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Everything posted by 30Duck

  1. I agree. The Committee was being pragmatic putting Oregon where it did, a very tenuous No. 3.
  2. Yep, UCLA is a basketball school, Stanford is as involved with its Water Polo team as it is with the football team, and Cal is Inertia U,
  3. Alex will forever be remembered for the penalty that wasn't.
  4. He want's Mario. The 4th Coaching search for Florida in the last 10 years!
  5. Mario just signed an extension with Oregon, but it wasn't anywhere close to what Michigan State did to keep Tucker, or what Penn. State did to keep James Franklin. Michigan State's was financed by a pair of donors. Is Oregon's donor going to finance a deal to keep Mario?
  6. It's likely to happen. Is Mario Cristobal the Top Candidate to Take the Florida Gators head Coaching Job? Ducks Wire Zachary Neel
  7. The idea of even wanting the Huskies to win is disturbing, and for the Ducks' interest, if the Cougars beat the Huskies, the Beavers lose their chance for the Rose Bowl. which will dampen their fire a bit.
  8. There you go, KT has already missed games with injuries. Is the Rose Bowl big enough?
  9. J Stew and Blount have had successful NFL careers, LaMichael recounted a while back how his got off to a really bad start. Tyner could have had a shot, but wasn't interested in football enough to give the NFL a try. Max Borghi from WSU is similar to Christian McCaffrey.
  10. Yeah, Dye is a great Duck! But I don't see the NFL in his future As Charles just sid, lack of size, lack of speed does not an NFL running back make.
  11. What would Oregon football be like without a Dye in the cast? Travis Dye Discusses Upcoming NFL Decision Matt Prehm Duck Territory
  12. That makes so much sen$e, change for the good. Big innovative thinking, sadly that makes it doomed from the start?
  13. If you're an Oregon football fan you know the last words you want to hear are, "Third down and any yards" when the other team has the ball. Tim DeRuyter Addresses Oregon's Defensive Struggles on Third Down Ducks Digest Max Torres
  14. Looking at GK, he at least seems interested in being the Pac-12 Commissioner while Larry seemed fine just sitting in his plush SF offices overseeing the destruction by inertia of the Conference of Champions...that's it, Bill Walton for Commish!! GK seems to also believe that standing pat is the correct move. The Pac-12 is being run by managers of a Blockbuster while the other conferences are streaming. Oregon is a Brand in a conference full of teams going through the motions, unrecognizable to fans in other parts of the country, we saw how much ESPN cares with the camera issue in the WSU game. Mario's recruiting numbers are even more amazing when taken in context of the numbers that Jon brought up earlier; the SEC and B1G, are NFL factories, while the Pac-12 did produce a great NFL quarterback, from of course, Oregon!
  15. Dante is bringin' it. He had a block, not a goaltending, and is scoring inside.
  16. 15 points at halftime ? somehow, they're still in it, since Saint Mary's only has 23. The offense is definitely not flowing. Will Richardson lost his confidence against BYU, seems to be spreading through the rest of the team. As a Duck buddy mentioned a while ago, this team could really use Eugene Omoruyi. He was money in the paint.
  17. A missed dunk, next time a sloppy turnover, let's go Ducks!
  18. Kepnang takng the ball to the basket, had a nice 3 point play the old fashioned way.
  19. No, 1 Georgia, No. 2 Ohio State, No.3 Alabama, No. 4 Cincinnati.
  20. Wisconsin will play the winner of Oregon- Saint Mary's. Wisconsin led Houston the entire game, up 20 at halftime. But Houston stormed back. But with :05 left in the game, couldn't get a shot up and lost, 65-63.
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