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Everything posted by duckncover

  1. As the remaining Pac 4 schools move ahead I hope for their sake there will be NO interest in reviving the current Pac12 administration or management. The consistent failure over many years has run it's course. Hospice patients shouldn't plan a class reunion.
  2. Aren't peonies usually preferred for funerals?
  3. Football is supposed to be fun. That has been my mantra since the Belotti days. It should be fun to watch, and a blast to play. Without fun it may as well be 2 old guys playing checkers. The fun factor is all that will redeem any sport from the distractions and complications that could ruin college athletics. When the fun dies, the support dies too.
  4. This is the time of year when Duck fever can subside into a brain fog waiting for any hints of progress on the football front. I'm not an avid fan of men's BB because I see it as the minor league for the NBA. Fortunately we have the Duck women to keep the fire going. Our WBB and softball teams are historically exceptional and nearly always fun to watch, er, listen to when possible. So far, the game(s) remain true sport without the influence of big bucks and stardom clouding how the game is played. We have some incredible coaches and staff, state of the art facilities, and very talented young ladies who simply love the game and play for each other. For me they are a bright spot through a bleak winter.
  5. As jubilant as we may all feel about our future prospects, our long awaited return to fun football, and the misty anticipation for future trophies, I don't see anything in this newfound bliss to make me overlook the elephant in the room. I watched all the new coaches being interviewed on Joey Mac's show the other day. I am impressed with each of them and share your enthusiasm. BUT! As is common among all college level coaches and staff, the turn over is incredible. We're talking about 30 year old men who have had 5,6,7 jobs since college. It's musical chairs in most cases. Time will tell if Mr. Lanning can master the carousel ala Saban and make what looks like a promising season into the dynasty we all long to see.
  6. One of the standout characteristics of a gentleman is grace. How many times did we see Royce Freeman and others score a most impressive touchdown, point to the sky and hand the ref the ball and celebrate with his team mates with class? Those moments are the real highlights.
  7. I remember when football was fun. I mean fun for the players, the coaches, the fans. It was even fun when the drunks behind me spilled their beer on me. I just want football to be fun again without all the angst and disappointment. Turn up the fun dial! The score will take care of itself and the players will love the game again.
  8. I lived in Jacksonville FL during the Tebow/Meyer years. I watched nearly every game. Urban eventually revealed he had the character of a pimp who had a couple of cute girls in the stable. I believe that is all the players are to him. As soon as he got a sniff of the Ohio State job he developed "health issues" and bolted. He rode the team at OSU until the pro's came sniffing around. His arrogant "I'm the boss" shtick isn't fairing so well in the pros. I don't wish him ill will. I do wish him farewell.
  9. Fill the sleeves became fill the walking boot. Let's hope for more science and less Rambo.
  10. Kelly Graves has consistently given duck fans something to rave about. His tenure has given us some outstanding results, and remarkable memories. This year will not be an exception. Our ladies have changed the way the game is played, and helped make Pac12 WBB relevant to the whole country. I would love to make these same remarks about our football program one day soon. When the play at Autzen disappoints, Mac court still rocks.
  11. As long as elite athletes are sitting on the bench watching, and collecting red shirts there can't be much progress. Finding transfers to fill the most important holes while 4's and 5's sit on the bench will eventually influence the future 4's and 5's we want. There is no trophy for having the best bench in the world. Let's hope some direction happens soon.
  12. I've always thought a well placed bye week in the schedule could be a turning point in a season. A chance to heal and work on weaknesses. Fix some mistakes and get some prep time for up coming games and salvage what's left of the season. For the first time, I am now also grateful for the break as a fan. I want the bad taste from that last game to be long gone before I can cheerfully throw another "O". There's a lot to be happy about when it comes to our beloved Ducks and there are tons of outstanding memories. Whenever I need cheering up I just need to remember Jameis Winston falling on his ass in the Rose Bowl. I'm not jumping off the bandwagon, but I don't feel like pulling it either. Life is full of disappointments. I don't like any of them.
  13. There has been a lot of coach speak about fundamentals, competition, physical dominance, elite talent levels, family culture always pointing to the amazing potential of this Ducks team. As of today, it is just talk. Smoke and mirrors. When all the ingredients are in place and the cake falls in the oven, don't blame the oven. Under Helfrich and then Taggart I used to say the team was a Ferrari. It was up on blocks in the coaches garage waiting for a new set of spark plugs. That seems to still be the case.
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