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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. Thanks for your efforts with Arizona, and I do hope you will post often here. It is a safe place to post your thoughts, as everyone is simply trading opinions and are not allowed to be impolite to a fellow OBD member. WELCOME!
  2. Something I forgot in the original post--you see none of the discussions between the violators and I. It is done privately, so it is not a buzz-kill to a thread. But thank goodness for the moderators catching them so quickly... Without the Moderators...
  3. Look at the bright side, when you consider Oregon has won 15 of the last 17....purple becomes such a benign color. Who cares? (But it is Fuchsia above)
  4. Great to have you on-board SeattleDuck, and do post your thoughts often. We have quite a few Ducks-in-Seattle in this forum...WELCOME!
  5. He was not playing yet, but we don't know his story either. He is quite a loss...
  6. You are new here, and you are quite welcome. I always appreciate the reasonable viewpoints of other schools fans, although I can't always say that my views are reasonable! Do chime in often... Well...when it comes to childish...I have to raise my hand with the Husky posts. But it is such great entertainment! You have been a model visitor, and I do appreciate your views--thanks.
  7. Over the last two months...we have lost some great members who used to post extensively, and now have decided to leave us. (I did not ban them!) Why did they leave? Here is one example... Get over it! One fellow wrote that, and I understand that it is fairly benign, but does it follow the culture of this forum? Is it "polite and respectful?" It is not, and after I sent an email pointing out the violation, and how I deleted the post--his answer back was.... "Delete my account." I explained that while mild, if you said that to my face, I would not hit you, but I would not like it, as it is rude. Now keep in mind--in the email I specifically state, "I am not banning you, or even warning you. I am simply notifying you, and asking you to please be more conscious of the rules." That is it! Another example of someone who has done wonderful analysis at times, and you would recognize the posting name immediately and you would be very disappointed that he is gone. He wrote: "....(what another member wrote)....is just silly." I edited it to, "...is not something I agree with" That is it! The rest of his long post was superb as usual, and I told him in the email that what the other fellow wrote was stupid-as-hell, but we cannot write a judgement about someone's opinion. Nobody would like to be told that their erudite opinion is silly, and I know I would not. What distinguishes this forum from others is the use of impulse control by the members, as that is hard sometimes. We are "the forum with decorum," but some people want me to make an exception for them. Problem is, we had seven of those mild violations over two months; leave them up and the bar has been lowered, and the culture of the site is changed. I've learned over the last four years that, "whatever you allow--you will see again. Soon." Effectively each of the great members who left was telling me..."Remove my post? I will punish you Charles." (By not being a part of this community?) Am I Deleting TOO MANY Posts? In January, I deleted 12 posts, which sounds like a lot, but it was out of a total of 4,332 posts written, thus it was only 3/10ths of 1% is all! I think that is a very low and very cool number, and it means we all want to follow the rules and have a harmonious forum. I am happy with that number, as it will never be perfect. What is the SOLUTION? There is no solution; I have to take the violating posts down, as I am not going to cut slack for the tiny percentage and muck-up the wonderful atmosphere we have at the Our Beloved Ducks forum. It is one of those bad-or-bad decisions to lose good people who get offended because they thought I was too harsh, or I begin the descent of what has been built here as friendly place to banter-with-your-Duck-Buddies. None of these seven people who have left have considered my position for a second; I am to allow their benign, but violating posts or they leave. Losing that many people makes me very sad, but I have no choice. When the rest of you get one of those emails from me? You are great sports about it, and we then forget about it and move on. (That is in my email that goes to everyone too) "I LOVE the Rules....Until They Apply to ME!" What I have described above has happened so many times over the last four years; one fellow insisted that, "sarcasm was simply humor, and a big part of his MO." I told him that his humor was at the expense of someone else and it is not "polite and respectful." He was a GREAT posting member who left... The point? I do not like it, but a reality with the forum has turned into a slogan, "As you enforce the rules, you will lose good people." I've known this for two years, but still miss these people and wish it did not happen. But I want you to know that I will not back down, and will remain consistent--regardless of those who leave on their own accord. I love this community, and what we have collectively built; with all I've sacrificed...I am not going to buckle now. We have something very special, and I am dedicated to preserving it. Mr. FishDuck
  8. Perhaps Savagefund--you can shed some light on this? Or anyone else? I've heard from many quarters that overall--Utah fans HATE Oregon with a passion. Can you elaborate on that? If it is true--no biggie as we are not changing their mind, but I was curious because from what I hear from some--it approaches Beaver or Husky hatred for everything green. I think you see on this board that we don't like losing to Utah, especially getting our butt-kicked twice like that, but we respect Utah and Whittingham in a big way. We also want you to keep the South from USC... Thoughts?
  9. Yes, apparently Coach Lanning told us that in an earlier interview.
  10. Here is a Ducks Digest article with some meat in it; he gives us standards to look for and measure speed. Now our defense is not one of the fastest until these players actually make the field... Lightning Quick: Oregon Brings Track Speed to the Field With One of Fastest Defenses in the Nation by Zachary Neel of Ducks Digest Khamari Terrell in the 400 Meters
  11. I understand how this is wonderful for a walk-on at BYU, but it sucks for everyone else trying to compete. Schools Brokering Name, Image and Likeness Deals Adds Layer to College Conundrum by Dan Murphy of ESPN
  12. And Coach Boles...I WILL make a new section in the Oregon Analysis Library for the Dillingham Offense and the Lanning Defense, and get them caught up cataloging as they should be. Sorry for the delay, as you have created some wonderful work that so many appreciate.
  13. Being in the top 25 is nice, but I thought both teams were going to kill-it this year, and my optimism going into their seasons was sky-high. But the men losing at home to a so-so Colorado team, and the women losing to ASU? Not what I thought would happen. But I love both coaches and support them and the teams regardless. And I'll make fun where I can...especially with the damn Huskies coming to town this week.
  14. We averaged nearly 50 points a game when Herbert was healthy that year, and even with Burmeister filling in with the losses--we averaged more points in 2017 than the average of Cristobal years. It was a combo offense of the CK/MH Spread, with a little Pistol and a lot of Taggart's Gulf Coast Offense. (Which I liked) I really wish we could learn what Dillingham means by a "Pro-Style" offense, because I love what he said about explosion plays, getting match-ups and how he wants to create problems for defenses with fast tempo. Does this mean a fast offense, but under center? Or "Pro-Style" in terms of the passing offense as you alluded to? If we can score a boatload of points snapping under center with a sophisticated passing offense, the match-ups and tempo, then I am for it. I certainly understand that to tell recruits you are running a "Pro-Style" offense to prepare them for the NFL is a great sales point. I know we won't really know until the games are played, but it is confusing considering Dillingham ran the Spread Offense in the past and the Spread really sets you up for entire-field-attack, bigger running and cutback lanes. Of course I am for any offense that scores a boatload of points!
  15. Two years of Arroyo under Mario--for the fact checkers. Scoring per game average was insufficient under Arroyo, considering we had a future NFL star at 33 points per game. Yet it dropped to 31 points per game under Moorhead...
  16. Mastro was not ever the OC; two years of Arroyo and two years of Moorhead.
  17. I actually relate to John a ton; he calls it the way he sees it, (The Bald-Faced Truth) and thus you have half agree and half disagree. Of those that disagree--a good percentage really hate you. That is reality for an Op-Ed (Opinion-Editorial) writer who has strong opinions. I cannot imagine anyone having as much hate on other sites (97 posts on 247 I would have deleted here in August in response to a Mario article) as I--for simply writing an opinion people disagreed with. That is unless it is John Canzano. He and he write strong controversial Op-Eds and thus have the public reaction. His is MUCH higher than mine, but my recent "Bring-Back-the-Brand" article generated over 65 hate posts on ScoopDuck recently. As one fellow told me..."Charles it is about 50/50 on Twitter in agreement or disagreement, (which is GOOD for an Op-Ed writer to get the discussion going) but boy...some of those who disagree really hate you!" Yep. One difference between John and I; I think John just likes to stir things up at times. I, on the other hand, NEVER write anything I don't believe in. I don't get paid for clicks; I don't get paid at all! So I write what is in my heart...
  18. So he wanted to get away from a run-obsessed, meddling, and overbearing man....to go to Cristobal. Good luck with that!
  19. He makes some good points, although I did not realize it was that bad... Canzano: Oregon Ducks Men’s Basketball Manages to Look Dangerous and Vulnerable at the Same Time by John Canzano of OregonLive
  20. Knock me over with a Duck-Feather. All I can say is....this is a great hire for Mario, and I have to assume that he made lots of promises to Gattis, and did a very convincing sales job. After what happened with Moorhead...I am very surprised. Thanks for posting...
  21. Glad to see you join us, and do post often. WELCOME!
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