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  1. Charles, Love the forum! The main reason is the civility. Things are discussed politely and disagreements are always civil, it will keep me coming back!
  2. Man, the Troy boys are more than a little butt-hurt about Pleasant! I had to laugh at the guy calling Eugene and the UO garbage, how mature of him!
  3. Love what I read in the Oregonian today about N'Flay being willing to come off the bench because guys in front of him are playing better, he is a consummate team player! Hopefully some of the younger players are taking note.
  4. Special teams was one of the Ducks weakest links. I don't know much about Coach Powledge but if he was one of the ST coaches hopefully Coach Lanning can make an improvement. I believe our first year coach over-looked this crucial aspect of having a complete football team.
  5. One of my alltime favortite Ducks is Greg Ballard. He quietly went about being a great basketball player, maybe the GOAT at Oregon.
  6. I thought both those guys were great this year but I don't know their status. What do you guys know?
  7. I believe Coach Lanning will be open for input from a variety of sources and it will be his call to make. No matter what, I trust his decision will be to make the Ducks better!
  8. I hate to see Kenny D. leave but I believe he can be replaced. The Ducks have very good players on their offensive roster and many OC's would love to coach them. I honestly think a solid defensive coordinator is harder to come by and more valuable.
  9. Terrible performance! Tosh Lupoi being a good recruiter will not get the job done. Letting the beavers run wild was so painful to watch when everyone knew waht was coming. Do I need to mention Special Teams?
  10. Holy crap! I thought it was 212!
  11. How about a Nike NIL deal or a Pape' Cat NIL! Help me out here guys!
  12. Coach Lanning is a first year head coach as we all know, he was outfoxed by a veteran! Penix throwing for 400+ yards and the Ducks rushing for 200+ and still losing shows me that DeBoer and staff knew exactly what they were doing. Coach Lanning will learn from this. In the meantime, we need a pass rush!
  13. Mike Bellotti and Chip Kelly come to mind. Bellotti was not ready to retire and despite Chip's success I think the Ducks made a mistake. Mike was finding good OCs and developing them which is what a head coach does. Being the HC is totally different than being a OC or DC. I say we stick with Lanning and hope Kenny stays for at least three years.
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