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Is The Sky Falling Or......

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The sky is falling, as a longterm fan, I have heard this before. These same fans probably think Rich Brooks was a lousy coach too. 


The script almost every program out there uses is well known, but not really appreciated. Lose a game, or a few or maybe too many and fire the coach. Then bring in a completely knew team of coaches and watch them lose too many games and fire them, repeat until you hire a Nic Saban.


The other script, not used too often is hire a good coach, support him and let him grow into the position. Let the assistants put in their systems and processes. Let the players get used to those systems and processes. You then have the new student athletes get better at those same systems and process. All the coaches begin to work in unison and you have this synergy created.


You know what happens then, you begin to really win. You might even get a Chip Kelly into this synergy and think he is a superstar because he doesn't understand how hard it was to build.


You just might get lucky and let a program build through the second script, but just maybe. You have to have a fanbase which is appreciative of the process, and just maybe it will happen. I say maybe because it isn't easy, nor a pretty process.


Believe me there were plenty who wanted Brooks fired. There were also plenty of critics of his and Bellotti's weaknesses, part of the process. What wasn't a healthy part of the process was a continual fire the coach when they tripped or took a misstep. That is part of the process we all go through, even when you make too much money. I mean really, who hasn't made mistakes, messed up on their way to where they are?

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OMG... Logic?


How could you?

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On 11/22/2021 at 8:20 AM, woundedknees said:

OMG... Logic?


How could you?


That is sarcasm....and we don't do that on the site to put people down.  But in this case--you are using it to the positive, to compliment Haywarduck and I allow it.  (If I did not say something, then others who like to use sarcasm would point to this post and ask "why is it OK for him, and not me?"


So much time spent moderating behind the scenes that nobody sees....

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Mr. FishDuck

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That wasn't sarcasm, that was flattery, respect, approval for something seldom seen on OBD, wait, that is sarcasm, sorry.


Agree we have to be very careful about sarcasm, as shade toward anyone's point of view, as all are welcome! Differing views may be questioned, but I enjoy all views as they enlighten me, and I enjoy seeing things differently. That is the essence of OBD, which is something seldom seen and approved!

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Being afraid of the unknown is never being able to try new things. It's easy to get complacent, just ask Beaver fans about Riley. 


I'm not advocating firing MC as I think that's totally the wrong move at this time. My question though is being happy with 10-2, 9-3 every year


okay?  Is that being complacent? Whats the difference between 7-5 or 10-2 every year if your goals are the same? If you never win the CFP


and only make it but don't win every 4-5 years is that okay? 


Or is the program culture just as important? Thats one thing that nice guy 7-5 Riley had going for him. His program was good and


wins/losses mattered but could be ignored as long as the program culture got respect. Is that the way fans want to view the Ducks? A good


program with great recruiting but will more often than not, not make the CFP because that's the way it'll be for the foreseeable future. 



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On 11/22/2021 at 9:08 AM, GODUCKS15 said:

Being afraid of the unknown is never being able to try new things. It's easy to get complacent, just ask Beaver fans about Riley. 


I'm not advocating firing MC as I think that's totally the wrong move at this time. My question though is being happy with 10-2, 9-3 every year


okay?  Is that being complacent? Whats the difference between 7-5 or 10-2 every year if your goals are the same? If you never win the CFP


and only make it but don't win every 4-5 years is that okay? 


Or is the program culture just as important? Thats one thing that nice guy 7-5 Riley had going for him. His program was good and


wins/losses mattered but could be ignored as long as the program culture got respect. Is that the way fans want to view the Ducks? A good


program with great recruiting but will more often than not, not make the CFP because that's the way it'll be for the foreseeable future. 



Well said!

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On 11/22/2021 at 9:08 AM, GODUCKS15 said:

Being afraid of the unknown is never being able to try new things.


Good stuff with this and the rest of what you wrote. There's a lot of thinking involved with being a real fan, and not a fair weather or bandwagon type. The real fan has expectations based on evaluations he or she has made, which could differ from others, but are still valid.


A fan can be sorely disappointed when the Ducks don't play well, especially when the mistakes are glaring, and repetitive. But they are disappointed because they care!  These feelings are needed so the fan doesn't fall into the apathetic stage which is fatal to a program. 

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On 11/22/2021 at 9:08 AM, GODUCKS15 said:

Being afraid of the unknown is never being able to try new things. It's easy to get complacent, just ask Beaver fans about Riley. 


I'm not advocating firing MC as I think that's totally the wrong move at this time. My question though is being happy with 10-2, 9-3 every year


okay?  Is that being complacent? Whats the difference between 7-5 or 10-2 every year if your goals are the same? If you never win the CFP


and only make it but don't win every 4-5 years is that okay? 


Or is the program culture just as important? Thats one thing that nice guy 7-5 Riley had going for him. His program was good and


wins/losses mattered but could be ignored as long as the program culture got respect. Is that the way fans want to view the Ducks? A good


program with great recruiting but will more often than not, not make the CFP because that's the way it'll be for the foreseeable future. 



I don’t think anyone here wants to see Cristobal fired. That’s crazy. But we’d like to see him improve, evolve and bring some of the excitement  back to Oregon football that made it a national brand and a destination school during the Chip Kelly years. He can do better, must do better, or the sniping will continue.


We’ll find out next year, with Thompson or whomever at QB, if Moorhead (if he’s still here) is all he’s cracked up to be. Brown at QB was so limited that it was hard to gauge what impact Moorhead might have had.

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On 11/22/2021 at 9:29 AM, DUCKED said:

I don’t think anyone here wants to see Cristobal fired. That’s crazy. But we’d like to see him improve, evolve and bring some of the excitement  back to Oregon football that made it a national brand and a destination school during the Chip Kelly years. He can do better, must do better, or the sniping will continue.


We’ll find out next year, with Thompson or whomever at QB, if Moorhead (if he’s still here) is all he’s cracked up to be. Brown at QB was so limited that it was hard to gauge what impact Moorhead might have had.


Well, that's just GREAT,... DUCKED....in a few sentences you summarized my next article, and frankly did it better than would have written it.  So, I will throw that topic out...


This really is a compliment, as I think you nailed it precisely for so many of us Duck fans.  Not all, but certainly a good percentage and I thank you for a concise viewpoint shared by so many!

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Mr. FishDuck

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On 11/22/2021 at 9:39 AM, Charles Fischer said:

Well, that's just GREAT,... DUCKED...


 Exactly right!

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If you consider how well we have done with AB, a limited passer, it is astounding how well we have competed. Like many have said he didn't do that well before he transferred, and he was exactly as he was advertised.


Most just want to complain about how limited the passing has been, how inaccurate AB is. 


Maybe what we should do is appreciate how amazing Moorhead and Cristobal have been with a limited passer? How many coaches can turn a qb who has AB's limited abilities into a #3 ranked team that beat tosu at the shoe?


I mean really, give a coach a Heisman QB and an NFL receiver and he can win the National Title. Then his assistants almost all get hired away and a couple years later he is without a job.


When you have all the pieces it looks easy. When you don't have the pieces is when the real magic happens. We should appreciate what we have done with our limitations and injuries. 


Just wait until we have the elite qb, NFL type receivers and no, or limited injuries. Don't go hitting the fan transfer portal, sign up for the #fireCristobal tag just yet. Appreciate and be grateful!

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On 11/22/2021 at 11:57 AM, Confused said:

Being happy with a 9-3 record...


Nobody said we wanted that long-term on this forum, but some of us are patient and hopeful that it will get better from this level.  Firing a 9-3 coach at Oregon is insane, in my humble opinion. 


How many other teams in the conference would trade places with us right now?  In ALL conferences?  The majority...

Mr. FishDuck

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Im going to wait until next Saturday afternoon to determine if the sky is falling.

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On 11/22/2021 at 12:21 PM, Confused said:

Yes there are many teams who would love to be 9-3.  Point taken.  But do those teams have top ten national recruiting classes, and play in the weakest power 5 conference in the nation?  


You know...if people had not posted that 30 times in the last day and a half....I may not have got it.  At some point the constant barrage of negative, of stating the same things over-and-over is not just discussing the negative, but becomes venting on other people.  


I want to see all opinions, but I get weary seeing the same things over-and-over.  People check out and don't come back, and our numbers are down already because....who wants to read this stuff?

Mr. FishDuck

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