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Posts posted by Dave23

  1. On 2/23/2023 at 1:09 PM, Duck Fan 76 said:

    I'd honestly sooner believe the PAC12 network is moving to the pay-per view model.

    I think this would be for the better as they could offer streaming direct to consumer. I certainly would pay $10 a month for it. I have no idea what the subscription numbers would be like or if it would be feasible.


    If you could get 1 million subscribe that's $120 million a year plus the advertisement of $20m for a total of $140m. This also has more upside due to be able to reach a larger audience unlike the current media deal. Likewise the advertising dollars should go up as well making the now limited viewership into the entirety of the potential PAC 12 Fans. Maybe it could work?


    Currently the PAC 12 Networks only pays schools 2.5m a year on revenue of 120m with operating cost of 85m. (19-20 most current numbers I could find) The current deal for distribution rights is 96m the rest is made up of advertising and other.


    The Pac-12 Networks has all the infrastructure in place including the streaming platform and all the production, so no large capital upgrades are needed. The expenses that would go up are the cloud computing needs but luckily those are easily scalable and will directly correlate to viewership.


    Selling the marquee matchups to ESPN and going our own way on streaming may just make up the revenue gap of a less than desirable ESPN contract. The potential downside for the schools is a loss of 2.5m on the upside revenue and exposure should increase substantially over time.


    The PAC 12 Networks is not a bad idea It's the poorly negotiated media contracts that doomed them. The PAC 12 Networks could be a way for the conference to go independent of the big media for the less than desirable games and non-revenue sports that ESPN or Fox will never show. I'm in retail and the high-end products make the most money but there's not as many of them and the substantial amount of low end products pay the bills.


    Where can I sign up!

    • Great post! 1
  2. On 2/21/2023 at 5:15 PM, Babyjesus615 said:

    Pac-12 Commissioner George Kliavkoff could present a potential deal to member schools in the near future, according to a report.


    It now looks like even Amazon Prime has gotten cold, or at least lukewarm, feet in the saga of the PAC 12 media rights deal. Could a Power 5 conference truly survive by going all in on a streaming platform? 😬

    A streaming deal with Amazon maybe, streaming deal with Apple TV not even close. Amazon has 200 million subscribers worldwide Apple TV has 25 million.

  3. Guns are a hot topic and it's hard for a coach to tolerate the distraction to the team.


    Like many of these incidences involving players they should have never put them self in the situation in the first place. It's rare but it does happen where it was actually no fault of their own in which case the player should be reinstated and the team told exactly why.


    If he hadn't been a transfer I believe that coaching staff would have taken a little more time. But in this case it's nothing ventured nothing lost. Kind of like the guy that shows up late on their first day of work.

  4. Mom seemed really surprised by his announcement. Maybe he wanted to go to Oregon against his parents wishes and dropped it on them on live TV.  When the paperwork came back it open the door for him to be talked out of it.


    Just a guess, we'll know it's true if he ends up transferring to Oregon in the future.  No one wants to air family laundry in the national media.

  5. On 2/17/2023 at 4:13 PM, CalBear95 said:

    The risk of streaming is that your visibility drops significantly relative to linear, and as well know all too well, visibility/profile is a really big part of a team's value.  Why? Low visibility makes it harder to attract good recruits and coaches.

    I tend to disagree with this primis as I know almost no one under 45 years old that has a problem with streaming. Do the Ducks even have a coach over 45 years old? Recruits on the East Coast will actually have an easier time catching a PAC 12 game on Amazon as they will not be starting the game at 11pm. 


    I know a lot of people are scared of streaming because thursday night NFL viewership was down. The NFL network wasn't exactly crushing it the first year they broadcasted as it was the first NFL games not on a locally broadcasted station. You had to have a good sports package and cable, the only place I could watch was at a bar.


    Recruits will definitely not be a problem a majority of them probably already have Amazon Prime and know how to use it. The stats on households that have Prime are a little all over but it from as low as 62% to as high as 85%. I betting parents in there 40's with teenagers definitely have Prime.


    Viewership will lag for a year or two but then it will fast surpass cable. According to Statistica only 46% of people under 49 get tv via traditional means, that rate gets lower the younger the viewer.


    I know a lot of people don't want to stream games but if it's the only option and your teams playing you'll figure it out.

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  6. On 2/14/2023 at 10:59 PM, 2002duck said:

    I hope Oregon goes to the B1G tomorrow. I don't want any Duck games to be stream-only. 

    If the B1G wants Oregon but due to the relatively small media market they may not want them.


    I'm having a hard time finding out exactly the size of the Ducks media market. A Reddit post, which I don't entirely trust, has the ducks at 126, meanwhile they were the 7th most watched team in the nation last year. 


    Oregon is set to make less money than all of the SEC, B1G, Big 12, and Notre Dame. That's almost 40 teams ahead of them when they are the 7th most watched team in the nation. How do they get paid in accordance with their viewership? 


    Would CBS, ESPN,  or NBC want to broadcast Oregon games that average 2.2 million viewers last year? I would think so. What they don't want is to have to air ASU games that average 314k last year.


    I've read a few articles on media markets versus viewership and old school broadcasters like Fox still use media market numbers hence them going after USC and UCLA.



  7. Glad to see Lanning put his foot down and do it fast,  there's just no excuse to be in that position in the first place. Everyone deserves their day in court but just because you're not found guilty doesn't mean you didn't exhibited extremely poor judgment.

  8. On 2/14/2023 at 6:18 PM, 2002duck said:

    Yes. Why would they schedule the Ducks?

    For the viewership which = money.


    There's also tradition and if you read my original post this is based off the premised the pac-12 collapses due to poor media contract. So Washington will only continue to play Oregon if they follow them to whatever conference the Puppies prefer.


    I'm not saying I want them to leave the PAC I hope the conference lives on forever. But if it comes down to the Big 12 or B1G I think the Duck would have a good chance of making it as an independent.

  9. On 2/13/2023 at 10:42 AM, Charles Fischer said:

    I am not in favor of going independent, as scheduling would be difficult.

    Why do teams schedule Notre Dame?


    Do you think Washington would stop scheduling the Ducks or Oregon State? Those games are guaranteed high viewership every year, even in down years. For that matter Oregon had the best viewership of any PAC 12 team. Do teams not want to schedule games with high viewship? 


    I just don't think spite will overpower the almighty dollar. 

  10. On 2/12/2023 at 2:08 AM, 2002duck said:

    Notre Dame home games are cold Midwestern games in late October, November, and December. Notre Dame is basically a Big 10 team. 


    I'd like Oregon to go independent in a best case scenario, but what if nobody wants to play us? Schedules are already made for many years out.

    The key is that it's there home field and they practice in the cold and live in the cold.


    The fear that no one would schedule Oregon is overblown. Oregon has over 5 million fans when you play them your viewership goes through the roof. Why does anyone's schedule Notre Dame? 


    Oregon's Brand is the biggest of any team not in the SEC, B1G or Notre Dame and is 7th biggest in college football. Media market is in my opinion going to count for very little soon, UCLA is losing so much money on sports but is in the second biggest market in the nation. How dose Fox make money on UCLA games when only a few thousand people are even willing to show up to the game.


    The metric that will come to the for front will be viewership. Advertising on the Internet is all based on clicks and views not potential market size. This is why going the Internet route might be best for Oregon as they have 5.5 million fans but the networks only want to pay then for the greater Portland media market of a little over a million.


    Most teams could not get away with going independent but if anyone could of Oregon.

  11. On 2/11/2023 at 2:10 PM, Haywarduck said:

    It would take a big donor to buy a large jet custom built to transport football players, team. I know when I fly first class it is a different flight, and impact than when I fly cattle car class.


    Can you imagine Oregon going it alone, and flying into locals with the Big Duck Jet? We blow away the rest with our facilities, how about our jet? 


    The amount of money in college sports it just might pencil out. Talk about a recruiting advantage, tour the university, the facilities, and the Duck Jet!

    I like it it's all about the bling nowadays. And just think if we're like Notre Dame we may only use that jet four times a year. The more I look at Notre Dame the more I don't understand how they're not more successful.

  12. On 2/11/2023 at 2:00 PM, Jon Joseph said:

    What would the incentive be for the remaining conference members to allow Oregon to do so?


    In fact I would expect many of the remaining conference schools would refuse to schedule and independent Duck football team and other sports? 


    I like the thought you have as part and parcel of 'everything' being on the table but I just do not believe being independent in CFB would work for Oregon. 

    The whole premise of my thought was if The pac-12 media contract is so poor that teams defect to The Big 12 leaving Oregon in the position to have to join a different conference to remain relevant. Kind of a mute point on whether Oregon could schedule games with ex pack 12 members. 


    I don't believe Oregon has a very good chance of winning the Big 10 conference and getting an automatic bid to the playoffs as they would have Ohio State, Michigan, USC, and Penn State to get by every year. 

  13. On 2/11/2023 at 1:44 PM, noDucknewby said:

    Can you cite your numbers?  

    I would prefer that the PAC stayed together but if the media contract comes in under the Big 12 there will be defectors making this a real scenario.


    This is where I got my numbers from, note this is fan size not media market. I use fan sizes as the metric as Notre Dame's media market is quite small as well.


    https://www.thesportscol.com/2022/07/size-matters-in-college-football-size-of-fan-base-that-is/#:~:text=Only two sustaining schools (members,bit over 1 million fans).

  14. On 2/11/2023 at 12:57 PM, Jon Joseph said:

    Well worth the thought Dave but it doesn't pencil out. Oregon even with a very strong brand will not get the CFB playoff love shown to ND. It will not have a playoff vote and under the format for the 2024/25 seasons would not have a chance at a conference championship and a 1st round bye. 


    Also, I do not think the Ducks for its other sports could find a deal like Notre Dame has with the ACC. All sports other than football and hockey (B1G member for hockey) compete in the ACC and the football team is guaranteed 4 to 6 ACC games a year which makes CFB scheduling far easier. And Notre Dame football is covered exclusively by NBC for broadcast purposes but is also covered by the ESPN-owned ACC Network.

    If Oregon goes undefeated or loses one game they're in the playoffs. As far as basketball is concerned can't they like Notre Dame just stay in the PAC 12 I believe there's other schools that are in one conference in football and a different conference in basketball. Organs basketball program is also pretty strong.

  15. On 2/11/2023 at 1:33 PM, noDucknewby said:

    BYU decided the B12 was better than being an independent and they have at least as much national following as the Ducks. We need a conference to stay relevant IMHO, we have a hard enough time scheduling non-conference games as it is.

    It's not even close the duck come in at 5.5 million fans BYU just under 1 million. We have no problem scheduling the big boys Georgia, Auburn, LSU, Ohio State ect. This is greatly to our detriment in most years making it hard to go undefeated which the playoff committee likes more than anything.

  16. On 2/11/2023 at 11:55 AM, Washington Waddler said:

    Oregon would most likely end-up doing as an independent the same thing USC and UCLA will be doing as members of the B1G

    Maybe I should rephrase and say can Oregon avoid playing in the Midwest in November and December giving the home team an even bigger advantage.


    ND only played four away games during the regular season in 22 and only 2 during November and December 1 at Syracuse and 1 USC. They regularly get teams with large media markets to play them at home. I would rather take on 1 cold weather game against a cupcake then take on 4 cold weather games against B1G opponent.

  17. I know it's been discussed here before but as more details have come in should Oregon become an independent?


    To start off I'm a big fan of the PAC 12 and would love to see it stay together and prosper. That being said if poor media deals or if teams moving to the Big 12 would Oregon be better off going their own way?


    Oregon's brand is huge and according to recent studies it has the seventh largest fan base in college football. Notre Dame has successfully been independent and has built the second largest fan base  while maintaining the power to make their own schedule and media deals.


    If the Duck could retain a lot of their rivalry games with Washington, Oregon State, Stanford plus add some of the other big programs to the mix such as Texas, Oklahoma, or one of the traitor LA schools. Could they still bring in $50 million media deal and not joint the Big 10 thus eliminating flying halfway across the country every other weekend.


    I feel like I would prefer this over joining the Big, 10 but would it work?

    • Thumbs Up 1
  18. Things are looking up! It was great to see the team work against USC. I think as this team starts pounding the ball inside, to one of the three 7 footers, they are going to be more consistent.


    Early in the year they relied too much on perimeter play and three-point shots without moving the ball. The guards are getting more open three-point looks and clear driving lanes due to defenses having to collapse on the bigs. This is how basketball should be played, not individual flash and dance.


    It's February for ducks basketball, pretty much every year the team starts to look really good. If they have a nice run to end the season with a good showing in the PAC tournament they should be in the big dance.

  19. On 2/7/2023 at 7:25 PM, Charles Fischer said:

    I really think the FIVE Million Oregon fans globally that cannot get the Pac-12 channel currently will ultimately make streaming games profitable for the Pac-12 and Oregon.

    Add in all the other PAC 12 fans and you have  10s of millions of underserved fans. To bad the LA schools left before the PAC figured out that it wise to tap into your full potential viewership. know they tried but follow thru by Larry was horrible.


    Long live the PAC!

  20. On 2/7/2023 at 6:14 PM, Jon Joseph said:

    Pac Network on Dish.

    Yes you can get it on Dish anywhere but not on cable, who I also get my internet from. That's an extra $100 a month minimum, I could get sling or fubu for $70 or I could watch it on Prime which I already have and cost $11.59 a month. 


    So far Amazon has not charged extra for sports, but that will probably change. What I don't want to pay for is the 240 channels I will never watch.

  21. I think a short-term answer would be to license the PAC 12 Networks to Amazon and give the rest to ESPN.


    Ideally the à la carte option would be awesome. Oregon could retaining the licensing rights providing local markets with liver tv on ABC, NBC, or CBS and stream to the rest of the world. Production would be the difficult part, maybe the PAC 12 Network could turn into subcontractors and provide camera crews and announcers.


    This would let the schools reap the maximum benefits for their brands and cut out the middle man.

  22. On 2/7/2023 at 2:48 PM, Mudslide said:

    Currently, cable is the only platform that will produce excellent broadcast results.

    The main problem is if you don't live on the west coast you can't get the PAC 12 Network on cable.


    High speed internet, capable of streaming 3 programs at once, is a fact of life for most people now days. I couldn't get by without it between my business and my kids I'm paying for it one way or another.


    What I don't pay for is the $100+ a month for cable. All my subscription and cable internet are still under $100.


    I live in a town with less that 1k of people and there's at least 7 Ducks fans that would love to watch the PAC but currently can't. Opening up viewership to the millions of alum that no longer live on the west coast will makeup for the few disgruntled west coasters that don't want to sign up for Amazon Prime. 

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