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Posts posted by Krsmqn

  1. This type of play will have a negative effect on recruiting. Kids want to win. The "family atmosphere" isn't enough to entice the best to come to Oregon. They must have positive results.


    Wins, Conference Championships, Bowl wins, Playoff wins, National Championships. These are the expectations of the folks who pay the bills.


    Oregon fans like an exciting brand of football. You cannot change that. MC needs to remember that he was hired to do a job. Win the Oregon way. Because I guarantee that the millions of Duck fans aren't going to change. 


    A win is a win, yes. But I want to enjoy watching a game. I want to enjoy the experience. The brand of football we've seen of late hasn't met the expectations of the job description MC was hired to do. The man needs to do the job he was hired to do!


    Of course, this is just my opinion. But somehow I don't feel alone.   


    Go Ducks!

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  2. Quote

    Then there was a play that had a bit of a late hit where the Bama defender clearly lowered his head but due to a height difference it wasn't crown of the helmet that made contact but the face mask and maybe part of the helmet. Targeting was called and then over turned. 

    Just before the hit to the head, to me it looked like a Bama player got away with a facemask as well. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  3. On 10/7/2021 at 10:17 AM, Pocketchange said:

    You forgot 2020 recruiting class ranking 


    Oregon: 9th in the country

    Oregon State: 110th in the country


    our metrics on the field may not be that great, but off the field, our metrics are awesome!!

    To me, this only reinforces my opinion. Top ten recruiting classes that equate to poor performance on the field? ... Something is definitely wrong. 

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  4. I decided I was going to gather a comprehensive list of Oregon's statistical data, and compare it with say ... the Beavers. Not because I'm a fan of the swamp rats, but because it should put into perspective just where Oregon is so far this year, and hopefully not where they are headed. I'm, not going to list every stat possible, there are other websites for that. 

    Let's begin with offense. 


    Scoring Offense:   


    • Oregon:  Rank - #26, 35.8 ppg
    • Oregon State:  Rank - #25, 36 ppg

    The Beavers have the ever-so-slight edge here, which pains me to say.


    Rushing Offense:


    • Oregon: Rank - 25th, 210.40 ypg
    • Oregon State: Rank - 16th, 229.00 ypg


    Here we see that the once proud Pac12 Rushing champions are falling to the Beibers... Again, this sickens me. 


    Passing Offense:


    • Oregon: Rank - 81st,  210.80 ypg

      Oregon State: Rank - 87th, 207.60 ypg


    Oh, Joy! Wait, this still feels like a loss.  😐


    Total Offense:


    • Oregon: Rank - 50th
    • Oregon State: Rank - 41st

    I mean, what world are we in where this stat happens?!?!?


    Turnover Margin:


    • Oregon: Rank - 2nd
    • Oregon State: Rank - 23rd


    Finally! Something to be proud of. Too bad it's not enough. 


    Sacks Allowed:


    • Oregon: Rank - 67th, 10 sacks allowed
    • Oregon State: Rank - 12th, 5 sacks allowed


    "Best Oline Coach in America" .... 🤔

    Interceptions thrown:


    • Oregon: Rank - No rank, 1 thrown
    • Oregon State: Rank - No rank, 5 thrown


    Well, not bad. Actually, pretty good. WTG AB. 



    And now for Defense.


    Scoring Defense:


    • Oregon: Rank - 49th, 21.8 ppg
    • Oregon State: Rank - 46th, 21.6 ppg

    Bend AND break? .... Maybe. Maybe not. Could be much better. (Georgia, anyone?)


    Rushing Defense:


    • Oregon: Rank - 59th, 134.20 ypg
    • Oregon State: Rank - 26th, 106.60 ypg

    Oh, c'mon! 🤦‍♂️


    Passing Defense:


    • Oregon: Rank - 113th, 275.20 ypg 
    • Oregon State: Rank - 100th, 252.00 ypg


    No surprise here. 


    Total Defense:


    • Oregon: Rank - 92nd
    • Oregon State: Rank - 61st


    Nick Aliotti would have something to say about this. 




    • Oregon: Rank - 70th, 10 sacks
    • Oregon State: Rank - 47th, 12 sacks
      (there are a lot of multiple way ties)


    So, yeah... KT was out a bunch. I'm taking the mulligan. 





    • Oregon: Rank - 3rd (Tie), 9
    • Oregon State: Rank - 3rd (Tie), 9


    This one surprised me. 


    Time of Possession:


    • Oregon: Rank - 102nd
    • Oregon State: Rank - 32nd

    *I know Chip Kelly doesn't care about TOP, but that was when he was scoring truck loads of points per game. In Mario World, TOP is of greater significance. 




    According to powerrankingsguru.com, Oregon has a SOS ranked 58th, while the Beavers are 66th. Not much difference there. 


    All in all, I understand that numbers do not tell the whole story, but are a good indicator of where your team is at any given period during the season. If we are to follow that, we must conclude that the Ducks are pretty much on par with the Rodents up the road... 

    In other words, not very good so far this year. 😒

    As always, Go Ducks!

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