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Everything posted by NJDuck

  1. Our odds are much better going to the Big 10 if the Irish get want they want from NBC and stay independent. NBC and the Irish needs to hurry up and make the deal.
  2. As we all know, our conference is in 'crisis-management mode.' 'GK will need to do more than cast a strong presence. He'll need to get candid and share his vision.' . Canzano: George Kliavkoff will face the music at Pac-12 Media Day WWW.JOHNCANZANO.COM He shouldn't be on stage alone, should he?
  3. I agree. Wait it out at this time. It's a shame we lost a recruit lean as well to USC due to realignment. Ugh.
  4. I would consider BYU before FSU or BSU. They are ranked 21st academically nationwide amongst universities, strong fanbase following nationwide and a natural rival to Utah with strong athletics.
  5. If you are going to go there, I would go a step further and pull in Houston and BYU. Make it 16 team conference. Houston media market is ranked 8 with 2,450,800 TV Homes (unless Houston is too far. 239 miles between Dallas and Houston). BYU has a strong nationwide following and ranked 21st in academics amongst all the colleges nationwide. They also are strong in athletics.
  6. I also thought it was an interesting article from Jon Wilner, posted on another thread in OBD, gives strong reasons why SDSU is essential to have them join the Pac-12.
  7. Comparing the Pac-12 vs the Big 12, Pac-12 wins by a knock out. Canzano: Delusion aside -- the Big 12 has nothing on the Pac-12 WWW.JOHNCANZANO.COM The numbers (and brands) don't lie.
  8. 5 developments Duck fans would love to see in Dan Lanning’s first year with Oregon SPORTS.YAHOO.COM The Dan Lanning era of Oregon football is almost here. These are 5 developments and changes fans should hope come to fruition when the Ducks take the field.
  9. 'The magic is still at the stadium, not in front of the TV as as networks would like us to believe.' Canzano: Getting back to what makes college football special WWW.JOHNCANZANO.COM What are your favorite game-day traditions in the Pac-12?
  10. Very good sound advice. Let's hope both Oregon and Washington read his article and take heed. A contract at this time could wind up being a mill stone around their necks. Hopefully Phil Knight will help them in this matter. Go Ducks!!
  11. Thanks Charles. I had gone to a conference for a week and my wife accompanied me on this trip. Both of us came down with this COVID. We are better, but we are still not fully back to normal yet.
  12. One interesting tidbit. Insiders told Canzano that there is already a plan in place for a massive endowment from Phil Knight that would continue to subsidize UO's athletic department after he is gone. Canzano: Mailbag deals with Big 12 vs. Pac-12, hot pretzels and the fate of Gonzaga WWW.JOHNCANZANO.COM Your letters... my replies...
  13. There is an ancient proverb that USC/fans should take heed in. "Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and shrewd in their own sight! Do you see a man who is wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him." Nothing comes good from it! Hoping the PAC finds the best solution moving forward. Or, the schools in the PAC might have to find better landing spots. That might be the Big 12, if accepted. The biggest issue with the ACC is their contractual agreement. A Big12/PAC/ACC with the best brands/cities would maybe have been the best solution. Go Ducks! Fly High!
  14. Pac 12 media day will be Interesting with USC and UCLA there. Glad Phil Knight is onboard with Oregon looking for the best path possible. But, as we all know, all is up in the air at this point. Canzano: Pac-12 gets creative as things get awkward with USC and UCLA WWW.JOHNCANZANO.COM The latest on the Pac-12's quest to survive...
  15. There are other side articles embedded in this main one you can click on to read. I can be completely wrong about this, but maybe our odds to getting into the Big 10 is greater if the Irish stay independent. Then maybe Big 10's next move would to bring in Oregon, Washington, Stanford and Cal. They would have the whole west coast. Unless Big 10 tries to grab schools from the ACC, though since they already have USC and UCLA it makes more sense to grab the other 4 schools in the PAC. If that does not happen, I think the Big 12 isn't a bad landing spot for PAC schools, especially if NBC makes this new deal with the Irish. If NBC can't secure tv rights with the Big 10 sharing games with Notre Dame, NBC might look to the Big 12.. At this point, just rumors, no one knows what is going to happen next. College football realignment rumors: Notre Dame, NBC negotiating massive deal to keep Fighting Irish independent WWW.MSN.COM College football realignment rumors: Notre Dame, NBC negotiating massive deal to keep Fighting Irish independent
  16. As Canzano says and as we all know, "NCAA has no oversight anymore. Media is running college football, and it has turned the bowl games and conferences into commodities" I agree with Canzano that they should have appointed a college football commissioner a long time ago with instructions to put the health of the sport first. Maybe conferences, colleges and fans would have been saved from being casualties in this media war in pursuit of the big money over what really matters. Canzano: College football's TV sell out is locking fans out WWW.JOHNCANZANO.COM TV isn't wagging the dog anymore -- it is the dog.
  17. JC is reminiscing about his grandfather and 1930 Rose Bowl game. He contacted the Rose Bowl officials due to the recent events of realignment, but have not heard back from them. He is wondering what might become of the Rose Bowl. Canzano: Here's hoping the Rose Bowl makes it WWW.JOHNCANZANO.COM UCLA and USC defection threatens history.
  18. PAC total DMA (media market) without the two schools in the LA market (5.7 million TV Homes) is 10,726,140 TV Homes DMA rankings for the following: If we added SDSU - San Diego: ranks #28 with 1.065,700 TV Homes If we added FSU - Fresno-Visalia: ranks #54 with 573,180 TV Homes If we added UNLV - Las Vegas: ranks #40 with 757,840 TV Homes (They are a Tier 1 Research university) A SDSU/UNLV combo gives you an extra 1,823,540 TV Homes 12 school total = 12,549,680 TV Homes Any combination of two other schools joining the PAC out of those 3 universities, the PAC would most likely lose value per university, not gain. But SDSU does give you a footprint in the Southern Cal area for recruiting and, like you mentioned, having them on board gives young talent a chance to attend some games south of the Bay Area.
  19. We knew this was happening. ESPN is in the driver seat with these negotiations. So now what? ACC with the so called Loose Agreement? Certain poaching as well from some of the Big 12 schools that brings in the best media numbers? Will the PAC presidents and chancellors make the right decision? So far their track record in the past hasn't been so great in this area. Canzano: Pac-12 + Big 12 doesn't fit... onto the ACC WWW.JOHNCANZANO.COM Talks break down.
  20. Interesting information on UCLA and governor of California. Maybe the governor has clout after? Canzano: "UCLA's leadership will be cowering for forgiveness." WWW.JOHNCANZANO.COM A battle forming over the Bruins departure.
  21. From what his father quoted as well as what we so far have seen and read about Coach Lanning and company, I totally agree! Can't help but believe with great anticipation Oregon will see complete success bringing these young men to their potential, not only in athletics but also in life. We are thankful that Coach Lanning is Oregon's head coach. Go Ducks! Fly High!
  22. Putting priorities in right perspective brings balance in life. Canzano: There are more important things than college football WWW.JOHNCANZANO.COM A column on Oregon Ducks' coach Dan Lanning
  23. Canzano: Mailbag deals with Phil Knight, the Pac-12 and... a seafood boil WWW.JOHNCANZANO.COM Your questions... my answers.
  24. This added addition to the above information explains what the new indoor facility will be used for. This is going to be an amazing facility! "The write up only says the new project is intended primarily for football, but will benefit student athletes in almost all sports by providing additional access to the Moshofsky Center." University releases plans for a future indoor practice facility AROUND.UOREGON.EDU The 170,000-square-foot building, funded with private gifts, is expected to open in 2024
  25. Hi JDuck. Not sure if this is helpful, but this is the ticket seating for the big event. Compare the two images. You can see where the extra seating is at. They seems to be able to add a lot of seating on the one side, but not sure how many seats that really is. But from what Haywarduck's picture and what mine is showing, they can certainly hold up to 30,000 seats.
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