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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. Most RPOs were designed to put the weakside linebacker in a 4-2-5 defense in a conflicted situation. Kirby Smart, and now Lanning have a new way around that with the Mint defense and I will begin analysis articles of that new defense for Oregon this Thursday. I do not think we can run RPOs against Georgia... It may not be a good fit.
  2. Meh. As I looked at that replay and others-there was horrible sloppy tackling that would not happen against a P5 opponent. Benson would have been a good big-back for us, but I think the new freshman Jordan is going to be a better big-back for us. I wish Trey well.
  3. Great article pointing out the new trend in college football that we need to be aware of. It makes the job of the defense that much more difficult and important! Thanks to DZC.
  4. I just received some hate-mail about this article...directed at me as a publisher and Oregon fan. It not from an Oregon fan, so Alan's epic article cut deep.
  5. The FishDuck Feed is the third leg of the FishDuck Oregon Sports Community within two free websites. To learn more about all three parts, read right here about them and the story of this unique community of Oregon fans. About the FishDuck Feed: Look for the Green Pinned Topic at the top of the forum, as that will be the day's Oregon Sports News and Articles, the FishDuck Feed. Can you help? Join our team of Duck News Hunters as anyone who wants to post an article is welcome to, but please do it in the reply posts below this first post. Just pop the URL of the article in the reply post and the article box should appear; if it does not...make sure there is a space above the pasted URL in the post. Please everyone...do not post any thoughts or responses about the articles in this thread as they will be deleted. We do not have room in this thread for all the articles, and the discussion that would ensue for many of the articles. We want discussion, but copy the URL of the article you want to discuss and start a new thread in the main forum area below. It only takes a minute to copy the URL of the article and paste it into a new thread, place a good title on it and put your thoughts in your post. (I've been told that people won't take the time to do that, but this is a very special community; do your part!)
  6. I am going to politely disagree; Helfrich called up to half the plays and Kelly would agree or suggest something else. Proof of this comes with how the offense did not change when Chip left, as the scoring continued and Oregon actually had more run/pass balance under Helfrich. Gameplans of the Oregon Spread Offense: Helfrich versus Kelly FISHDUCK.COM An examination of the unique components that Chip Kelly used in his gameplans and how Coach Helfrich has fared in comparison.
  7. There could be some valid reasons why.... Regarding Bo Nix: Beware 'Bandwagon Buy-In' FISHDUCK.COM Bo Nix was a highly touted five-star recruit, a player that draws mixed emotions from fans. Will Oregon offensive coordinator Kenny Dillingham help launch Nix...
  8. An all-time favorite with Dan Fouts in it! We never did learn anything about Faber College sports... Although they did give Golf Lessons!
  9. The best entertainment of the day is right here at FishDuck... College Football Returns with a Flash? No, a Flush FISHDUCK.COM Is college football going down the drain? From the looks of today's 11 flushable games, it well could be, if only temporarily. This is officially Week 0...
  10. Jester wrote: "Let’s be the smart fanbase (confident we will be) that doesn’t rush to judgment after a few games." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Actually I came to a judgment of the Mario Cristobal offense after just his first three games into his four year stint. And, as everyone knows-it was quite accurate. We need to refrain from telling other fans how to think or react…as they just might be right. (And we want to encourage all opinions in this forum to be expressed)
  11. Can he fail? Sure, but the probabilities are quite low, IMHO. I have gathering a ton of information about the Georgia defense for upcoming analysis articles, and a national podcast for coaches interviewed him that went deep into Xs and Os. The fellow had known Lanning and interviewed him while at Georgia, and does such interviews nationally. He went on-and-on about how this is the best staff he has ever seen a new coach assemble. Thus while Chip Kelly has a so-so staff at UCLA, Lanning has created something special--thus why I am convinced of long term success. Well, that and he is even more cerebral than Helfrich, yet has the outgoing personality like Taggart/Cristobal for recruiting that is needed. He seems to have it all....
  12. Saturday GameDays are special enough, but now we will have the anticipation of Saturday mornings to read Alan's Saturday Spoofs! They will make the season that much more fun, and we are all grateful he is sharing his skills with us. Truly an epic article today, and one emotion I did not anticipate coming from an article from Alan is anger. He tapped into our feelings superbly about the Trojans, explained them as so few could. Thank you Alan.
  13. I think he should have gone the other direction and become a 4i defensive end in this defense, and he could become another Brandon Dorlus. I will get into these positions next week...
  14. They are already talking about "Conference Semi-Final" games before a conference championship, as I guess the TV revenue would go through the roof.
  15. We feel the same about "y'all," (and that is the first time I've ever written that!) and would ask you to send any other Oregon fans you run into to this forum. We have something very special here, but not enough Oregon fans know about it, and I do not have the budget for marketing and advertising. And Georgia fans...let's enjoy this next week together going into the game!
  16. In the end....we want to sit at the "Adults" dining table at Thanksgiving, and not at the card table for kids. I think this is probably the basis of Phil's feelings?
  17. I think then the coaches would be dealing with an inferno of questions from the media. From my point of view, learning the starters on gameday instead of before adds a lot of stress and analysis time during and immediately after a game. (I imagine that might be true for others in the media as well) I especially would like to know the starters on defense, as that tells me a lot about how Lanning is going to run his defense. And that is why when Lanning is asked....
  18. Just a little take-off from the Twilight Zone. Things in the forum went funky over the last half hour, and once things get loaded back up in your computer--it should now be back to normal. We have conflicts going on within the different software platforms that we are attempting to make "play-nice" together. We have the original forum software with an absolute ton of modifications I've had made over the last 11 months, the moderation software overlaid the forum, and then the advertising software. First we had to test while all the necessary parties were available to find out the issues. Then screenshots and notes were taken and sent to the engineers to figure it out... So thanks for your patience!
  19. OK...I have to get to work, but my mind is pondering all of the secrecy stuff, and then I starting thinking about many of the key players on the team, and the profiles that the new defense requires that I've learned about and will cover in next Thursday's analysis. The "Jack" position requires an almost freak athlete, and it is hard to get the right one. This player who is either on the LOS or on a slight overhang off the LOS must be able to set the edge, but also be superb in pass coverage as he will be called upon to cover the short-flat for a Cover Two in some defensive play-calls, or the hook area when an ILB blitzes. And yet he has to be a superb pass-rusher as well for many blitzes. DJ Johnson would be great at setting the edge, and pass-rushing. Coverage? I don't think so... Bradyn Swinson is superb at pass-rushing and has the speed for pass coverage. But setting the edge? Not so much yet... Mase Funa is the best at setting the edge, but he is barely adequate at pass-rushing compared to the two above. As for pass coverage? Forget about it. In this new defense, I think Funa is now the wrong body-type, and should be a defensive end, not an edge or "Jack," as many might have thought. He needs to bulk up to play inside, (in this defense--a DE plays inside the box) but instead he lost weight. I think he might be mis-cast at Jack? Or does Coach Lupoi have a surprise there? (Sorry, but I like to ponder!) Mase Funa
  20. What gives me comfort is how the middle three of our offensive line are highly acclaimed and seniors. But that guy is good...
  21. From another thread... shawnski asked...."Do you really think the defending Champs, from the SEC, playing on the home turf, are really concerned who Oregon's safety or db's are going to be?" Yep. I've spent quite a few hours prepping on the Georgia defense, and frankly have a long ways to go yet. There has been quite a transition on defense the last couple of years, and Smart began a change on the Georgia defense from lining up in reference to the boundary/field versus the formation strength. In fact the Mint defense at Georgia was a change from how Alabama does it, although the 'Tide made the change as well. Do you line up the Star position toward the passing strength, or to all the space of the field that can be exploited? It does make a difference in how offenses can attack defenses by understanding their alignment calls. But with all of that....not announcing starting lineups going into the first game of the year is....
  22. Yep. I've spent quite a few hours prepping on the Georgia defense, and frankly have a long ways to go yet. There has been quite a transition on defense the last couple of years, and Smart began a change on the Georgia defense from lining up in reference to the boundary/field versus the formation strength. In fact the Mint defense at Georgia was a change from how Alabama does it, although the 'Tide made the change as well. Do you line up the Star position toward the passing strength, or to all the space of the field that can be exploited? It does make a difference in how offenses can attack defenses by understanding their alignment calls. But with all of that....not announcing starting lineups going into the first game of the year is....
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