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Posts posted by Dave23

  1. Funa still has a year left?! Seems like he's been here forever. That being said I like how he developed this year in the pass protection.


    He was a little shaky at the start of the season but by the end he was pretty locked in and made some big plays. He sets the edge extremely well in the run game but his pass rush had never been great.


    A guy that could benefit allot in the draft by staying another year and developing more coverage skills. His lack of pass rush ability could be nullified by his ability to cover TE's and the flats.


    He's never been the flashy guy but he's been solid and that pick 6 this year was awesome!

  2. Sounds like he might be one of the under the radar with huge upside this is from the 24/7 scouting report


    Scouting Report

    EVALUATED 10/21/2022

    Brandon Huffman

    Brandon Huffman



    Power-5 Starter

    Crader is a player who made a big jump from his sophomore season to his junior campaign. With a basketball background, he's got the length, feet and frame you'd like in a tackle and probably adds another 20-30 pounds in college with relative ease to fill out that frame. Crader plays left tackle and shows good flexibility, a natural knee bend, change of direction and body control. His play strength is already solid but as he continues to add more strength and muscle, shoudl be even better in college. He's good in pass protection and stout in run blocking. Crader just needs to maintain consistency in all phases of blocking and the sky is the limit.

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  3. I tend to think personnel would make a huge difference. Gonzalez is great but he has no help on the other side of the ball. Had Wright or James stayed everything would be different. Bridges would be at safety where his abilities would better suit the position and be an upgrade to our current situation.


    In the past the Ducks have always had at least one amazing safety that helped the backend put it all together. McKinney, Holland, Ugo, Breeze, Dargan, Patterson, Boyett, Pleasant, Ward, and Chung etc. I would certainly take any one of these guys over our current safeties.


    The lack of playmakers in the secondary has made the linebacker core essential to pass coverage and they just don't seem to have the instinct for it. Personally I blame constant turnover in coaching as teams like Georgia have had plenty of time to install a culture not just a scheme.



    Give it time we have some very fast LB's with coverage skills coming up thru the ranks. Not to mention some very promising CB's coming up. Still not sure who is going to step up and be the man at safety but I think Bridges could be that guy if given the chance.



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  4. If the D can go ahead and score a pick 6 and get a turnover in field goal range that would be great.  Could be the only points needed to win this game.


    The few games I've watched the Beavs O looked pretty bad and there D looked like the best in the PAC. Time to get those punters legs warmed up this game's going to be all about field position.

  5. On 11/20/2022 at 11:21 AM, Mic said:

    OSU will prove to be just as difficult, I think, to run against.

    Nix not running the ball or him being able to sling the ball with his normal velocity makes the offense one dimensional. Nix's deep balls were floaters and his short passes were very slow allowing coverage more time to converge on the ball.


    All of this combined frees up extra people at the line for run support. Seem to me there was five or six  blitzing most plays either to crash on the running back or to put pressure a non-mobile Nix. Try to do that to Nix when healthy and he will shred a defense.

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  6. I like TT he's a great kid but the pressure at Oregon seams to have gotten to him and he seems unable to perform at a high level.


    Some time a change of scenery can calm the nerves, just look at Nick's this year. Personally I would be very happy if he transferred to Montana State as that's my other college football team with a long history of transfers between the two programs.


    He's got the talent and athleticism just needs to get the nerves under control.

  7. If they wanted to catch the Utes D off guard they should have had TT throw deep. At least that would be more like a punt and if it worked out could have gone for a TD.


    The reverse doesn't work against disciplined D like Utah even if you make the pitch. With all the pressure they were bringing that little Texas route they ran earlier in the year would have been nice to see.

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