to something Charles.
  6. Sorry I can't buy the multiple .500 seasons. Oregon could hire a quality coach that if MC left today should be able to come in and take the talent we have and do well. Seems people panic when a coach leaves but other than Helfich taking Oregon into the dumpster it's been pretty flawless with coaching transitions. Taggert at least had a winning season and MC had a winning season since.
  7. Some of that inconsistency might come from starting different players every game. I seem to have read recently that the O line has had like 8? different combinations. Probably more by now. How many young players are playing instead of 2-3 year starters?
  8. I don't think he's over valued. $4.6M a year doesn't even get him near the top 10 highest paid FBS coaches. 26th according to a list on Fan Nation. You get what you pay for. Ducks lose to the Beavs, go to a lesser bowl and struggle and wind up ranked around 16th or lower seems about right for a 26th pay ranked coach. Overvalued is David Shaw.
  9. Do the Ducks need a new physical trainer or are coaching technics causing injuries?
  10. Cam missed 2 FG's last night. Going into that game he was 10-10. Something was amiss in more ways than can be seen as to why the Ducks stunk. Cam missing had nothing to do with coaching. AB stunk like he does every once in a while. O line got face punched on the 1st play and never recovered. D was always playing catchup. The whole Duck effort stunk from the top to the bottom. Yeah the players that play hard still played hard like Sewel and Thibs but they seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time half of the game. Fact is the Ducks got out coached and out muscled by UT.
  11. AB threw to 11 players against UCLA and in the tOSU games. I think injuries have slowed down the ability to spread the ball around. If you go to the game stats in each game it really is interesting that it seems like hardly anyone is getting the ball except Dye or a couple WR's but in reality the ball is getting spread around more than it seems to be.
  12. I'd be happy if those came true. But I would never bet on those.
  13. I don't think any guys on the team quit because of MP. It looked to me like a fight when one fighter comes out and lands a hard punch to the other fighters face and at that point controls the fight. Ducks simple weren't ready for the initial punch from UT and never regained composure. If they can somehow muster the will power to beat the beavs next Sat I feel they will be more prepared and it won't be a blowout in the P12 game. I saw a lot of guys playing hard but not playing smart. Not going to blame any particular circumstance for last nights debacle because IMO there's blame everywhere.
  14. I would like to know why are there so many injuries? It seems like since Radcliff left the Ducks have more injuries more often.
  15. Still early but I hope tonight is not one of those WTFudge happened games.
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