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Charles Fischer

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Everything posted by Charles Fischer

  1. Yeah...if the B1G cared about academics, then how would they NOT take Stanford and Cal?
  2. No surprise, and deserved. I wish him the best...
  3. Harper has played center, as has Poncho, so I have confidence that this is a game that is perfect for getting ready for next year.
  4. That is true, especially considering how much patience I have for this.
  5. This is a very interesting video in that--we have three punters on the team, as Lanning went out to solve the problem after last season. He got a grad-transfer from Austin Peay that did really well in the past, and Ross James who won the job and ended up having a stellar year. Luke Dunne is a raw freshman from Australia with high upside, and is a project who can help us later. How do you have three punters on scholarship? I do not know, but I would guess that only one is, and the others get enough NIL to pay for school and expenses? Interesting story, and the life of a student-athlete.
  6. Imagine a Beaver fan casting doubt on Oregon quarterbacks?
  7. We learn from each other all the time! Thanks Jon... BTW..."Boomer" cursed me with words in an email not allowed on this forum. He gone...
  8. And may I welcome Don Marsh, and thank him for the guest articles. Some good insight in today's article, and I learned quite a bit from it. We learn from each other on these sites!
  9. Mark Campbell was the lead recruiter who brought in the talent years back that put Oregon State in the Top-15...until Oregon hired him away. He has coached and recruited well everywhere he has been. I am driving the other day, and turn on the radio to hear what the score is. Oregon was trailing by five points with six minutes left in the third quarter to Portland State?
  10. It turns out that Boomer will not directly answer questions about his story as an Oregon fan, and he has informed me that he intends to "write whatever he wants." Not here you won't! We have to assume he is a Troll from another school, and I have prevented him from posting again.
  11. I love this community. So now my top priority is to protect this community from the Trolls and Spammers. I want new members who are nice people, and able to post their opinions only, and nothing about fellow OBD members' opinions. But we have some VERY questionable new people trying to join, and I am annoyed at the time they take of mine. Have you registered recently? If I sent you an email and you do not respond in two days--I delete your account. Either you are lazy SOB wasting my time as an Oregon fan, a Troll from another school, or a Spammer who I enjoy banning with relish. For a hobby site--this is WAY too much work. We have as much traffic as needed, thus it is an honor to be accepted into this forum, and in the presence of such fine people along with a staff dedicated to civility. Our new registration process will reflect that. Have YOU updated your profile? I would suggest doing so, as it would remove doubt for me when checking your posts. Those that give me nothing get the same amount of consideration...
  12. You know...I am not convinced that Boomer is an Oregon fan. The guy has not posted in nearly a year, and when he did before--we have to delete one of them. This might be an opposing school fan trying to raise doubt, trying to throw shade on Oregon's successes. My fellow OBD members--I apologize for not taking the time to research this further. I should have immediately when it was first posted.
  13. I would disagree about our needs from the portal. Another proven speed receiver to replace Franklin would be ideal, IMHO, along with a stud defensive lineman or two since we lost so many seniors on the D-Line.
  14. Amen Duck-Brother. To me, this is just part of the overall entertainment of watching Our Beloved Ducks, and already--we have had some thrilling news. As we know--each position is recruited four and five deep, thus for those who are not playing or have been passed on the depth chart--while it is a shame to see them leave--it is part of the new process. Dano will recruit tons at every position to find out who is best, develop the others as best as possible, and then let those transfer who wish to. Elements of it are certainly distasteful, but it is the new CFB, and I intend to extract as much joy and amusement as I can from it all. We have a very good transfer portal season coming up, and we just received the most important news at the beginning of it!
  15. To answer everyone's question....Penix was second and Bo was third.
  16. I found this article from seven years ago, where our Grizzled Ol' Coach told me at a spring scrimmage that Justin Herbert would Oregon's next First Round Draft pick. That article below was ridiculed, and people were laughing at the coach and I. Justin Hopkins of 247 Sports then, ScoopDuck now said of the article, "that is just plain silly." Greatness and Weakness Emerge Early, Baby Coach's Comments: "I know who will be the next NFL 1st Round QB... FISHDUCK.COM The Grizzled Ol’ Coach, Gageac, and FishDuck combine to offer thoughts about the players of the 2016 Oregon football team for FishDuck.com.
  17. No, he was a 3-Star, and EVERYBODY on the team knew what Marcus was as he redshirted in 2011, as Oregon had a fantastic team, and a proven starter in Darron Thomas who took us to the 'Natty the year before in 2010. But Mariota's first Spring Game in 2012? REMEMBER when he exploded? That was not development, that was GREATNESS epitomized as a raw freshman, who then led the team and MM's presence forced Darron to declare for the draft. Please do not mistake being overlooked in the recruiting rankings a decade ago as not having uber-talent to begin with as Marcus did. Ditto with Herbert. Overlooked in the recruiting process, and came in and took the job his freshman year. He was great from the beginning. I am not denying that development takes place with QBs, but often you know early-on what the deal is. We actually Johnny Manziel and Marcus here at the same time in recruiting trips, and when Manziel heard that Marcus was coming here? Johnny wasn't. Marcus Mariota | DuckSportsAuthority N.RIVALS.COM Marcus Mariota - 3 Star Dual threat quarterback for Oregon on DuckSportsAuthority
  18. No surprise, and is a great example of what a transfer can do for you. He played, but did not start at Alabama. Comes here, starts and flourishes to where he is now an NFL draft pick? I just wish he was not injured in the second half of the last game....
  19. If you did--your fault. I've told you umpteen times, that 90-95% of the verbals stick, but we lose some, and we end up flipping someone else's. No surprise as it happens every year. But this is different, as we have lost two verbals recently because better options materialized, and our coaches stopped recruiting the players. The recruits figured it out, got to save-face by de-committing, and now we have the scholarship openings. Oregon will be fine with recruiting...
  20. These are rumors and unconfirmed. But often when there is smoke...
  21. BTW...I have not been a Moore fan this year, but Dano knows best.
  22. Not confirmed, but a ton of smoke. Dante now sees the value of a year of development, (He realizes that being CFB QB is harder than he thought it would be) and wants to go somewhere to learn, and OREGON is a candidate. Rumor is...they are trying to line up an official visit for him to Eugene for next weekend. This would be QUITE the QB room at Oregon! And yes, Ty Thompson has been informed before any of this occurred, and he is considering his choices at the moment. No. 3? I wonder how Joey would feel about that...
  23. For those who do not know....Lanning does this when there is a verbal, signing, or an impending one.
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