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Old Geezer

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  1. Thanks for this story. I've always viewed sports as works of art. Motion art, like ballet, purposeful, and exact. The right movement at just the right time. Graceful in its complexity, yet simple in its enactment.
  2. The Earth has stopped spinning on its axis!!
  3. I think we found the beef! Uncle Phil will have to once again pony up the cash to feed this monster.
  4. Now That is CLASS!
  5. Gaining perspective is always a good thing. Sometimes stepping back can give one a chance to reevaluate. This team grew up in the worst of circumstances and will be the better for it in the future.
  6. I think Tyler is the poster boy for letting all the themes get in the way of playing the game. When we see the greats lace up they always seem to be having fun. I'm afraid Tyler got in his own way. Play with controlled abandon, have fun, enjoy the moment. Tyler took the team on his back too many times, let your playmakers make the plays, simply put the ball in their hands and watch them make TD's.
  7. Eenie, Meenie, Minee, Moe who will the Ducks choose to throw? It's is indeed a big question mark. I will not even try to guess until the Spring practices and even then it will be up for grabs me thinks....
  8. We've got the Jimmy's and the Joes, now we need the X's and the O's. Please, please, please take the reins off the offense and let them run free.
  9. The first thing any coach must do is get buy-in from the players. Having a young team in this regard can be a good thing.
  10. Totally impressed with his first live interview. I can't wait to see all of his schemes come to fruition on the field. He certainly has all the tools available for a successful season. The most important thing for everyone will be the spring and fall practices to occur so that this still young team can come together and gel.
  11. That right there is a whole lot of love from all over America for his talents!
  12. His body type suggests that "the stache: will be able to add 10 to 15 pounds of muscle without losing any speed. I like the comparison to Dat in his moves.
  13. I'll reserve my excitement for when the rubber meets the road. His resume is certainly full of positivity, however, we've experienced this type of hoopla before in our new coordinators and been burned. He certainly will be blessed with, perhaps, the best players he will have ever coached. I wish him all the luck in the world and hope he will surprise and delight me with his skills. In Coach C we trust but verify!
  14. "This is a very good problem for the coaches to have." Amen to that brother!
  15. I realize I'm stating the obvious, but here goes anyway, "WINNING puts butts in the seats".
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