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  1. I suspect that Dana would prefer to get better shooting recruits as well. But maybe he has to SETTLE for what he CAN get. And…..this group is “it”. Not optimal, and……. that’s why this team is where it’s at. Shelstad is a great piece to start with. Now, he needs to get some pieces that can: take a feed and finish or make a secondary pass to a finisher. Bittle: ONE rebound v. MSU?! ONE?! For a 7 footer?! OMG! if Altman stays on, you can bet he’s going to try to get the best pieces for his team. Hopefully, it’ll work out. If not……well you have a middling team like the current one. Hopefully, Mookie and Evans will show vast improvement next year. There’s always hope!
  2. It’s a patchwork group of talent who don’t really complement each other well. Shelstad is a good general, with few soldiers to help. Bamba has trouble with finishing. Angel is a complimentary piece, not a leader. Tracy has regressed. Barthelemy is streaky. Bittle is……well……more mediocre than “5 star savior”. Supreme is strong, but limited offensively. Evans and Mookie have been MIA so far. Together? Well, they usually make up for lack of cohesive talent with maximum effort, but…..frustratingly, for all concerned, while effort is important…..it takes a team with talent that complements each other, to be a consistently winning team. Altman can only “mold the clay he is given”. And, try as he might, the clay he’s been given just won’t meld. Must be very frustrating for him, as well. But…..such is the life of a Coach
  3. Although I’d like to see it happen for Marcus, it would seem unlikely. He seems to have been passed over for consideration of First-string QB in the NFL. He’s had a nice and lucrative career, though: 10 years next year, along with several millions in salary, so…….not too shabby!
  4. Kudos to reminding me of: Jim Barnett, Freddie Jones, and Terrell Brandon…. All: most-deserving on any list of all-time Duck b-ball Greats!
  5. Absolutely agree, 30Duck! Here’s my Top Five of all time Duck B-ballers: 1) Ron Lee 2) Luke Ridnour 3) Greg Ballard 4) Stan Love 5) Payton Pritchard 6) Dillon Brooks 7) Aaron Brooks 8. Blair Rasmussen (I couldn’t limit it to Five) Some of the Biggest Disappointments: Rusty Blair Will Richardson Nate Bittle
  6. WOW!!!! Good for him!
  7. This is “it”, Duckpop: the year that Sisyphus finally gets that rock pushed over the hill,…..Uncle Phil finally gets his dream……and, the Ducks win the Natty! It’s gotta happen sometime: Why not now? GO DUCKS!!!!
  8. What if……Lanning and Dillingham meet in the Natty?! Not likely to happen, but……..What if?!
  9. Hey, it’s very subjective. Gotta give credit to a guy who plays outstandingly on both defense and offense. “Respect” Being a Heisman finalist is a great honor for all 4. And….they will all have NFL careers.
  10. If Texas is gonna play in the Cotton Bowl, and Georgia in the Peach Bowl,……we need to play in: The Autzen Bowl!
  11. Don’t be a Hater! At least we’re rid of that Loser!
  12. Our Ducks in the Las Vegas tournament are gonna make some serious change, too! How times have changed!
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