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Wilner: What are the Questions for Each Pac-12 Team Going into Their Spring Game?

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I give Wilner credit for not going with the Quarterback battle. 



Some need help up front, others in the secondary or wide receiver.


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Reasonable and correct about the Ducks.

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Mr. FishDuck

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Wrathis, my expectations are stuck in neutral until the Ducks play their first 3 games. The team is filled with talent on both sides of the ball, no doubt. 50 plus youngsters who were thrown into the mix in 2021 will bring battle hardened experience to the field. Having Sewell, Flowe, Manning, Dorlus, Swinson and others executing Coach Lannings defense is appealing 


But my excitement will ramp up once I see what the coaching staff does with that talent, how they game plan and how they make in game adjustments. More important, how do the players respond and execute what is taught?


MC and staff took the fun out of watching Duck games. Even with all the wins. When I watch a game I want to get amped up, get excited and anticipate great things. Not repeatedly go WTH........


Just the thoughts of an old Grey Beard..........

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Wrathis, my thought is directed to the entire team and not a position group. I want to see the Ducks show up ready to ball out in every single game.


I want the team to play to its standard and not down to the level of the opponent. I echo your take on the coaching; or, more correctly, the absence thereof under Mario. 


I want to see Lanning et al not just talk the talk but walk the walk. I appreciate that playing 2 top 20 teams OOC and playing 5 conference road games in 2022 is a tough ask for any coach, especially a first year coach. But this does not mean that you cannot play with effort and energy in every game and on every play.

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On 3/24/2022 at 9:11 AM, Jon Joseph said:

But this does not mean that you cannot play with effort and energy in every game and on every play.

Fortunately, for me Jon, this is the area of the game I am most confident in Lanning coming through. "Effort and energy" seem to seep through the pores of Lanning and his cadre of coaches. I have no doubt that we'll see this is game 1, game 2, and for the whole season. The team will not get over hyped with a W or despondent after an L.

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