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Everything posted by shawnski

  1. Also, don't forget the abysmal play calling after the opening drive. Mariota needed to be a difference maker. He wasn't
  2. Pretty good Imagine if they had a defense?
  3. It's really hard for me to argue against the players. I always thought the old transfer rules were punative and unfair. Also, the old work limitations were probably illegal. But man, this free-for-all is going to kill college football. I already feel it's at a cross roads anyway.... I have no answers
  4. He's correct on the covid thing. It just KILLED them, in preparation, experience, really anything that gets better with playing got stomped on. (But the colleges did little to push back) Hes absolutely wrong on the youth development thing. See if you can guess what state the QBs from Alabama, Ohio State, Ole Miss, Georgia backup are from? All-American WR Olave from OSU is from California. All-American TE from Georgia is from NAPA! They're all just fleeing the Pac. Why? The Pac12 is bad football right now. What is he doing to fix it other than providing excuses?
  5. How about that QB play from both teams!! Pretty exciting to watch huh?
  6. Good thoughts. My ONLY requirements to keep the Pac from sliding off the cliff is: 1) status quo is NOT an option 2) Actions not words. Scott was full of hot air, and the only thing that benefitted was his wallet 3) We'll play Missouri - show me
  7. Our Special Teams have nowhere to go but up! I'll admit that the improvements in kicking and punting this year have been a pleasant surprise
  8. Love him Bud Grant and Travis Dye Two men after my own heart
  9. I agree with the article All gas and no brakes. Moving on. The folks who left have left; take the good, leave the bad. Feel how you want, I sure do. After 2006 I hoped I'd NEVER see Dennis Dixon at QB again! Boy, that was dumb. Maybe folks are just mad at being left? How they left is irrelevant, they left you! All have left some positives, even if that positive ended up being their absence. Since Pete Carrol, NO PAC12 team has won a Championship, NOBODY! The whole conference has struggled. We've had it pretty good. Personal attacks have no place here, save that for the Fuskies. Keep looking for great.
  10. Got it Beating on young kids just seems wrong but he's a Fuskie so it makes sense
  11. Makes sense. The PAC12 likely won't exist in a few years
  12. Kind of a dick article. "Here's these guys who quit on us. But they sucked anyway." Geez
  13. Respectfully disagree The world has changed and it ain't going back. They canceled the entire season last year without a thought and no one batted an eye. Those Carrol Trojan teams were a once in a lifetime thing and aren't coming back. Wouldn't surprise me if schools like Cal and or Stanford actually eliminate football in the next 5 to 10 years.
  14. This one thousand times over. People in the west just don't care about college football like elsewhere. It's not close. Look at the difference of ANY PAC12 game compared to some soccer game in Portland?
  15. Special teams were especially crappy this year. Youth and I experience can account for some problems on cover, but sheesh
  16. Can we get an over-under on the average AGE of the new coaching staff? Maybe 42? Gotta get an old guy in there for some diversity The energy should be off the charts
  17. If you were a QB or RB why would you come to Oregon? They refuse to play them at all. Unless they're all injured? Come on its a stupid bowl game.
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