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Everything posted by shawnski

  1. Disagree I see OFFENSIVE PI, not the other way around. Besides, wasn't the actual call holding? Which is total BS
  2. He had more passing highlights in one game (any of them) than AB did all season. Yes, what could have been. Should be a fun season. Boy that would be a switch
  3. They'll play the Kansas City Jayhawks for the men's pickle ball championship! Woof woof
  4. So it is written, so it shall be. I also love Spring football. I love the NFL draft. I loved when practices were open to the public and I'd catch at least one in the Spring and one in the fall. Amazing insight to the team. Here's hoping they return Here's hoping the team-fan connection is restored. Go Ducks Huck the Fuskies
  5. Maybe go with the O for road games And Wings for home games? Some kind of continuity would be sweet (sent from my rocking chair)
  6. Made for TV - yes. Will anyone see it on the Pac12 network - No
  7. I'm going with 2012. Marcus's first year as a starter. Led college football in TOs I believe. Was an incredibly (and par for the course) bad Pac12 call away from being undefeated and winning it all. Can't catch a pass laying out of bounds unless you're from Stanfurd!
  8. Unfortunately I think they're playing to tank this year and get a high draft pick. The QB class next year is good. Poop
  9. Well, it could be worse. You could be an insufferable Buckeye fan whining about winning the Big10, a playoff game victory, but a National Championship loss to a historic Bama team? Or you could be a Fuskie? Can't all be winners. Bama lost twice this year. I'm good Go Ducks
  10. I've tried to block them out honestly. Denial is not just some river in Egypt. However, my list would almost certainly include some involvement of Mark Helfritch. Yuck
  11. I see a gig on the Johnny Carson show wearing a funny hat in your future
  12. Hahahahahahhaha!!!! Huck the Fuskies Moving on to field hockey season and pickle ball!
  13. Anyone rockin the 99 is instantly dubbed "Wayne Gretzky" by yours truly
  14. Who wouldn't want to play more basketball? If not, transfer to OSU, you only have to play the bare minimum there
  15. Disappeared or got blocked? Other players are good too. Also, dropping into coverage doesn't really help the pass rush.
  16. I think he's just young, inexperienced, and immature. Unfortunately, his generation has to act like they have and answer for everything and the explanation comes out as word-salad instead of profound. I've never perceived him as having a lack of effort. I think he needs waaayyy more experience and needs to expand his game to more than just a speed rush.
  17. Watched the high-light of "The Pick" while stuck in some NCO club on Guantanamo Bay, NOT invading Haiti. Later attended the ASU game that year, and ETSed that fall. Enrolled Winter term 1996, the rest is history. Go Ducks! Huck the Fuskies
  18. The only way this benefits Oregon is: 1) Pac12 moves to an 8 game conference schedule 2) The conference dumps all of these stupid night games If not, USC will dominate the noise, and if they actually win (I'm skeptical), it will push Oregon aside
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