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Log Haulin

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Everything posted by Log Haulin

  1. Hawaii and TT seemed to load the box a bit. That seemed to confuse the interior. Some of the outside runs looked like should have gone inside tackle. The stunt just missed assignments. I haven't watched game replay but one play in particular stands out. Late second Q. Play was just inside tackle and got plugged. Back had to bounce outside for positive yardage. O line has some talent. Gotta get assignments right and should break off some big runs in the middle.
  2. My concerns about this 23' team is in regards to the O line. It was the main question most had coming into the season outside of the Defense. What is missing from last year is the wide open holes and cutback lanes. They are almost nonexistent where last year they were common. None of us expected this unit to perform at the level of last years O line. But this years unit is really struggling on run blocking. If you watch them, quite often they seem lost on who to block. Many times v. Hawaii the guy pulling would not find a target to block. Would be behind the play and the back would get tackled short. 2-3 yard gains at times when it might have been 8-12. Bucky is really struggling to get down hill. Struggling to find a seam and squirt out the back side. Part of this is on Irving. Watch him and you will probably agree. Pass blocking they are performing at a pretty high level. Definitely room for improvements but for the most part Nix has plenty of time or plenty of room to move outside the pocket. This is a new unit. They will perform better as time goes on. Hawaii gave them some problems in the run game despite 200+ yards on the ground. But playing Hawaii is part of the "gel" process. A'lique Terry is pretty young. His inexperience could have something to do with it. Hope he gets it figured out soon because the O line in the run game looks lost on what their assignment is. Oregon will need to be better next week. Probably be able to get away with it v. Buffs and Furd When Husky week arives, they better have it compleatly fixed or it's going to be a long day in Seattle.
  3. Also, the secondary was locating the ball much better. Getting their head turned to locate and defend the pass. Much better than last week. Clearly they worked on this over the week. Much better
  4. This was a good debate until you put words in my mouth and brought up the race card. Which has nothing to do with it. By doing that, you killed the conversation. I get it, it's an easy out. You had plenty to make your case, but it is what it is.
  5. Buffs have 94 total yards at the half. Thought this team was supposed to be good.
  6. Hope TT gets in next series. Stays with the one till halftime
  7. D is not giving up anything. Hawaii is 0-5 on 3rd down
  8. 6 sacks for UCF. Agree about Bama staff. Thats not a Sabin staff.
  9. Bama knotted at 3 early 3rd v. South Florida. Texas win might not be that impressive.
  10. Buffs haven't played a conference game yet. Gunna have to set the brakes on that one for a sec I have given Deon his due. Stated plainly what I think of his talents in another thread. It's clear you are a fan. I get it, a lot of people are. Dude is super polarizing. He was one of a few players that sewered me on NFL. The arrogance that showed up in the league around 2k was a huge turn off for me. It's no secret I don't like the guy. His accomplishment are impressive though. And thats the bottom line. All about the Benjamins. And thats why he is here for awhile. Every media outlet out there will pump this untill the last dime. Many of the same people overjoyed about the cash generated also groaned over the cash controling realignment. The play Deon is getting on OBDF alone is crazy. Doesn't make sense the love the guy gets after beating 2 weak teams. But he will get one more then 2 straight losses. That should quiet the noise till next year
  11. Noles almost got beat by BC. Had 457 yards hung on them. Hope FSU fan isn't like Duck fan. Everyone would get fired. Georgia down at half? Wow...
  12. While everyone is tripping over their tongues with Buffs (sorry USuC, your love fest is over), i think the Beavs are the Dark horse to win the conf. O line, Defense and a very good quarteback. I got the picked to beat USuC in LA. Thats a good football team in Corvallis
  13. I said as much in another post. The problem is... this isn't pro wrestling. This is college football. The use of kayfabe and "your mama" jokes has no place here. Sanders is bad for college football as a whole. The bill will come due and Sanders will dine and dash. College football is changed forever due to NIL and realignment. Now we have the clown show that is Colorado. Again... be careful what you celebrate. The cost of admission could end up being more than you are willing to pay.
  14. Ducks 65-10 4 6 405 Also think Ducks hit 250 rush yards
  15. Perhaps they are stressed... Or maybe the Ducks front is going to have the coaches kid running for his life. Sanders it going to get picked 3 times. By Buffs game, Matayo will be starting. Dudes been in the backfield a ton. Hasn't gotten home bit its just a matter of time. 6 tackles, 1 solo and had a sack called back on a hold. Matayo is going to be a nightmare for opposing offenses. Oregon is what, 6-7 deep on D line? Thats fresh legs late. They are going to wear teams down. Should be panick throws all day.
  16. Buffs aren't rising through merit. This is money motivated plain and sinple. Beating a very bad Neb and a weak TCU does not justify a top 25 ranking. WSU beat Colorado state 50-24 and beat Wisky 31-21. WSU is a better team imo. We will find out tomorrow when Buffs play CSU. Can we just skip Hawaii and go slap Colorado around instead. Don't know how much more of this I can handle.
  17. Deon Sanders has used his fast talking mouth to try and motivate his team. I get it, thats Deon. It's what he has always done.But Deon isn't going to play a single snap. What Sanders doesn't realize is that he has put a huge target on his team. Every team that goes up against CU is going ro have a little more motivation to pound them into the dirt. Sanders will keep jawing. He can't help himself. Many will continue to buy into the hype. The major networks will make sure of it. It's a huge money maker for them. True colors will soon be revealed. I hope his players are mature enough to handle the adversity that is sure to come. Sanders has encouraged his team to fight at least once. We all saw the video. Careful of what you celebrate today. Tomorrow could show a much different truth. I hope I am wrong, but this doesn't look like it's going to end well for college football.
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