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Everything posted by 30Duck

  1. It was enough for Miami to think that Mario is Nick Saban/Jimmy Johnson combined. Hears to, ya, the "U"
  2. Great news indeed, now we just need Cyrus Moss to see how great this DL could be!
  3. This is what Jon Joseph has advocated for. Unfortunately, his eloquence shared here doesn't do it. Finebaum has said, on ESPN, that the monopoly the SEC has created will eventually kill the interest, let alone the financial ability for the sport to survive. But, until the Pac-12 moves beyond being an also ran, and take proactive steps to bolster its place, the MWC is on the verge of passing the Pac-12, in viability, the future is bleak.
  4. Annie, you are going far and wide and finding great articles and posting them. Thanks so much!
  5. It won't go well for Washington. But as far as Oregon goes it's low hanging fruit. Justin Herbert> Jacob Eason
  6. Rankings are not as good as a Playoff with conference champs and filled out by at-large teams with records deserving of a reward. But it would beat the CFP now. The larger issue, being that our conference is the Pac-2 will definitely limit its participation.
  7. The expanded Playoff is the solution. If ESECPN could see beyond their self interest the Playoffs finally would be a Playoff. Teams that played their way in to the Playoffs would be rewarded. If the Gasparilla, yes, really, the Gasparilla bowl folded, who would mind?
  8. This is great PR for Oregon. It will be talked about often that he is the new Oregon coach, every time he's seen on the sidelines, TV watchers will see the Oregon coach, and often hear about the 1st game of next season, Oregon vs, Georgia.
  9. This is where the problem really is, and what Finebaum says here, The bowl games just don't mean very much to most schools. This is not what you played or even the generation or two before that when going to a bowl game was considered a reward. Now it's mostly a pain. That is the problem. The CFP all or nothing has left us with 2 hand picked bowls leading up to a championship' rendering the rest of the Bowls, including the NY Bowls, meaningless. Now, 6-6 teams play in Bowls. Hardly a reward
  10. WSU can call Washington, they aren't doing anything right now.
  11. You wouldn't think that the "Mouth of the South" would be of the same opinion as voiced here. But when it comes to the state of college football, even with the SEC on top, Finebaum sees an erosion in interest that needs to be addressed. Paul Finebaum sounds off on Bowl game cancellations Simon Gibbs On3
  12. That's right. Alabama being the exception to the rule with McCarron and McElvoy. Saban learned and now he has QB's like Tagovaiola and Heisman winner, Bryce Young. Clemson won with Watson & Lawrence.
  13. I'm surprised that O'Neil wasn't drafted, neat that Graziani was. Matt Cassel hardly played his 4 years at USC, but was picked in the 7th RD. by New England in 2005, and went on to have a 14 year career in the NFL.
  14. "STAT" as they say on the hospital shows. It just seems like there aren't moves the Pac-12 can make to get on equal footing with the other conferences. the B1G has 6 teams regularly that compete to win the conference championship and an invitation, the SEC and now Cincy & Notre Dame, fight for the other seats. Oregon and USC are the only consistently viable teams in the conference, with its 9 game schedule and horrific TV presence. Oregon and USC have to think for themselves and get out!
  15. Thanks for the history lesson and analysis of where the Pac-12 currently sits, and sits it does. I feel like the biggest problem the conference faces is what we've said for a long time about the SEC and a lot of the B1G. It's their life Aside from Oregon and USC, the "Conference of Champions" doesn't have a beating heart. Kramer, and now Sankey and Bowlsby have the backing and enthusiasm of all the schools to make big moves. Meanwhile Larry and now George are shaking pompoms but don't have any wind behind them. Like you wrote, at one time the Pac-12 was the King. The Rose Bowl was The Bowl, and it was in Pac-8-10-12 territory. But that was handed over for nothing. Oregon and USC are shiny sports cars stuck in a parking lot with rusty jalopies in the Pac-12 now.
  16. Good stuff from Alex and the guys, this group looks like they're excited to play in the Alamo Bowl and next season!
  17. Pretty much what kiiled Helton; rather than bring in the beef like PC did, he doubled down and went Air Raid.
  18. As Kalen DeBoer continues to sweep up the mess, This opening shows the difference of where Washington is, and trying to get up from, and where Oregon is now. Petersen was a 6 year break from decades long black hole for the Huskies. But, Ole Pete saw the darkness was coming back and got out of there.
  19. This is great news Charles, and maybe the vibe this guy picked up on is real. Oklahoma shouldn't be busting out with optimism, they're bright star of a coach told them, "Yeah, I'm outta here, have fun in the SEC!"
  20. It would definitely be an improvement. With Larry, we had a Commish who liked lavish offices, and that was about it. GK came in, and just for that we had hope. But so far he isn't breaking new ground either. It is the Pac-2, with Oregon & USC as far as football goes, and that is where the money is. Right now, the Pac-2 is a big parking lot, where Oregon and USC are spinning their wheels. The Alliance needs to win again, Unfortunately Obi Wan Kanobi isn't around.
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