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  1. Lanning understands that the QB position will be a key for the Duck’s success, so it makes sense for him to bring a known winner like Nix into the flock. I have mixed feelings about Nix though, as I suffered through his clutch play for Auburn in a winning drive in the 2019 season opener against the Ducks in his freshman debut. While he’s no Vernon Adams, Nix is a gamer that doesn’t wilt under pressure. He will be a great competitor and leader in the QB room.
  2. As my basketball coaching experience was limited to elementary school kids and adult recreational leagues, I am not comfortable criticizing Altman’s offensive play calling. That said, I would not expect Richardson to get off a critical game ending shot unless he had proved himself during his four years. Did I miss all his clutch shots?
  3. Altman’s game requires a certain type of player that has exceptional reach, footwork and toughness on D, and a quick first step or lights out three point shooting on O. Are there any NBA caliber players on this roster of 4* and 5* star players?
  4. No sun and barely clad girls? Or Chip didn’t deliver on promises?
  5. They didn’t help any, but Duck turnovers and questionable shot selection shot down our Ducks.
  6. Bad no shot for the tie at the end.
  7. The ball was out of reach, but no matter?
  8. Cramps taking our shooters out at the end? Sad.
  9. I have mixed feelings, but can’t fault Coda for choosing first year UCLA coach Chip over transitioning-from-slick Mario. Those were confusing times.
  10. In theory, or with a cupcake opponent for a first game, this strategy could work. With Georgia as the season opener, the best performing QB at the end of Fall camp has to start.
  11. Since you mentioned it, can you please share body language analysis of Mario’s signals?
  12. I suspect the leverage that a highly recruited player will have on accommodations for family members will be strong. Schools may benefit from a booster controlled non-profit foundation to supplement scholarships and living expenses.
  13. Not sure of the accuracy, but here is a site that tracks roster. See the scholarship summary
  14. All 85 scholarships are awarded. A player would have to be dropped or portal out to open a spot. There are medical retirement options as well.
  15. I have not followed Connelly but Bartoo has been interesting over the years. Bartoo grades coaches on a star system and seems very high on Miami for 2022. A playoff winner or national champion has had a top 25 offense and defense in the prior year for a couple decades. Ducks need to step up in both categories in 2022 for a shot at the playoffs in 2023. Also, three of the four playoff teams were top 10 in fewest offensive plays. Alabama is consistently among the lowest offensive snaps per game.
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