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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. I am on a couple of other boards searching for news that sometimes does not make it here. As a courtesy to all the good people here--I share it, even if silly, and especially if there is some humor involved.
  2. I think it is a great observation. Prime and Lincoln would fit better at each other's locations.
  3. Thank YOU. I hope that the B1G fans that make their way here next year are as nice as you and so many Georgia fans we have visit. My SEC experiences online have been a mixed bag; So far, Florida and Georgia fans have been superb--they are new friends. Tennessee fans were wonderful both in Knoxville and at Autzen. LSU fans were pretty toxic, and frankly the worst ever encountered. Years ago, I made a video (below) that Tiger fans took offense to, and boy did I get some of the most vile stuff thrown at me. Although one fellow had such innovative insults--that he had to have taken a lot of time to ponder and craft such epithets. I read them out loud to my wife and daughter who just burst out laughing. I did give this guy my salute, but between all sources--I had over a hundred nasty comments. Hey...we disagree, and it is only football!
  4. I felt that way for a long time, and even wrote disparaging articles about him... What Not to Do at That Time... How John Canzano Inspired FishDuck FISHDUCK.COM How John Canzano inspired FishDuck (Charles Fischer) to make the fan site, FishDuck.com a santuary for Oregon fans from the cesspool of the usual sports media.
  5. I've been saying it from the beginning about the Stein offense; power plays and pulling to get good running yardage. The running threat pulls defenders in the box which then leaves one-on-one matchups on the perimeter, thus throw long. Then, the medium range drag routes are open all day. Technically....just throwing the Bird-Bombs achieves this with even just completing one every game. The threat opens it all up... Tez scored on a nice wheel route due to vacated DBs who went deeper...
  6. Wowsa. That is a great question, and I'm sure keeps coaches awake at night. How do you overcome the self-centered nature of social media, of temptations that did not exist before? Really hard to straddle the fence of discipline, motivation, coaching and caring. Really hard job coaching these days...
  7. I don’t really sense the snobbery being projected within the Lanning staff, and in fact, I sense the opposite. I believe he’s trying to build a hunger within everyone, and he has stated to the team often the goal of striving for a national championship. I would agree with you that there are presently too many mistakes. I do think he’s going to work pretty hard at cleaning them up, with yesterday being called a day to visit the doctors office to fix the ailments! And I certainly do want to welcome you to this forum! Great to have you posting, and do share your thoughts often!
  8. Bingo. Focus on Oregon, Washington, and the B1G, and those writers will attract HUGE B1G audiences. But THAT is probably out of their comfort zone, however it would be the most likely way to prosper as an independent. But WOULD Canzano dump the Beavers to write about Oregon’s B1G opponents, of which would then be interesting to Duck fans? This is a new form of journalism, with a big cross-road in it already for these two writers, and that’s why I find it’s so interesting.
  9. I wouldn’t call it pushback so much, as simply polite disagreement. With all that you have written, and entertained us with over the years, Darren, I can’t help but smile, when writing, even when disagreeing with you! I do think you are going to see a lot more Bird-Bombs in the future, and we are going to get better at throwing them and catching them.
  10. I think we would all feel differently if we were in the position of a five star. So few are 5-Star, and while so highly coveted, and there is no guarantee of their future. They could bust long before the NFL, or get injured. If you were offered enormous money…wouldn’t that give you pause as well? I wish this were not the case, but frankly, I do not blame them or their families. You have to take some guaranteed money when you’re that young, and in such a precarious position with their life ahead of them.
  11. I don't think enough credit is given to Stein for making adjustments, whatever it takes to win the game. We did not see that on offense with Mario, and it is refreshing. Stein had a terrible, injury-ridden offensive line last year, and yet was scoring a boatload with UTSA. He has a very high upside here as he learns the talents and adjusts to this level of game. What was our average last year with Dilly? 38 points a game. How many did we score in this game? 38. Now granted, the last TD was on defense, but last year's average was based on defensive TDs as well. We won in a very tough environment, and thus GREAT preparation for going to Seattle and Salt Lake City later. What I saw was a raw team with a ton of upside left, and Lanning pretty much said the same in the locker room afterward.
  12. I always love your style Darren, although your suggested strategy could have gone really well, or been a disaster. The game plan was to wear down the big Red Raider defensive line with the side-to-side toss plays and flare passes. They got first downs and were very effective. If we did not connect on those Bird-Bombs, then we turn the ball over more often, and give TT more possessions, chances to score and win. Perhaps part of the game plan was to NOT let that tough offense be on the field as much? It's a thought... Stein likes to throw long--more than prior coordinators, but I also sense that our receivers are still learning how to catch the long-ball in game time situations. With seven dropped balls, and two that were bombs--it is apparent to me that we will get better, but not good enough yet to make a game-plan of it, IMHO. Fun article, and great ponder-points Darren, thanks. A Touchdown slips through Tez's fingers...
  13. Wilner and Canzano can do that, but again--not so easy. I do not care about the new Pac-12 after this year, nor do I care about the teams that went to the Big-12 or ACC. Do I read blogs that cover those leagues now? No. My point is that the west coast is now highly segmented with the teams in a former conference will now be split among four conferences, and I personally am not going to keep up any of them beyond the B1G next year. If Wilner and Canzano put out half their content about OSU in whatever conference they are in? Who cares? Ditto for Utah/Colorado/ASU/UA, and ditto for Stanford/Cal. If half their content is about those schools--they will lose subscribers such as I. As it is now--I filter out Blazer articles, and at least half the OSU articles. Not an easy choice for all parties...
  14. Great article Alex, and I would add the factor of all the drops by WRs hampered our potential scoring. Another media source reported SEVEN drops. Two were bombs to Franklin and Tez that would have changed the game. Catch those balls, remove most of the penalties and you have a comfortable win. This team SHOUTS a ton more upside, and we have an ideal schedule for growth.
  15. I forgot about Washington in the equation. With all of their fans, he actually could do pretty well just covering ducks and huskies with a perspective within the Big Ten.
  16. I agree that this is the perfect “get-right” game for the defense, especially the secondary.
  17. Trying to figure out some issues we are having. So frustrating!
  18. More reactions from Husky fans... (We gotta count our blessings, Duck-Buddies!) "Well, my expectation after an 11-2 season and an in incredible head coach/OC combo is to be whooping Duke in recruiting in Football. That isn’t happening..." "It's weird to me that a team that finished 11-2 last year and is poised to have a big year this year has such anemic high school recruiting. I realize we are utilizing the portal more, but still. I expected it last year coming off 4-8 with a relatively unproven new coach, but I thought we would see a big uptick this year. Our recruiting woes and lack of instate buzz has been bizarre and mildly concerning, but so far DeBoer on the field has shown no reason to criticize what he is doing so in DeBoer I trust." "History has proven that duck recruits are mesmerized by bright and shiny objects. We'll need more than one good season to counter that with substance and results on the field. It'll be like turning the Titanic: slowly but irrevocably." "C'mon people, this kid Platt has maxed out. Another Duck that will fail!" "So now the argument is that all the local guys are over rated? The recruiting takes on this board are painful to read sometimes." "We need to start winning some battles with Oregon." "Oregon picked up 3 very good line backers that UW also wanted. That is a big gap in talent. We are losing most of our talent at the end of the year. We have to replace them with similar if not better talent and right now we are only able to get the 100th rated prospect in Texas and California. Our future does not look good if these guys don't start recruiting better." I never said I was noble....
  19. Wowsa. One of their own fans wrote this below...and it was not well received. Nooney71 responding to posts about Oregon: They are turning over their roster! You guy's act like losing people is a bad thing when it's actually a good thing. If a kid isn't that good get rid of him and replace him with someone better! Look how it's working out for Colorado. I saw in week 1 the two teams with the most turnover from last year both won in week 1. The top talent has really been choosing Oregon in the last couple years. They are getting better each year with recruiting. I wish UW had Oregon's talent and roster! If we don't beat Oregon this year we likely won't beat them for a while. I don't want that to happen. You guy's can keep making the same argument about their coach sucks, and we coach our kids up, but reality is about to slap you in the face. If we don't pick up our recruiting--the talent gap is going to be too large to make up. It's weird how some of you think! If you polled the entire country on whose roster they would rather have? (People from Washington and Oregon can't vote) I would bet that 90% would pick Oregon. The 10% who picked Washington likely don't know or watch football. This isn't about Oregon; it's about UW getting better at recruiting or we are going to be in trouble. CKD is not Gosh who can just take anyone, and make them winners. He's great at X's and O's, but recruiting is not very impressive so far. I see the lies people spew about recruiting, and I have just stayed silent. I am going to say that some of you are just making stuff up to make CKD look better, when in reality he's not doing what many of you say he does. I know this is vague but I don't want to get into specifics. I am a big fan of CKD, but his recruiting has to get better or he will likely be out of a job in 3 to 4 years. I am not impressed with this recruiting class at all. He has to do better no matter how full your half glass is. Yikes!
  20. They still have a while, but Wilner and Canzano have to decide what audience to serve. While the Pac-12 exists for this year--they are fine. But I know that I have no interest in reading about the 2024 Pac-12, nor about the two new Mountain West (assuming) teams. While they are in the Pac-12, sure. But not later. How about you? Kind of makes you wonder what audience they will serve, because it is certainly going to be segmented. The four who go to the Big-12 make sense for Wilner, since he lives in Arizona. But is it a big enough market for him? Canzano is located in Oregon, and I wonder--will he cover the B1G with Oregon in it? Will he separate his writings for two separate audiences?
  21. Tez Johnson had some GREAT blocks on the perimeter, and considering his stature--that is all effort and hustle. Love it!
  22. I resemble that! I knew it was bogus, but wanted to post it and let everyone know what other sites are seeing.
  23. When you consider the huge improvement of the defensive line with sacks, hurries and TFLs...and it was accomplished with a bunch of freshmen chipping in as well as the veterans, and nothing from Burch? For the defensive line...
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