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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. Boy I don't know if we can survive any more injuries as losing Figueroa would be quite a set-back. We need all hands on deck for the Arizona schools!
  2. So cool-thanks for bringing it to our attention. Justin learned how to take a hit and deliver and it paid off big-time for him this year. So proud!
  3. The fumble of Cam Newton deep in Auburn territory that was ruled as an incomplete pass was a game-changer as well.
  4. Welcome to Our Beloved Ducks Forum.. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  5. He seems like another Dennis Dixon who can throw and run with one exception; Dixon had the skinniest legs I've ever seen on a quarterback. I have forearms bigger!
  6. I see the men as a Sweet Sixteen team if everything goes well, and we achieve our potential. So I am not worried at the drop at all. The Women? The potential to be an Elite-Eight team is there if they continue to develop, and THAT is the fun to watch!
  7. Outstanding post, and I am grateful for your reported experience with the vaccine. Hence the thorny issue gets tougher...another great post for me to ponder. And this is why I wanted to bring this up--to see other ramifications I had not considered. Thanks to all for your responses--very illuminating. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BTW everyone....you can quote just one sentence or part of a sentence. Just highlight what you want to respond to and a small box comes up "Quote" and you click it. Bingo--it appears in your post. And obviously...you can do this several times. Handy and easy! Learn more in the Directions Topic at the top of the Front page.
  8. I think that if they played together as a group for a while--they could beat over half the teams in America right now! I have wondered about platooning, and having two groups play together consistently and get that chemistry needed for set plays and defensive switches, etc.? If there was ever a team that could platoon--this is it?
  9. Yes, this is going to be hard for people to write without getting political, but if any community can do it--this one can. So many questions that we all will be dealing with later in all aspects of life; is it fair or right to require a vaccination? If millions choose not to, is it fair to make the rest have to wear masks, practice social distancing and have the economic hardship restrictions in place? Can someone sue for transmission of COVID when he/she choose not to get a vaccination? (Big impact on Oregon for games, IMHO) My concern is that whatever the most stringent practice is available....UO will choose it, and tons of people will be hosed in the process. What Oregon did with photographers at the games this year was flat-out ridiculous... As a season ticket holder--I have concerns about where this is going! Ah no, this is not me...
  10. Ok, I am surprised at what I see below, and while they credit all the great offensive linemen to Mirabal....I think a certain head coach was much more influential? And Mastro must be doing this at other positions other than running back? Ken Wilson is a surprise; is it really him at the linebacker position or others in support like Mirabal that are getting the recruiting done? And I am not surprised at the No. 1 recruiter--he's good. There are 96 assistant coaches in the conference, and Oregon has four in the top ten in recruiting? Pretty impressive...
  11. It still pains me....so many bad calls in this game; the ultimate hose-job on Oregon.
  12. New positions in the athletic department that did not even exist before a decade ago are having turnover with the Ducks, and they will be missed. Usual movement, or...?? The latest is here.
  13. A very good decade for Our Beloved Ducks, and Husky fans....your win ranking is dropping like your recruiting rankings! (No. 39 on Rivals for this 2021 class? Yikes!)
  14. To me, this is a no-brainer; you must be vaccinated and have proof to enter Autzen. This way everyone is protected, we don't have to wear masks, etc. But in this Twitter thread below, many people disagreed and even stated he/she would stay home and watch if a vaccination is required. I guess the question is, "if Oregon does not require proof of vaccination, and people have not been vaccinated and subsequently get COVID while at Autzen...can they sue UO when it was their own choice to eschew the vaccine available?" This is looking to be a thorny national issue, and it is hard to discuss without bringing in politics, but we must avoid anything pertaining to the "P" word. What are your thoughts about what should be done and where this is going? Beautiful photo of Autzen BTW...
  15. A quarterback must have the same "no-memory" of interceptions that defensive backs have after being burned for a touchdown. You can still come back and win the game...
  16. It has been just about one year since the Rose Bowl win. Justin Herbert, Troy Dye and their compatriots capped off their program-building careers with a conference championship and a win in the most important game to the Pac-12. It was a high point for the back half of a decade that saw Oregon reach new heights and fall right back to ... Read the full article here...
  17. Outstanding thoughts and post; please post more often! Your last suggestion is very intriguing to me, and I appreciate your taking the time.
  18. Welcome to Our Beloved Ducks Forum.. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  19. The pleasant surprise that occurred when I began really being serious with applying the rules, and it was not just the absence of the trolls, but everything you read are now interesting points people are making. I do not have to "filter" and sort out posts as I scan through them as I do at other sites. At FishDuck and now at this forum....I can leisurely enjoy reading one post after another and not have to do any sorting. And that is actually a big deal. It makes it more effective, but it also makes the reading more enjoyable. An ancillary benefit I did not anticipate...
  20. Welcome to Our Beloved Ducks Forum.. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  21. Welcome to Our Beloved Ducks Forum.. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  22. Well, that didn't take long. The forum has been up for only two weeks and someone new to the community thought, "you have rules? We'll see about that..." He did two violations and I did not have to wait to see a third; he is blacklisted/banned from the forum. Newbies? You really better read our rules, as we are very different from any other forum as we have enforced decorum here. Now for the regulars...it is a piece of cake and we have a ball with the most civilized discussion anywhere and our deletion rate is slightly less than half of 1% of all posts/comments written. People want to be protected from the rude and obnoxious people out there as this forum is truly a GREEN REFUGE from the nastiness taking place in the real-world right now. I have sent out a couple of warning emails to those who stepped over the line, and that is routine. We all mess-up once in a while and the good people say, "sorry, my-bad" and we move on and forget about it. But if there is a pattern...I do not want my time wasted babysitting adults. This is a free site where I have spent a couple of hundred hours and a couple of thousand dollars bringing it to fruition. I am not tolerant of violations at all,....because it happens so seldom and the good people here want those with little impulse control to be kept out. Moderation Process: We do not confront anyone on the site or make public at all the editing; we do it by email for your privacy and to prevent it becoming a “buzz-kill” to the rest of posts. Most people want to know what my moderation policy is; we edit the first time as a favor and leave the rest of the post as you wrote it. The second time we delete the post because we are not everyone’s editing-maids, and if things go beyond that we have to consider blacklisting/banning, as we are here to protect everyone from inappropriate content in posts. This topic post is really just to let the newbies to FishDuck and the Our Beloved Ducks Forum know that I mean business about following our rules, and to let the regulars know that ... even though you do not see the moderating taking place--Mr. FishDuck has your back just like over at FishDuck. I have to follow the rules...how does HE get away with it? Because we may not have seen the offending post yet. Click on the three dots in the upper right of a post and you can report inappropriate content to us so we can act on it immediately. Your help is kept private, and we thank you helping us take out the trash! Punctuation? Really? Yes, we require basic sentence structure and normal punctuation on this site. Why? Because making hundreds of people read a sentence three times to figure out where it began or ended because it was a run-on stream of consciousness and had no punctuation is rude to the good people here. We are considerate of others at the Our Beloved Ducks Forum, and make it easy to read our posts! This reminder does not apply to 99% of you, but we have some new people who are not aware of the high-brow discussions that occur here and consequently this audience requires a higher bar than other forums. Be Afraid? Naw. This Oregon Sports Community is so wonderful...I've learned so much and I simply cannot believe how little moderating I've had to do over the last six months. We can have some spicy debates, yet we always stay on subject and never get personal. This group is extraordinary! So please...reply often, post topics often and go up to the directions and spend a few minutes a day learning something new. Adding tweets, pictures, videos and GIFs is super-easy on this forum and it is fun! I am still in a massive stage one process of bringing everything on-line and will be updating you on new features in the future. In the meantime--let's get this forum hopping and have a blast doing what we all enjoy because.... "Oh, how we love to ponder about Our Beloved Ducks!" Charles Fischer (Mr. FishDuck) Eugene, Oregon
  23. Welcome to Our Beloved Ducks Forum.. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  24. Welcome to Our Beloved Ducks Forum.. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

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