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Log Haulin

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Everything posted by Log Haulin

  1. Could mean that Verdell an Dye are committed to another year. Just speculating though.
  2. I think it was more of ESPN highlighting the master v apprentice approach. They talked a lot about Sabin and Smart on the same sideline for all those years. It's the narrative they wanted. SEC teacher and student going head to head. Lanning is now an outsider with him going to the Pac. ESPN knows the Lanning story is huge but would promote outside of The SEC if told at length. Can't have any of that. Can't have the elite prep intersted in the Ducks and jumping out of SEC. I could be wrong though.
  3. Forcing a Bama offense to 3 fg in 30 minutes is a pretty big accomplishment.
  4. Looked like some of that bend don't break on that first drive. With a soft secondary.
  5. I have said a few times that I don't think Riley is going to be the fix-all at $C. I believe Lincoln Riley given undeserved status. The Sooner team he inherited became progressively worse through his 4 years there. Maybe other think the same.
  6. Georgia historically is a 2 to 4 loss team year in and year out. They went undefeated 4 times in their 100+ year history winning 2 NC's. The last one in 1980, 40+ years ago. Georgia isn't exactly a storied powerhouse in college football. They have been a very competitive team throughout their history though. I wouldn't consider them a true blue blood but they are on the cusp for sure. I will root for a UGA over a Bama, tOSU, U$C team every time. Lanning coaches the GA defense so more so this year. SEC or not, Lanning or not, I hope they humiliate Bama.
  7. The Pac used to be the conference of QBs. If AB is at the top what does that say about the health of Pac 12. At Oregon alone in the last 2 decades there has been Joey Harrington, Darron Thomas (great college QB), Mariota (Heisman), Vernon Adams (my favorite) and JH. Sad how far the Pac has fallen.
  8. With the injuries this season...
  9. Probably the hire I am most excited about. Aside from Lanning of course. So important to get this one right.
  10. I bought a guitar. I have never played but I will be moving to a new off season schedule of learning how to play sick blues licks. Testing the old dog new tricks theory. Will still be on OBDF to gain knowledge and give my takes though.
  11. So what you are saying is... Oregon wasn't a stepping stone for coaches! Quite the opposite. Turns out, coaches are a stepping stone for Oregon. Who woulda thunk?
  12. The "EXPERT'S" are falling all over themselves to see who can slobber all over Riley and U$C the most. Why even play out the conference games. Just put U$C in the CFP and call it a day. I am not convinced that USC is going to climb to the top of the conference. OU declined with Riley driving the wagon. Both in field performance and recruitment. Maybe he bailed before the rest of us discovered the truth. Mario to a lesser degree. SC has bigger issues than just coaching changes can fix. The is a lot more distractions in LA than in Norman for one. I do hope they return to their former selves with an exception. It will be great joy watching Oregon dismantle USC in the Pac championship game every year.
  13. These kids want to win, chase girls and get to the league. If Lanning becomes what we all hope he becomes, the best of the best will flock to Eugene regardless of where they are from.
  14. There are 77 underclassmen on this team. There are only 12 scholarships available. They could give these scholarships to the cheer team, as long as these guys can coach better than the last staff, Ducks will be much more competitive than last year. Will come down to QB play imo.
  15. Not often I see goatee's any more. Man scaping at it's fin... scratch that. I like the slogan though.
  16. A good buddy of my brother designed and built the scanners. Guess its been in the works for about 4 years. He said its been a slow process that was also hampered by cv19. I told my brother to send him a huge thanks. This could be a game changer for the future of this great game.
  17. Mario barely kept me awake with a noon start time. Other than tOSU and UU games, I can barely pull recall on the rest of the season.
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