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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. A very interesting question...."will Dan Lanning's youth ever show?" With all the surprises this season--I sure did not see that one coming. He is coaching this team like a veteran thus far, and it is a very intriguing question.
  2. Akili Smith had an epic game vs. UCLA back in 1998 with all the marbles (at that moment) on the line... At the end of the game...I felt like Cade McNown did during the game.
  3. In terms of the eyeball test...I am forced to conclude it, and it is a bitter pill to swallow. Their defensive backs play tighter, and their pass rush is MUCH better than Oregon's...despite the star ratings of Oregon players, and all the experience in the front seven of the Ducks. Giving up only 17 to USC, and now only 10 to Washington State? Geez. Between the regular season and the bowl game...the Beavers have a real shot at 10 wins this year! And if they had an experienced savvy QB like a Bo Nix, a Cam Rising or a DTR....they would be scary, IMHO.
  4. Helf coached from 2013-2016, and Bellotti was the coach in 2004, but we get your point—it’s been a long time since the Bruins won here.
  5. One thing I have to give them credit for is their movement. Players recruited by Mario move much better than I thought they could. And they pass-protect much better than I thought they would. These pleasant surprises make all the difference for the Oregon offense.
  6. I just received the email from the University of Oregon. It is official, that ESPN GameDay is coming to Eugene for our big game! Oregon's "Duck" is featured a few times in this year's theme song...
  7. Don't ANYBODY go down the "Climate Change" route on this, as it will create a political discussion and I will not allow the forum to go there. Let's enjoy a great day of college football!
  8. No. 8 Oklahoma State just lost to No. 13 TCU 43-40 in two overtimes. Who is going to move up?
  9. debbieduck wrote in another thread that I combined.... I just watched the game of the year. Bama loses. One domino that was needed to get to playoffs , just fell. Now USC needs to beat Utah.
  10. This is a real "fork-in-the-road" year for Kelly Graves as a coach. I believe one of our writers will elaborate in the future...
  11. As I wrote in another thread.... Let's see how it all shakes out between 1) the new media contract and 2) a separate streaming contract. That, and 3) the ability to get more the bowl/playoff money from our conference, (if you are the team going) and 4) the increased split for the Pac-12 from the new Playoff Contract. Way too early to predict our demise IMHO, as those are four major elements that affect our future that are yet to be known.
  12. This 20-13 loss in overtime could be a killer for Justin Wilcox, as the Pac-12 continues to embarrass itself. We need to be top-heavy with two or three teams. Or one...
  13. This has been in effect since the beginning, but very few seem to know of it. I wanted the non-members, (which is 85% of those are here) to know they could get this feature if they take a minute and sign up.
  14. The original forum software has that feature, but here is the problem with it...we all observe what others write and see what they get away with. So if a bad post is up for a while, then everyone sees it and the new "low-bar" of behavior and guess what happens then? I see tons more of the same behavior soon. By the time enough people report it, (and few ever do) the post has been up all day and doing the damage to the delicate civil atmosphere we have. I have an axiom about that, "whatever you allow? You will see again, soon."
  15. Please see post No. 67 above, as I explain what happens when we/I do that.
  16. Tell you what....before we get too down about it--let's see how it all shakes out between the new media and streaming contract. That, and the ability to get more the bowl/playoff money from our conference, (if you are the team going) and the increased split for the Pac-12 from the new Playoff Contract. Way to early to predict our demise IMHO, as those are four major elements that affect our future that are yet to be known.
  17. My friends, it is true. How would you like to come to the forum and with one click go right to the precise spot you left off reading in a thread? You can! It is so cool...and you can truly do it with one click. Let's say you've read the first eight posts in a thread and come back later in the day to see that there are now 23 posts, but none of us remembers where we left off at? (I know I don't) That means you have to scroll and check what you've read with every thread--a terrible waste of time. When you sign up to be a free member of the OBD forum, you will see "Reading Marks" to the left of the threads on the first page. They are big dots or stars. The stars indicate threads you have posted in, while the dots are threads you have read, but not posted in. By clicking on them--you go right to where you left off reading! My FishDuck Friends, please take two minutes to read the directions and save yourself TONS of time, and it makes being here so much more enjoyable. You can clear them all by clicking on "Mark Forum as Read" at the top and when you return? Only dots or stars are next to threads where you have not read new posts in them. Click on the dot or star and go where you left off? Incredible! Such a time saver, and so much easier! So few people use them or even know about them, yet these Reading Marks are... (Other OBD Members will confirm that if you sign up to be a OBD member--you are not hit with marketing emails, nor is your information ever shared with any other source. I made that promise 11 years ago and am proud that the thousands of people have not ever had to worry about it. I know I hate it when my own information is sold to other entities, and I have never done it to OBD members, and never will)
  18. Yes. We still need to have some fun... It is in the Rules, No. 26 right here.
  19. Not much on him yet...is unranked on Rivals at the moment. He doesn't look small, and must have some upside in a thin O-Line recruiting year. Kansas and Utah have also offered him...
  20. Above is another great example of what sounds good until you apply it, and run into another component of human behavior. I did what you suggested for a while and then people started to tell me, "go ahead and edit my posts as you like." This means they would now write whatever they wanted and would "let Charles clean up the mess for me." Who made me their editing maid? Forget that crap. I am not anyone's editing maid; write the damn thing right the first time, or you will get a violation notification email from me. If I have to do that very many times--the relationship ends as a means of reducing my workload. Again...this is harder than it looks. And you don't know what doesn't work until you do it, and then you find out what clever means people figure out to evade it. I just want a civil site. Should that be so hard? The answer is....yes.
  21. Agreed, and I really do not have the time to do that, nor do the moderators want to go that far.
  22. I have learned gradually over the last five years of having rules of civility, that there can be a big difference between what sounds good as a way of implementing a rule, versus what actually works when it comes up. You would not believe how many good people have left this forum on their own accord...(and some recently)...because they liked the rules until they were applied to them. And their violation was mild, and I stated as such, but it had to be removed and the email sent. The real application of what you wrote above is where I started when doing this, but people felt they could not say anything about a former coach or player. This is ends up being my problem when Taggart, Cristobal or Pittman leave; people want to express their opinion about how they left, and end up angrier at me than the player or coaches. Thus why my rules only pertain to current players and coaches. This is much harder in application than it looks. Much harder than it would seem... Much harder than it should be, and thus why no one else does it.
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